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Rebel Scum

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:11 pm
by Rusty
For discussion and lamentation of the Rebel Scum game, currently being played on skype.

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:12 pm
by Rusty
Intro Text:

It is a dark time in the galactic empire. The rebellion, after their victory over the death star at Yavin IV, have been pursued ferociously by the imperial fleet. Their small outpost on Hoth has served as a rally point for rebel operatives, in the hopes that it should provide a safe haven and a stronghold against the empire. Alas, this was not to be. After a probe droid discovered their operations just as they were becoming established, the fleet converged on them and brought the full fury of the imperial navy and ground forces to bear, quashing the attempt of the rebellion to form a safe haven in a matter of hours.
After the search for and recovery of Commander Skywalker, an unlikely group of rebel operatives met for the first time who would, unbeknownst to them at the time, play a major role in the future of the rebellion. This is their story…

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:29 pm
by Rusty
The Battle of Hoth:

Our heroes met at the briefing over the incoming Imperial invasion, and were, soon after the ground forces arrived, assigned to intercept and halt an attempt to outflank the rebel lines. They were successful in this, bringing down one of the AT-STs and half a dozen or so Snowtroopers, which was enough to cause the remaining AT-STs to regroup with the main forces.

By the time they returned to Echo Base, our heroes prepared to receive Princess Leia aboard the Rolling Thunder, a medium transport. Alas, Imperial bombardment of the base collapsed some key tunnels, and Leia was unable to get to her transport, so Captain Solo took her aboard the Millenium Falcon, and our heroes turned their attention to the wounded crew of the Thunder, as the ship was the last transport to leave Hoth, and had been used as a casualty collection point during the engagement.

With the Ion Cannon disable, power having been knocked out, the Rolling Thunder, escorted by two x-wing fighters, was highly exposed as it broke from the planet. A group of tie-fighters intercepted it and heavily damaged it, but were dispatched by the able pilots. With the bulk of the imperial fleet pursuing the Falcon into an asteroid belt, the Thunder was free to make its escape. Alas, this cursed ship had suffered a crew hit to the command deck, and all the officers piloting it, and the droid containing the coordinates for the rendevous point, were killed.

Left with only the coordinates for the Sullust system, which were contained on a datapad on the captain's person, our heroes headed there, noting that the captain had a contact somewhere in Sullust known only as "dark light."

Escape to Sullust:

The cursed voyage of the Rolling Thunder was further complicated when the hyperdrive came to pieces only minutes from Sullust. As the ship dropped out hyperspace prematurely, its engines, shields, and power were all failing. A flight of Tie Interceptors sighted the Thunder, but hurried away abruptly. The Imperial Star Destroyer "Esprit d'Corps" came upon them shortly therafter, and gave them a suprisingly warm welcome, taking their wounded aboard and starting hasty repairs on their ship. After an uneasy and unexpectedly pleasant stay aboard the destroyer, our heroes and their thirty or so wounded comrades were deposited upon Sullust, in the city of Serif Ur, while the ships engineers work on the Thunder to try to get her spaceworthy again.

Our heroes find the city of Serif Ur to be somewhat tense, as the Imperial Garrison demonstrates hostility towards the crewmen of the Esprit, and perhaps everything is not as it seems.

Settling into a run down but out of the way domicile in Warren Sector 5-1-5, our wayward heroes begin to feel out the city for its underground elements, looking for allies in this troubled system. For they must watch out for the hostile garrison, the cruel governance of the SoroSuub corporation, and perhaps also for the Sullustan Resistance, who are no friend to the Alliance.

The bounty hunter and the pilot managed to determine the location of a dark corner of the city, an unnamed cantina known for harboring fugitives, bounty hunters, criminals, and rebels of various kinds. Perhaps they can find a friend here, but they will have an easier time finding trouble.

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:24 am
by rydi
So, next time is voice chat, and we will begin at... 9pm Wednesday, and go through 1am? Sound Doable?

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 1:59 pm
by Rusty
Last time on Rebel Scum:

Our heroes meet several shady characters at the unnamed cantina, including a known bounty hunter that formerly worked with the rebels, a smuggler named Red who has agreed to move illicit or illegal items for the characters, an ithorian bounty hunter, and an unlikely duo of apparent rebels, Jarreth and Prap. Jarreth challenges our characters to a fight outside the cantina, but then reveals that he and his moist companion are part of the rebels here on Sullust. After witnessing the killing of some swoop gang members, the characters eventually meet up with Jarreth at an abandoned turbolaser factory, some distance from the city. Here they find that Jarreth, Prap, a protocol droid named I-5, and a bounty hunter are the entirety of the rebellion here, and they have no formal affiliation with the alliance, but rather are a splinter cell of their own based on the ideal of resisting the empire. Though small and perhaps overzealous, they have caused some significant damage to the empire by shooting down transports coming in on landing maneuvers using a load lifting repulsorlift craft and anti-aircraft proton torpedo launchers. They also reveal that they have a contact, somewhere, named "Darklight", who sends them information about planned landings and imperial craft schedules. The characters are welcomed and, with the 30 refugees, flesh out the small disorganized resistance into a full fledged Rebel cell.

