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Knights: Reckoning Coterie-Circle Ritual

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:02 am
by Jack
Because I don't have anywhere else to really put this, and because the only other person who will be dealing with it is IN my Coterie....I'll put it here.

Basically, this will be a thread to work out the mechanics of the Ritual as well as give it actual stats and such. This is an OOC thread.

I will need some heavy input from Issac (Andrew) to get things going, and I'm sure the Ritual itself will need to be tweaked a bit for balance issues, so don't feel like you're going to hurt my feelings here. I'm putting it out there to be torn to shreds and rebuilt into something useable.

It should be noted that we have not yet determined a suitable Medium for this ritual because I am unsure as to the effect of the altered Vitae on a Mortal. Any input from the ST would be welcome. Simple Saline is the preferred medium (safe, no long-term effects), leaving a mortal addict affected primarily by the blood itself, preventing true "Junkies" from clogging up my system. That being one can predict every reaction to a drug of any kind....surprises (yes, even bad ones) can be a ton of fun.

Ritual Name: Drawing the Vitae's Lure

Description: By manipulating the very supernatural power inherent in Vitae, a Crone can enhance the addictive nature of the blood and preserve it in this state for a greatly extended period of time.

Material Requirement: In the process of the ritual, the Vitae must be fused with a medium that supplies the storage aspect of the finished product. This increases the overall volume of vitae but strips it of all supernatural properties other than the ones the Ritual itself preserves.

Details: One point of Vitae can "empower" 2 quarts of Medium. To Power the ritual, the Crone must spend one point of their own Vitae per 5 points of Vitae being used in the Ritual (rounded up. Ex. 6 points of vitae used in the ritual would require 2 points to be spent by the caster). This "donation" serves as a catalyst and source of control in the manipulation of the supernatural forces in the Vitae being used and is completely consumed by the Ritual.

Ritual: (This is a rough description...It can be altered, changed as needed; I'm going to list it in an order of steps right now and I can change it to be a bit more descriptive and creative brain just doesn't work properly at the moment).

1) Set out the Medium to be used.
2) Add Vitae to be fused to the Medium.
3) The caster cuts him/herself and Wills the appropriate amount of Vitae from the wound to power the ritual. This will fall toward the mixture, but never actualy reach it.
4) The caster submerges his/her hand in the mixture and slowly stirs it while speaking the words of the ritual to manipulate the properties of the Vitae and bond it to the Medium. The time required will vary depending on the volume of the mixture. Time can be reduced by spending Willpower.

((That's all I have for now....I think my brain just shut down completely))

Updated Ritual section

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:33 pm
by Jack
Ritual: The Caster first prepares a ritual container by smearing its inner surface with her own blood to serve as an insulater from outside forces. She then pours in the liquid that is to be used as a Medium and follows it with the Vitae to be fused. Once added, the Vitae begins to swirl and churn slowly. To power the Ritual, the Crone must use her own Vitae. This process is truely a sight to see as the Crone holds her hand over the mixture and Wills forth the Vitae from the very pores of her flesh. This Vitae settles as a faint red mist over the mixture and slowly dissapates as it is consumed to power the process. Once the mist settles, the Crone submerges both hands, speaking the words of the ritual while "working" the mixture, stirring it with her hands and manipulating the power of the Vitae directly.

When the ritual is complete, the mist will have completely dispersed and the liquid (no matter what medium is used) will take on a deep red color with faint and nebulous black streaks flowing through it. Even standing perfectly still, the mixture will appear to be in constant motion.

The mixture will retain all properties until consumed or destroyed by sunlight or Fire. Its only properties at this point are a weak (1 point), but instant ability to generate a Bond to the "Donor", and an increased addiction factor. All other supernatural properties are lost.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:34 pm
by Jack
Ok...that should fix all the basics. I need some hard numbers and information now (like the system concerning addiction in other Kindred; God forbid) as well as any tweaking to make it Game-Balanced.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Circle Ritual

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:44 pm
by Issac
Ritual Name: Drawing the Vitae's Lure

Description: By manipulating the very supernatural power inherent in Vitae, a Crone can enhance the addictive nature of the blood and preserve it in this state for a greatly extended period of time.

Material Requirement: In the process of the ritual, the Vitae must be fused with a medium that supplies the storage aspect of the finished product. This increases the overall volume of vitae but strips it of all supernatural properties other than the ones the Ritual itself preserves.

