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D&D 3.X: Spear of Fate - Logistics: The Planning

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 6:59 pm
by rydi
Yes, this is a wall-of-text attack, please read it anyway. I tried to prettify it and make it as readable as I could. Please comment afterwords.

While I don't like to interfere with the way my players interact with one another, I feel that I need to toss in a little help here, since game group dynamics aren't life dynamics, and the things I'm introducing can be taxing at times (despite adding an enjoyable element to the game). So, that in mind, I want to encourage a bit of a re-concepting regarding your approach to in-game problem solving in hopes of streamlining play and increasing enjoyment.
1. Use Pre-Planning
When it is clear that there will be an intensive, in-game planning moment, especially one at the beginning of a game, take a little time (we all have lives, so don't over do it) before the game to figure out the general way you will approach the issue. I will prompt people in the future, by posting a "Logistics: Topic" thread when it is appropriate to do this type of planning. Doing this will also prevent distraction (Zach could have been done sooner, but a room full of people make calculations difficult), and allow me to provide you with more pertinent details (too many things for me to focus on reduces my ability to conceptualize and relate details).

I don't want this to replace play, or to take too much personal RL time. The types of things I want address:
a)Math: the Game (calculating the weight of goods needed for a trip, and the distance of that trip)
b)The general approach to a certain situation ("how are we getting out of the city?" or "How is the area around the wall and escape route layed out?")
c)Sim D&D ("so, if 4 people are tailoring, one is hunting, three are engineers, how much gold do we get, and can we craft an Apparatus of Kwalish by the end of the season?")

The key here is that I don't want to take away from, or replace, roleplaying. Buying stuff and/or actual training (including the rolls involved in doing so) is an interaction that could have meaningful impact on play and the overall situation, and should be taken care of in-game. But PLANNING to buy stuff (or to train people, or to craft stuff, or whatever), the part that takes the most time anyway, could be done outside of game (unless the situation arises in game and has to be addressed)."
2. Appoint Experts
This applies less when pre-planning, and more for in-game issues. Basically, this means that you should expand on what you are already doing, and formalize it. There is no reason that Zach needs 5 other people to help make a spreadsheet. All he needs is quick answers to questions, once the group has decided on its direction. One person taking responsibility for planning an attack (or in terms of last night's game, an escape) will also likely produce superior results, assuming people are willing to follow their lead, and they donate pertinent points after the primary plan has been developed.

This isn't to say discussion shouldn't be there, but once the general course of action is determined ("we are going to take everyone with us, lets supply them" or "we are going to escape in the night, out a hole in the perimeter wall"), an expert can come in and take responsibility for the plan and see to its efficient execution.

You guys are free to appoint whoever to whatever, but skill rolls will impact the way things play out; for example, if Balan the mercenary makes a plan of attack, he can also check it for tactical soundness after the fact with the appropriate skill roll, something that Vala wouldn't be able to do with her skill set.

Some of the breakdowns I've seen so far are:
Otho/Vala: Acquisition, Trade
Otho/Kor: Economics and Goods Management
Jin/Balan: People Management
Vala/Aureleyon/Kor: Scouting (of different types)
Balan/Aureleyon: Battle Planning
Vala/Otho/Jin: Socializing
Kor/Aureleyon: Naturey Stuff
Balan: Coordinating Crafting
3. Multitasking
I don't want to see "Experts" shutting down other people's chance to play, which I've seen in other games ("you talk, I don't have the skills"). I want involvement from everyone on important stuff. What I would like to see however is different people doing stuff at once, which assigning experts helps with.

So, to use the 12/05/09 game as an example, the beginning of the game could have been used to do several things all at once, resulting in more efficient time usage, and garnering better results (and in reality, this is what would have been happening in the game world).

a)Everyone works in committee to determine the general course of action
b)Kor works up an inventory, insures fiscal viability, and gets shit packed/organized
c)knowing the basics of the stuff that will be needed, Vala can go hunt down the best prices on what they need, and arrange trades, making contacts and determining results of haggling rolls (don't have to know all the specifics, just that you will be getting a shitload of stuff, and the general kind of stuff)
d)Aureleyon and/or Otho scout the area, the path of escape, and the city leadership/guards to find their actual plans.
e)Balan, hearing the general info for how the city is layed out, will be able to come up with some basic ideas, such as having the citizenry stay back in the building line and having them carry boards for protection from arrows, or planning the assassination of the guards.

Where people are needed for crossover, they can quickly intervene as necessary (Vala:"hey guys, do we want a periapt of wisdom?" or Aureleyon "hey, don't have the slaves run out into the open early on, let me sneak ahead and snipe first"), then go back to their primary stuff.

And much of this could even be done in its own thread on the boards too, at least for the most basic stuff, as stated above.

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 9:04 pm
by Amseriah
I agree fully with this idea and the character breakdown. I personally want to begin training our people, organizing them, and basically turning our little troupe from a group of PC's and baggage, to a group of PC's and followers. I will probably post some of what I propose and some of what I am doing in the travel time to accomplish this sometime tonight or this week.

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:32 am
by Ivanovich
After this week, my time is going to be taken up with studying for my calc final, i will come up with a spread sheet to do math for acquisitions and track our inventory of purchased goods, specifically general goods not magic items. This way i can simply come up with a list of what we need to buy and how much based on number of people and travel time. This will stream line the process of purchasing goods for travel a lot.

As for the rest of that we may want to get together and plan some of it out in more detail or use this thread.

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 2:20 pm
by jimreaper
i like it ^^
No seriously most of my efforts are focused on keeping everyone's actions lubricated (yes well this example works). Slaves happy/ safe. Keeping the demon in the + hp range. Being an aura for the smaller of us.
this plan is a win for me.

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:33 pm
by rydi
Two things that I wanted to share:

1: My torture has limits, and I inflict more on myself than any of you. I'm in the process of reading this: ... ers_id=376
It discusses, in detail, the economics of medieval life. For 70+ pages. It talks about food costs incessantly, and I will not force that on anyone.

2: I will put up some costs for buying space in Laternum soonish, so that you guys can get the jump on pricing.