Once established at the abandoned factory, the characters turn their attention to the goings on at the Sorosuub shipyard, in which something 'big' is being built. Wren takes her beloved x-wing on a quick flyby and has R2-M8 record holo-images of the ship. It appears to be 8 kilometers in length, about 5 or 6 times the size of a star destroyer. Further analysis of her images reveal that the structure being built is a super star destroyer, and the task of obtaining detailed scans looking for a weakness looms ahead of them. Investigating rumors around the garrisson reveals that by the end of the month, billeting for 50,000 imperial crewmen will be complete, which, according to Wren, is enough for a skeleton crew of the super star destroyer, and perhaps could be used to house the officers as they are transferred to the ship, as a further 250,000 would be needed to fully staff the ship. It appears that the ship is being built in a hurry, and may be operational in three or four weeks.

Closer to home, a strange tie fighter has landed at the space station and from it an odd, darkly cloaked figure has emerged, and is reportedly ordering around imperial troops with impunity, all the while Phen, our failed jedi, senses a disturbance in the force, and worries that something from his past may have emerged to hunt him...

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:30 pm
by Rusty
Sarris Torr started life as any other Tarro child might. He was raised in a community which esposed the virtues of individuality, and self-reliance. His parents were both active in politics, and both had served time as soldiers. On top of that his father studied technology as a hobby, and his mother was well versed in galactic law. Thus he was able to pick up and adopt many useful skills as he grew.

His parents were two of the few Tarro allowed by the Empire to leave their homeworld, and venture into the larger galactic community. Once immersed in the countless cultures of the core worlds they were able to expand their skills, and reciprocate that knowledge to Sarris. One thing he learned on his own, was that the individual was not always capable of doing what a dedicated group of beings could. In short he learned the value of teamwork, something looked upon with disdain by other Tarro.

It did not take him long to decide on a course of pursuit. He dedicated himself to law enforcement, and the protection of society. He felt that as an individual he could best serve himself, by enforcing the order of society. At least that’s how he felt as an idealistic youth. Harsh Imperial prejudice, and the seedier side of galactic living take their toll, and Sarris quickly learned to adapt thick skin, and emotional barriers. He learned that life was not easy, and creatures were not innocent, or happy, or moral. The world worked in degrees of evil, and that was just how it was. Only a very few truly good things existed to light the darkness, and those were things to be treasured when they were found.

Unable to make his way through formal schooling due to his non-human heritage he was forced to commit himself to the next best thing, he became a bounty hunter. Sarris was tough, and very skilled. He knew right from wrong, and had a sense of decency not found in many of his trade. He only took jobs, which were legal, and never used unnecessary force. He had a sense of self-respect and professionalism, which actually impressed many of his contacts. Yet, even still he could not escape the occasional slander, and ingrained mistrust from many Imperial officers. Again he had to adapt, grow a thicker skin, and move on.

Sarris did this for many years, and was good enough to make a living at it. Then a streak of bad luck began to plague him. An entanglement with several other bounty hunters left Sarris without a ship on one of the core worlds. In the fighting his own starship had been damaged, and a large amount of his wealth, and gear destroyed, what little he had left he took with him to start over. He had begun to make ends meet again by taking up bodyguard work for a local politician, when the real disaster struck.

Sarris received world that the sun in his home system had gone supernova, and his world had been completely destroyed. Shock, and dismay struck him, along with a sudden sense of complete isolation. In a single moment he had become one of the last of his kind. He attempted to contact his parents, only to find his father in a state of grief. His mother had been on the world when it was destroyed. She had gone back briefly to deal with a political issue of some sort when the disaster had happened. TO make things worse his father told him how the Empire had offered almost nothing in the way of aid, and had kept the majority of Tarro form leaving in order to escape the impending disaster.
It wasn’t long after this that Sarris learned his father had joined the rebellion against the Empire. Sarris continued in his role as bodyguard only long enough to earn enough credits to buy passage off world. He then struck out to find his father. Along the way he was able to use his skills a bounty hunter to fund his search from world to world. Then tragedy struck again.

