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GurpForge: IC: Ships Log

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 6:22 pm
by Rusty
*Here is where we can keep track of time line and sensor contacts. If this doesn't work very well we'll find another way. We'll be starting in galactic year 753. Date is like this: Year.Month.Day. Use a gregorian calendar equivalent, and feel free to update the log. If things get confusing, I'll try to reorder the posts into chronological order.*

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 6:26 pm
by Rusty
Galactic date 753.1.12
The mission has departed from Freedom Star Station under the escort of the Super Carrier Liberation to the edge of explored space. Only blackest darkness extends beyond this point. We have computed the probable origin and direction of the signal, and are prepared to travel as far as we can to make contact at maximum speed. After a comprehensive systems check, we departed the Liberation and made best possible speed into the darkness, with sensors on full. Someone is out there, and they need our help.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 6:30 pm
by Rusty
Galactic Date 753.1.19
We have traveled for a week into darkness, still no sign of anything on the sensors. A brief stop has shown us our own universe in the distance behind us, and nothing ahead of us. The crew is still hopeful that we can make contact, with any luck this humor will continue for some time.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 6:34 pm
by Rusty
Galactic date 753.1.23

Fears of the unknown are present but stifled. The biggest concern is a military threat. It took most of a year to build our ship, and if whatever is out there in the darkness is hostile, we fear that the federation might not be able to mobilize an effective navy in time. The ship is performing well, and up to full specifications. This is due in no small part to the efforts of the senior engineer, an unexpected grimlackian genius.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 6:35 pm
by Rusty
Galactic date 753.1.28

We have finally made a sensor contact! On our maximum sensors we detected a signiature, it seems to be the size of a small cruiser, but is motionless. We dropped out of warp immediately, to decide what to do.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:16 pm
by Rusty
Log entry by Ship's Officer

Until relieved by the CO or the XO, I am left to direct the ship to investigate our sensor contact. Two of the ambassadors are on the bridge at this time, so I will direct the vessel as best as I see fit under the political direction of those individuals.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:20 pm
by Avilister
Captain's Log
Galactic date 753.1.28

After weeks of almost smothering nothingness we have finally made contact with an alien ship of unknown origin. An away team has been dispatched to investigate. Meanwhile, we are investigating the local space more completely, as there seems to have been a battle. There is no evidence of a second ship within sensor range, but I suspect one may be lurking out there somewhere.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:15 pm
by Avilister
Captain's Log

Our find is a disturbing one, indeed. The vessel we've encountered is derilect and has been drifting through space for nearly half a millenia. We've found evidence of an intersteller chase and then a final attack upon the vessel.

Our away team found several bodies, including at least two that once belong to the aggressors, all of them preserved. The interior of the ship was filled with what we're calling 'the countermeasure' which consists largely of water and trillions of microscopic creatures. These life forms change the properties of the substance to provide extremely good defense against heat-based attacks. We're still investigating the full extent of the substance - so far we know little. There is a substantial amount of the substance - enough to fill the entire ship at around two atmospheres of pressure.

The crew is understanably unsettled. We departed expecting to offer the Federation's helping hand and so far have only encountered a lonely graveyard floating between the stars. With any luck, our next encounter won't be quite so foreboding.