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Exalted: FoB - fleshing out your character

Post by arete »

I know we have been playing a while, but post things about your character that makes it more 3 diminutional. We were talking last night, and we really want to make this more of a roleplaying experience, and less of a penis measuring contest. I will be posting laster my intimacies, and motivation.
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Post by Amseriah »

I will be posting something later tonight however I feel that I should respond to Jason's post.

I don't think that this game has ever been a penis measuring contest. I do think however that we have reached the point in the game where we need to revamp our idea of what our characters are. It happens in most book series, the character has gone through so much both things happening to them and just the passing of time and natural maturation that goes along with that, and the writer begins to color their personality slightly different. A couple of us have already completed a motivation, we have created an empire, the world has gone to shit around us. All these things change people and as such I think that it is time to revisit characters and state what they are like now, both in regards to inner motivations (and through such, intimacies), and how the character is most likely perceived by other people. There is another reason for this other than just fleshing out the character, we have also reached the point in the game where it is no longer a dungeon crawl and we will most likely not be engaged in an epic battle or two every game session. At this point in games our personalities and motivations come more into play and the sessions are predominately rp. It happens in every game regardless of system, Marvel, DnD, Exalted, WoD, it is just the natural course of events.
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Post by arete »

Clicky-clicky aka Tawa's motivations both past and present:

1. Build a great nation for my people. I completed this when my people were moved into the greyfalls republic pretty early on, and might not have know this. We have my entire tribe with in our borders, and they are trained warriors.

2. Redeem an abyssal preferably E.P.R. Well this was short lived and we all know what happened. Though its pretty awesome to be the only solar to get the UC's attention in a while.

3. Currently my motivation is to redeem/kill all creatures of darkness. As a rule I will try to redeem corrupted sentient being that honestly seek redeemtions, but anyone I do not believe accually wants redeemtion or is unredeemable(gods ect) get to die.

Intimacy will come later, and if my typing sucks sorry I was working as I did this.
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Post by Avilister »

I'm trying to understand the motivation behind doing all this, as I was not present on Saturday. Is there any particular reason to advertise all this information that none of the other characters have any reason to know outside of a roleplaying context?
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Post by Avilister »

In the interest of sharing more about the character, here is the backstory that I wrote so very long ago for the character (the creation date on the file is 2/5/06).


Name: Avilister

Hometown: Snowfort, a satellite town of Whitewall

Appearance: Avilister is a middle-aged man, appearing to be in his late fourties. His dark hair is kept short, a few strands of gray have crept into it, particularly around his temples and in his short beard. His skin is fair, though it is often difficult to tell, since he is often covered in ash and grime from his smithing work. He stands just short of six feet tall and is well muscled – particularly his upper body, from his time spent in the forge. His hands are rough from his work, though they are also often gloved. His gray eyes are discerning and inquisitive. He prefers sturdy clothes that are either dark, resistant to getting dirty, or easy to clean. Long pants, shirts with rolled up sleeves, leathery aprons, and lots of pockets are all common garb for him. When in his home area he also prefers long warm jackets that insulate as much of his body as possible, often with a hood or warm hat. After his Exaltation, Avilister's forehead features a permanent dark gray (nearly black) Twilight Caste mark, even when he has not channeled Essence for an extended period of time. He has taken to wearing low-riding hats, headbands and scarves that cover his forehead when in public in order to disguise his nature. Much of the time when travelling or when going into battle he wears a reinforced buff jacket onto which he has sown large leather pockets and loops in which he stores his tools and various other useful objects.

Personality: As a craftsman and a businessman, Avilister believes in hard work and truth in his dealings with others. He can be gruff when people interrupt his work, but is generally good natured, even jovial at times. He has a driving urge to learn about the past, and did even before his Exaltation. Matching that drive is an urge to create. He enjoys working metal into almost any form, from things as mundane as nails, screws and tools to elaborate works of metallic art and weapons of high beauty and quality. When not working Avilister enjoys reading, particularly nonfictional works in which he can discover more about the First Age.

History: Born in the small town of Snowfort to unwealthy parents who lived largely in poverty. He has almost no memory of them; during his third winter, his drunken father knocked over one of the oil lamps, catching their home on fire. His panicked mother tossed him through the flames and a window to the snowy outdoors where he was rescued by the townspeople who had gathered. The glass from the window granted him a rather severe laceration along his back and left arm, the scar for which has remained throughout his life. It is rarely visible as most long sleeved shirts will entirely cover it, and short-sleeved shirts will cover all but a little bit on the back of his arm.

The village smith took him in, caring for him and eventually beginning to train him as an apprentice. Avilister's training was put on hold for a while in adolescence as the blacksmith used his connections and resources to send him to school in Whitewall. There, Avilister focused on the properties of materials and on art. He learned the hows and whys of the blacksmithing trade in his classes as well as the basic history provided to all students. It is during this time that he learned to read and developed his interest in history.