His father, and a group of rebel soldiers had been captured. They had been tried under Imperial law, and been sentenced to death. The Execution was publicly televised, and Sarris was forced to watch, from a distant world, as his father was killed over a public broadcast. Things went down hill after that. His species extinct and his father a rebel traitor his contacts began to dry up. The Empire did not hunt him, but nor would they throw him any sort of bone. It became harder and harder to find good legal jobs, so he was forced to resort to shadier bounties, as a member of the criminal underworld.

Ironically it was not one of the underworld contracts, which forced Sarris to turn to the rebellion, but one of the rare legal contracts instead. It was routine, and by the book. Sarris took out the contract, found the bounty and captured the mark like clockwork. However, when he tried to deliver the quarry a corrupt Imperial official began to give him a hard time. The official tried to site bogus infractions, and unofficial doctrine to try and deprive Sarris of his reward. The official had a reputation for trying to steal credit, and pocket extra credits. What the official was wanting was bribe, but what he got was an angry Tarro.

Several factors contributed to Sarris actions that day. One, Sarris knew that the official kept his meetings undocumented, in order to hide his dirt. The reason he could get away with this was that he had a small squad to loyal stormtroopers to act as muscle. Two, Sarris was already pissed off at the Empire for their role in his specie’s demise, and the death of his father. Three, the official’s behavior was the final straw in a long string of harassment, and racial bias on the part of the Empire. Four, Sarris wasn’t afraid of stormtroopers. In a cool, and collected manner, Sarris acted as though he would offer a bribe, but instead of pulling out a data stick, he pulled out blasters, and proceeded to kill the official and his men with clean methodical violence. The only good luck he had had in a long time found Sarris that day, as he escaped both unharmed, and without a material link to the crime. The Imperial’s own precautions had been his undoing.

Of course there were some that figured Sarris might have had something to do with the killing, but no one especially the Empire had any proof. Sarris quickly left the world, and made his way to the only place he knew he would find refuge just in case. He looked up on of his father’s contacts, and joined the rebellion. The corrupt official had been the first in what Sarris hoped would be a series of actions, which could avenge his race, and family.

It would do him good to lay low a while, after what he had left behind. The rebellion would shelter, feed, and supply him and all he had to do in return was hurt the Empire. Besides if things went to bad, as long as he didn’t get caught, he could always pull his bounty hunter’s papers of the closet, and go do what he did best.

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:39 am
by Rusty
The protocol droid I5 reports that the mysterious figure is looking for Phen, and has a holo-image of him. After careful deliberation, our heroes decide to leave the figure alone for now, but to attempt to raid the imperial data net for plans of the super star destroyer. A two stage plan is arranged, and the first stage, in which the rebel special forces agent code named 'pig fucker' slips into the imperial garrison and steals storm trooper and officer uniforms to allow the group to infiltrate the base, goes off without a hitch, perhaps too easy?

The second phase of the plan, in which the heroes, disguised as imperials, boldly march into the base with R2-G4 in tow, and proceed to the computer room. Alas, the doors seal closed, and a search reveals thermal explosives set to blast the room.

Meanwhile, after tense force-based communication with his nemesis, Phen has arranged to meet his enemy inside the garrison. He enters unopposed through a service door, and meets his foe in the officers quarters. A quick stroke of his lightsabor later, his foe appeared to be killed. Suddenly, a bystanding storm trooper force-snatches the fallen figures light sabor from the ground and attacks Phen viciously. After a brief exchange, Phen lops off the arm of his foe and leaves him for dead.

Our heroes had managed to fight the door open and then blast it, escaping from the computer room just before the explosion, only to find the base rapidly filling with storm troopers. The explosion appeared to clear a path for them, through which they fled, until their escape was halted by a sealed and disabled blast door. The explosion shook the buildings very foundations, and the garrison was beginning to collapse. While pinned down in a blind end hallway, the stormtroopers managed to injure Wren and Sarai, though taking significant losses.

A mysterious figure claiming to be the rebel contact "darklight" appeared after cutting open the sealed blast door. The group fled the collapsing garrison and darklight vanished into the hallways. Our heroes reunited at the abandoned factory, and healed their wounds.

Phen returned some time later, with his begging money, claiming to have been 'panhandling' and listening for info.

I5 reports a new message from Darklight, which turns out to be a complete detail of the imperial fleet movements in the system, which shows the star destroyers to be pulling away from the shipyards, which orbit the distant second moon of sullust, and forming up around the planet, and their search patterns and troop reinforcement schedules.

With their wounds healed and only their pride damaged by the failed mission at the garrison, our heroes lay plans to take advantage of the distance the fleet is taking from the shipyards, and perhaps take detailed scans of the nascent super star destroyer, and find a weakness they can exploit, no matter how small.

In his drunken reverie, Phen receives a message through the force: "I shall return..."