Details: One point of Vitae can "empower" 2 quarts of Medium. To Power the ritual, the Crone must spend one point of their own Vitae per 5 points of Vitae being used in the Ritual (rounded up. Ex. 6 points of vitae used in the ritual would require 2 points to be spent by the caster). This "donation" serves as a catalyst and source of control in the manipulation of the supernatural forces in the Vitae being used and is completely consumed by the Ritual.

Ritual: (This is a rough description...It can be altered, changed as needed; I'm going to list it in an order of steps right now and I can change it to be a bit more descriptive and creative brain just doesn't work properly at the moment).

1) Set out the Medium to be used.
2) Add Vitae to be fused to the Medium.
3) The caster cuts him/herself and Wills the appropriate amount of Vitae from the wound to power the ritual. This will fall toward the mixture, but never actualy reach it.
4) The caster submerges his/her hand in the mixture and slowly stirs it while speaking the words of the ritual to manipulate the properties of the Vitae and bond it to the Medium. The time required will vary depending on the volume of the mixture. Time can be reduced by spending Willpower.

My only question is when you say that first the medium is mixed with the vitae then the caster uses his blood to power the ritual is that an allowance for the vitae used in the addiction to be different from that of the caster? or is it simply intended to be rough description from an obviously tired player?

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:48 pm
by rydi
sometimes the little stars don't show me when new posts occur...

anyway. sounds good. I need to read the cruac stuff for balance, as I think I may add a will pt to the cost (if u are selling a lot, that will make you effectively down 1will permanently, as each time you make a batche you will lose one, though you wil regain it after sleep) . we also need to determine dose amount; w/out the addictive properties of a real drug to act as a sympathetic focus for the magic, the required dossage will increase, possibly as much as half a cup or more...

what you might consider is doing two different drugs. one would be the street version, the read lace, basically a powder drug that distributes easily and can be snorted, shot, or taken as a capsule. the other would be the 'pure' for the conosuir, taken at special locations and made to look high class.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:21 am
by Jack
rydi wrote:sometimes the little stars don't show me when new posts occur...

anyway. sounds good. I need to read the cruac stuff for balance, as I think I may add a will pt to the cost (if u are selling a lot, that will make you effectively down 1will permanently, as each time you make a batche you will lose one, though you wil regain it after sleep) . we also need to determine dose amount; w/out the addictive properties of a real drug to act as a sympathetic focus for the magic, the required dossage will increase, possibly as much as half a cup or more...

what you might consider is doing two different drugs. one would be the street version, the read lace, basically a powder drug that distributes easily and can be snorted, shot, or taken as a capsule. the other would be the 'pure' for the conosuir, taken at special locations and made to look high class.

I figure the "Pure" version would come as a result of exceptional successes. A MUCH more potent version, liquid only, longer lasting effects, highly sensitive to Light. That sort of thing. Would be held in reserve for those who worked directly for me, or the Super High Class sort of people looking for the absolute best. It would be distinguished as seperate by the near-lack of black swirls and a very, very faint, deep red glow.
issac wrote:My only question is when you say that first the medium is mixed with the vitae then the caster uses his blood to power the ritual is that an allowance for the vitae used in the addiction to be different from that of the caster? or is it simply intended to be rough description from an obviously tired player?
Your first assumption was correct. The caster of the Ritual can be anyone who actually knows the Ritual; they do not tie themselves into it and so remain seperate from the "Donor" of the Vitae being fused. Only the "Donor" Vitae is addictive, the Caster's contribution is completely consumed in the process of the Ritual.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:31 am
by Jack
One of the biggest things we're looking at right now is the proper Medium to use in the Ritual. I would prefer a dose to be a small as possible without using a drug that will destroy those taking it. I want the people I have influence over to be able to function normally, especially the ones in high places.

A few things I am considering:

1) A "pre-cut" mix with Morphine. Opiates have the best native addictive qualities, and the raw potence of Morphine makes it a prime candidate. It would need to be diluted a bit to prevent mass overdose, though.

2) Codine (also "pre-cut"). Potent with an addictive quality, cheaper and more readily available than Morphine, though not as potent overall.

3) Liquid Loritab. The most easily-obtained of these three. Has a mixed effect on people ranging from very potent, to mild in its effects. This can be good for "up selling" the higher class clients to the Pure version. The downside is that it has only a very mild addictive quality.

4) Zanex (or however it's spelled). This would be the best to cut as a powder form. It only comes in pill form, is very potent, and has a high addictive quality.

Regular Liquid: Red Lace
Regulare Powder: Fairy Dust
Pure Liquid: Crimson Death
Pure Powder: Diablos Dust