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Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 9:23 am
by Rusty
I am currently developing plot and gameplay for a dungeons and dragons campaign intended to encompass all levels of play from 1st through 40th, with some play happening at the 40th level.

Characters will be drawn exclusively from the pathfinder book. If there are any 0-level adjust races in the pathfinder bestiary that potential players would like to have made available, I may be willing to discuss their inclusion.

The setting will be several millenia before the events experienced in my most recent game, and while a few mysteries introduced in that game will be further illuminated over the course of this chronicle, participation in it will not by any means be mandatory, nor will having not played in that game overly limit a players ready understanding of the concepts presented in the game.

The game will be hosted either on iTabletop or, depending on how its capabilities turn out, SilverTable. iTabletop is PC only, SilverTable is crossplatform. In a few days the Beta test of Silvertable starts, and I'll take a look at it to see if it will serve adequately.

I anticipate designing the chronicle in such a fashion as to make the presence of certain classes either mandatory or highly advantageous, such as the rogue and the ranger. Once the time is appropriate, I'll release a list of classes and skills that I anticipate being necessary, and those that may provide some advantage.

The main purpose of this post is to basically "put it out there", and see who may be interested. I have no concrete time line for a start time for this game, though as usual with my games, I will most likely start it in a shorter time line rather than a longer one.

As things are still being concepted, I would welcome any ideas or requests for aspects of play or elements to include. Also, recommendations for handling epic play in pathfinder are welcome.