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Knights: IC-Location: The City Municipal Airfield

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 7:00 pm
by Rusty
::Separate from the major, commercial airport, this small but fully equipped airfield is large enough to handle private craft up to a small jet or a multi-prop cargo craft, but too small to handle big jets and heavy traffic. Numerous hangars extend along side it, where local businesses and individuals store and maintain their craft. The control tower and terminal are modest, and usually have only one or two staff at any given time. Like most airstrips of this type, in flight computers activate the strip lights at night, and automated beacons handle most of the work. As there is rarely a lot of traffic, complex air traffic control is un-necessary. Security measures are all but absent, arriving craft may park in a lot near the tower, register in the log, and pay their landing fees into a wooden box. There are no metal detectors or security staff, baggage handling is taken care of by whatever crews a pilot brings with him or hires locally. Several aircraft repair companies have set up in the hangars, and fuel can be purchased at any time from the staff, even at night.::

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 7:09 pm
by Rusty
::A few hours after sundown, a private jet makes it's landing. It is a Citation X, one of the premier private executive jets, capable of transcontinental flights in amazing times, and capable of flying at 50,000 feet, from which altitude stars are visible even during the day. Though seeing such an aircraft is rare enough to cause notice by the night staff, of further interest is the highly customized design of the craft. The passenger cabin clearly has no windows. Along the tail is an insignia in japanese on one side, and english on the other. In english it reads "Moto Corporation." Upon landing and arrival, the pilot disembarks and registers in the log. His entry indicates the callsign of the aircraft as "Moto One", and his airport of origin was Yokohama Municipal Airfield Number Five, Yokohama City, Japan. He appears japanese. He responds to the comments of the intrigued airfield employees in broken english. He arranges for the lease of a large hangar under the name "moto corporation", with contact information for a "Mr. Lin.". His nametag on his uniform also shows his name to be "Lin". He taxis his aircraft into his hangar and sees to it's maintenance. A passenger disembarks here, but remains with him and they seem to have casual conversation in japanese. The passenger is a japanese woman dressed as a geisha. Once maintenance is complete, the passenger returns to the cabin and he sits on the steps to the plane, sighs occasionally, and stares at his cell phone pensively. He shooes away any interlopers, such as the employees of the airfield. At the end of the night he retires into the craft, closes the entrance, and isn't seen again until a couple hours before sunset, when he emerges, conducts an inspection of the craft, conducts tests and maintenance, and then continues to wait apprehensively.::

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 7:11 pm
by Rusty
::of note, shortly after arrival on the first night he calls for a courier and mails a large sealed envelope. Investigators into the destination of this letter will find that it arrived safely at Lucretia's mansion.::

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 1:24 am
by Rusty
**a couple people came and spoke with Lin**

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:09 am
by Rusty
::after receiving an engaging phone call, Lin prepares the plane to receive a pasenger. Feng, the stunningly gorgeous geisha, touches up her makeup, and makes quite a bit of fuss about the conditions in the passenger cabin. Lin finishes preparations by opening the main hangar doors, registering his callsign, and firing up the systems on the jet.::

Lin & Lucretia

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:05 pm
by Sephone
In addition to requesting a comfortable private area in which to meet with my guests, I also arrange for the previous room in which they met me to remain locked and undisturbed.

Upon my arrival I arrange to be taken there first. I go over the room with frevor serching out the slightest traces of familiarity. (Heightened Senses: Smell. The goal being- was Nick really nick & who was with him?)

[…while a heightened sense of smell might alert
a character to the presence of trace amounts of alcohol on a
mortal’s breath. Kindred with this power also have the option
of magnifying a single sense, as opposed to all five, in order to
better block out unwanted stimuli from other sources. This power typically involves no roll. The playersimply activates the power and explains to the Storyteller what his character is doing and with which sense(s). pg 119]

as far as you can tell, it was nick and it was no one else. they met with nick and with 'you' at the hangar, and 'you' came up into the plane. if you engage heightened senses like this within the plane, you will have to resist Feng's seduction skills. perfuming is an art form, and she may unintentionally affect you if you use heightened senses.
Task compleated I exit and go to meet Lin.

"Greetings Mr. Lin. I am so sorry to have kept you waiting. However, given the nature of things I hope you will forgive me fo rdelaying things a bit further. You said you spoke to me prevoiusly. I would like you to tell me, to the very best of your ability, precisely what was said and what occured at that meeting."

nick met with lin at the hangar.

What questions did he ask?

Lin is not a fool, and is well educated in the ways of kindred, and their powers. he recognizes that 'someone' was using a discipline to appear to be you. Nick came in and asked vague questions, and assumed that a kindred had been brought into the city. then someone came in appearing to be you, but didn't have the pin, and again asked vague questions and tried to milk information. Though Lin couldn't penetrate the disguise, he was sure that there was one.

I think he asked "who is here to meet her", and if introductions had been made.
Also, you acted in such a way that showed that you didn't read the letter, so they knew it was a ruse.

[Honestly, I don't remember exactly.]

Before I leave Lin I request that, for as many as possible, he find me photos of Harold's childe and as many of the siginificant members of the court as possible. (primogen, prisci, scourge sherriff, etc) that I may know them on sight. Also, if he happens to have them available, of any of the Carthians.
I also find out if the carthians presence has been recoganized by the city.
I also ask for their full names, and business interests.

