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Rules Errata

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 12:23 am
by rydi
Some useful errata/answers/clarifications can be found in the help section of wotc. Some happy bits include

Falling unconscious does not force a barbarian to end his/her rage. So if a barbarian rages, then falls unconscious, they do not automatically lose all those hit points based on their improved Constitution score from raging.

Two Weapon Fighting+Flurry+Rapid Shot+snap kick+grandma=a shitload of attacks.

3.5 FAQ Excerpt (Powerful Build)
Does the powerful build racial trait change the damage the character deals with unarmed strikes and natural weapons?
No. The powerful build racial trait allows the character to “use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty” but doesn’t say anything about changing the damage dealt by his unarmed strikes or natural weapons.

3.5 FAQ Excerpt (Improved Natural Attack)
Can a monk take Improved Natural Attack (Monster Manual, page 304) to improve his unarmed strike?
Yes. As stated on page 41 of the Player’s Handbook, a monk’s unarmed strike “is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either” which includes feats such as Improved Natural Attack.
Barring multiclassing, the earliest a monk could take this feat would be at 6th level (due to the base attack bonus prerequisite), at which point her unarmed strike damage would improve from 1d8 to 2d6 (which represents an average increase of +2.5 points of damage). The same monk at 20th level would deal 4d8 points of damage with her unarmed strike.

weapon aptitude of the warblade lets you change any/all of the weapon focuses granted by the swordsage's discipline focus.

maximize w/empower: You must apply the results of both of these feats separately. So, if your wizard casts fireball (for our purposes, we'll say they are casting the spell for the maximum possible number of d6), they apply maximize spell by maximizing the result of the fireball (for a total of 60 points of damage). They then roll 10d6, and divide the result by two (rounded down), which they may now add to the 60 points of damage they're already doing. The total is the damage for that spell.

Disarm does not care how you are wielding the item, it only cares whether the weapon itself is a light weapon or two-handed weapon. So someone wielding a greatsword for their size category in one hand still gets the +4 bonus on the disarm roll because the greatsword is a two-handed weapon.

Since a warlock does not possess spell slots, can he qualify for the epic feats Master Staff and Master Wand (Complete Arcane, page 192)?
Having spell slots is not a prerequisite to select either of these feats, so the warlock is free to choose them if he meets the prerequisites. However, since using either feat requires the character to expend spell slots, these feats would be useless to the warlock. Just because you meet the prerequisites of a feat is no guarantee that you can use the feat to any beneficial effect (for example, Empower Spell has no prerequisites, but any character who can’t cast spells of at least 2nd level will find it useless).

What effect would the Practiced Spellcaster feat (Complete Arcane, page 82) have on a warlock?
A strict reading of the feat’s benefit indicates that the warlock would gain no benefit from Practiced Spellcaster. The warlock is not a spellcasting class for normal purposes—the exception noted on page 18 of Complete Arcane applies only to prestige class benefits—and thus it could not be selected as the class to be affected by this feat.

Can a warlock qualify for the Supernatural Transformation feat (Savage Species, page 39) and change one of his invocations into a supernatural ability?
No. The warlock’s spell-like abilities are learned (from class levels), not innate (that is, part of his racial traits).

Does hideous blow provoke an attack of opportunity?
Yes. As a spell-like ability, using hideous blow provokes attacks of opportunity just as any other spell-like ability would. A warlock who relies on this invocation should consider investing ranks in the Concentration skill so that he can use it defensively.
Note that the act of using the invocation, not the act of making the touch attack, draws the attack of opportunity, since the warlock delivering hideous blow is considered “armed” (just like a spellcaster delivering a touch spell).

Though the rules in the Player's Handbook may not seem to be clear on this, the armor spike damage replaces your normal unarmed damage when you make a grapple attempt to deal damage.

Not all reserve feats allow a saving throw, but Storm Bolt should have one. Add this after the second sentence of the Benefit entry of the feat:
"A successful Reflex saves halves the damage."
This has been approved by the good folks that make the game and will be covered in an errata at some point in the future. Until then, we advise that you apply this fix to the Storm Bolt feat.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 1:04 pm
by Thael
weapon aptitude of the warblade lets you change any/all of the weapon focuses granted by the swordsage's discipline focus.
This all great and fine but the purpose of the weapons given by the class is to match the disciplines... so the shadow blade feat still only works on shadow hand weapons, certain manuvers and feats only work with weapons based on discipline not weapon focus... so a warblade would not be able to use a feat requiring stone dragon weapons with a rapier...
Can a warlock qualify for the Supernatural Transformation feat (Savage Species, page 39) and change one of his invocations into a supernatural ability?
No. The warlock’s spell-like abilities are learned (from class levels), not innate (that is, part of his racial traits).
I specifically asked you about this because it was debated on the boards as overly restrictive and recommended DM decision. I went over both sides of this issue, both on this and the hellfire warlock, and you said it was okay for both... There is a way to still make the blasts bypass SR built into the class so it wont matter for long... just let me know if I need to revise...

Does hideous blow provoke an attack of opportunity?
Yes. As a spell-like ability, using hideous blow provokes attacks of opportunity just as any other spell-like ability would. A warlock who relies on this invocation should consider investing ranks in the Concentration skill so that he can use it defensively.
Note that the act of using the invocation, not the act of making the touch attack, draws the attack of opportunity, since the warlock delivering hideous blow is considered “armed” (just like a spellcaster delivering a touch spell).
I knew this and at the beginning I was making those checks but I lost the habit since I could not fail except by rolling a 1, and while it is not mentioned it is the same for the Glaive if the target has 10' reach or more but again failure is only 5%...
Not all reserve feats allow a saving throw, but Storm Bolt should have one. Add this after the second sentence of the Benefit entry of the feat:
"A successful Reflex saves halves the damage."
This has been approved by the good folks that make the game and will be covered in an errata at some point in the future. Until then, we advise that you apply this fix to the Storm Bolt feat.
I think this is entirely fair, it gets up there in damage for an area affecting 1/round ability... Eldritch blast only affects 1 target till at least 7th and then only 2 till 11th... it does have SR to deal and its starting point is always the caster (unlike the spell) so a save added on makes it less overpowered... does this apply to the fire based reserve spell too or does it already mention a save??

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:28 pm
by rydi
I specifically asked you about this because it was debated on the boards as overly restrictive and recommended DM decision. I went over both sides of this issue, both on this and the hellfire warlock, and you said it was okay for both... There is a way to still make the blasts bypass SR built into the class so it wont matter for long... just let me know if I need to revise...
i was fine with it when the ruling was up in the air. but when there is actually an official ruling on something, i prefer to go with that.

a few more that i got today...

aptitude weapon magic item special ability:
The Aptitude Weapon ability makes it so bonus that you have with a weapon can be used on a different kind of weapon but it does not make the enchanted weapon that type so it would not allow you to use a short sword with the Three Mountains style

melee weapon mastery:
1. q-does the bonus stack w/weapon focus/spec?
Yes, the bonus would apply giving you a +3/+4 with the specific weapon.

2. q-does it count as focus/spec?
No it does not count for the feats. It just gives you a bonus.

3. q-can it stack if you use a weapon of two types?
A character with Weapon Focus (morningstar) and Weapon Specialization (morningstar) could take Melee Weapon Mastery with either bludgeoning weapons or piercing weapons (since the morningstar deals both types of damage), or he could take it once for each. The feat’s bonus wouldn’t stack with itself, however, even if the weapon deals both types of damage simultaneously.