Lin is concerned that, as he does not have that info with him, that it's transfer to you here in the City might be compromised. He has prepared briefing documents for you in Yokohama.
The carthians are most notably not recognized. they have not presented themselves to court, and have evaded the sheriff, scourge, and their men, which include police, private military, and yakuza manpower. The carthians are primarily gangrel and brujah, though their exact composition is unknown. Even in correspondence with nearby Tokyo, the identities of the carthian interlopers is also unknown. Certain neonates within the invictus report having received invitations to come to court and be recognized that were authored by the self appointed carthian president.

"Very well. I will see to that later them."

"Tell me about Roku. Where did he work when Harold met him? What is his personality like? Tell me about their falling out."

Roku was in unversity, and the last time anyone saw him for sure was in the Moto estate. Mr moto thought he saw him once at a sushi bar in south yokohama.

After leaving Lin, Lucretia makes a phone call to a detective she has used in Tokyo to gather 'insurance' for some of her negotations; as well as to keep an occational eye on some of her own associates while they werethere doing business for her.

"Yes, Mr. Sato? I have a little project and was wondering if you could run an errand for me? I was looking to gather a little information on a man named ____Roku. He last worked for a company called '________' so you may be able to find a picture of him associated with the company. He was last seen in the southern part of Yokohama and will undoubtably have changed considerably in apperance, having abandoned his friends and family for more wild associates. I am looking to have him followed very Discretely. I would like to know where he spends his time and who with. Keep to public areas and keep your distance. He has fallen into the company of dangerous and paranoid men and I have no doubt your life would be in jepordy if the thought you were following them."
She agrees on a fee to be paid from the usual (untracable) account and hangs up.

* as a note, though no evidence has been seen of it yet, Lucretia speaks both Japanese and Chinese fluently.

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 9:09 pm
by Rusty
::Mr. Yatori Sato carefully prided himself on being one of the most discrete and most skilled private investigators in all of Yokohama, and in spite of this, he found this young Mr Roku to be difficult quarry indeed. Finally, he had a lead from one of his most trusted informants, that Roku was frequenting an edgy sushi bar on the south side. He exited his cab and took in the street. The usual bumper to bumper traffic filled the street to capacity, and hundreds of exotically dressed teens reveled and partied along the neon lit streets. Yatori pulled his trenchcoat in close and lowered the brim of his hat, he had been here before, and didn't want to be recognized.

The sushi bar was on the third story of a converted apartment building, now many business operated where people once lived. He could hear the music even from the street. He entered through the side from the alley and made his way up three flights of stairs. Sato kept himself in good shape, this was necessary for his job, and his health. He slipped the bouncer a thick wad of Yen and bypassed the check for his ID and a patdown, Sato carried an old fashioned revolver, despite the fact that it was an ageing .38 special it would still draw unwanted attention. He grabbed a seat at the bar and scanned the room covertly, using the mirror behind the bar to spot either Roku, or Sato's informant. The bartender regarded him coldly, a young japanese woman with pink hair and facial piercings. Sato removed his hat, slicked his hair back, and asked for a gin and tonic. He knew he should stay away from alcohol, he had a problem with it, but he needed to fit in. The bartender seemed to resent the drink and the customer. She bent down to get the appropriate glass, and Sato noticed a particular tattoo on the small of her back. It had a T shape to it, with wings of some kind and arrow heads inline with the downward stroke. He didn't recognize it as Kanji of any kind. He diverted his attention back to the mirror as the young woman finished making his drink and gave it to him. He paid for it and pretended to pay very close attention to it, but in fact scanned the room artfully. The Bartender went about some other business, Sato paid her no mind.

After some half an hour or so, Sato finally found something...some clue. Something strange. Watching in the mirror, he saw someone hand a drink to...thin air? And the beer bottle vanished. He turned around suddenly and there he was, Roku. Roku met his gaze knowingly, Sato had given himself away!Sato had learned what he needed to. He got up headed for the door. Roku turned and entered the mens room. Mr Sato made it all the way down the stairs and back into the alley. He froze when he rounded the corner: Mr Roku stood before him, pale as death, scars on his face, and eyes that betrayed murderous intentions.

"Excuse me." Sato tried to play off the encounter, while he casually put his hands in his pockets, feeling for his pistol. Where was it?

Roku stepped into his way further. Fear began to well up into Mr Sato. Who was this meek business man? Whose figure seemed to fill the alley way, whose muscles seemed threatening, and whose eyes, once trained on accounting books and business agendas now brimmed with loathing and hate? Sato turned and ran. He ran hard and fast, into the complex network of alleyways that would eventually lead him to the highway. He made two, three turns, and suddenly Roku stood before him again! Sato gasped for his breath. Roku seemed undisturbed by whatever feat of endurance had allowed him to overtake Sato. Now Roku did more than just stand there. He stepped in close, grabbed Sato's throat with a grip like iron, lifted him from the ground and pressed him against the wall.

"Who sent you, Mr Yatori Sato?"
Sato struggled to breathe. He resolved that his loyalty, and his honor, were worth his death. He would not betray Lucretia, with every fiber in his body he would hold his tongue, though in a few minutes, Roku would rip it clean out of his mouth, and drink the blood from it. Sato died a horrible death, torn nearly limb from limb. His remains would be identified only by his dental records, though his teeth would need to be collected from various parts of the alleyways. The next morning his wife would inform the police of his absence, and his body would be found here, a bloody naked wreck of its former self. The police would, as they usually did in these circumstances, do nothing. His body would be cremated and an animal attack would be reported to the press. Nothing remained of Mr Sato, his ashes scattered into the ocean, and his clothing and personal effects claimed by his killer. Nothing remained, except for his hat, now worn by a vagrant in these alleys, a vagrant with a rather old world fedora.::