Avilister returned to his foster parent's forge after graduation to resume his apprenticeship. He used the knowledge he had gained in school to create items of remarkable quality; stronger and more durable than some of the things his master was able to create. His interest in art during school likewise enabled him to create items of remarkable beauty. Avilister even began to combine these focuses, creating strong, functional items of incredible quality.

Sometime around his twenty-fifth winter, Avilister's master declared his training to be totally complete. His master was very aged at this point, having adopted Avilister when he was already quite old, and so he retired and turned his business over to his apprentice.

Avilister continued to forge, taking time to expand his knowledge of history when he had the time. He became fairly adept at the business side of things as well, turning a tidy profit in addition to ensuring that just enough demand for his goods remained to keep him busy. He proved to be exceptionally talented at fashioning weapons and armor, providing exceptionally sharp blades that did not easily lose their edge. It is from these that he made the most profit, as he would export them, through Whitewall and Wallport, to other areas.

Just over ten years passed before any change crept into this lifestyle. A rowdy gang of mercenaries began to frequent the town, some even basically moving into the local inn. They would harass the townspeople, but never make quite enough of a ruckus to cause the local authorities to drive them out. Encouraged by the lack of a response from the people in town, their actions became more bold. They eventually began to escalate from mere harassment to outright lawbreaking, causing some trouble with the sheriffs. By this time, however, they'd managed to pretty firmly entrench themselves in the town, and little progress was made in ousting them.

Avilister remained largely neutral in the conflict, providing weapons and armor to the sheriff's department at cost, but doing very little else. His stance changed, however, when he heard a woman screaming outside his forge early one winter evening. Grabbing a recently finished sword and a white-hot poker from his forge, Avilister went outside. There he met a gang of eight of the mercenaries that had taken up residence in the town, apparently attempting to rape a young woman. Half of the mercenaries broke off from the others to confront Avilister, drawing weapons of their own.

"The looks in their eyes said that they intended to kill me," Avilister often says when he relates the tale to others. "My heart was beating faster than I thought possible; I won't lie, I was scared out of my wits. I'll be damned before let that sort of thing happen outside my shop though."

"Now, I didn't really know how to fight back then. I had learned a little bit about it in school, and I'd swung around some of the really nice swords I'd made for fun, but I'd never seriously fought anyone. Four against one? I thought I'd probably die then and there."

"That was about when it happened though," a look of awe always settles onto his face when he gets to this part, "My fear evaporated as if it were water I was quenching a sword in. I felt a fantastic burning," he points to the ash-gray circle on his forehead, "here. But then it changed from a burning to... well... I'm not sure, to something else. Warm and cool, soft but firm. That probably doesn't make much sense, but neither did this," he shrugs to nullify the need for further explination.

"Anyway, at that moment, when the fear was gone and that feeling was settling upon me, I knew exactly what to do. The movements that I needed to perform came to me from nowhere. Block here, strike there, parry and then thrust. The look on their faces went from confidence to terror. I sort of blacked out for a moment there – thats not entirely right, I remember it, but not how I did it or doing it. Hah, that probably doesn't make any sense either.

"Oh well, call it magic! Thats what it is. When all was said and done all eight of the mercenaries had fallen and the girl was safe, though I'm not sure she thought so. Her face expressed something between terror and awe. I gently told her that she should get home. She did; she ran. My aura was still blazing in brillant golds and oranges around me. I had sort of realized what was going on, but I didn't really know what I could or should do about it.

"I felt a compulsion then, stronger than anything I've ever felt. I returned to my forge, grabbed some raw materials and began to work. Words that hadn't been said for more than a thousand years leaped into my head. I spoke them as I hammered. My will moved forces through the object that was taking shape as I said them. Around me, my aura continued to blaze, filling the inside of my shop with light. Strange characters floated through it in strings, sentences I assume, passing through the iron, the forge, my hammer and me as I worked.

"I didn't really realize what I was doing, but I continued to work as the sun set and right through the entire night. When I had finished I'd accomplished quite a bit. I'd made the sword and armor I use even now. I'm not sure I could do it again, when I finished the knowledge began to fade with my aura.

"That wasn't all I'd done though, I'd also changed the building itself. I'd created a doorway where there hadn't been one, moved essentially all the furniture around added an awful lot of decorative metals and totally sealed one of the windows. I wouldn't realize the net result for several days." He often grins to himself at this point and won't usually continue unless prompted.

"What was the result? Well this!" he says as he proudly points to the hearthstone set into the hilt of his daiklaive. "I had managed, somehow, to redirect the local flow of essence. That, especially, I'm not sure if I will ever be able to duplicate, but it sure is one of the fanciest bits of work I've ever done."

Avilister's exaltation caused quite a bit of turmoil in town, and reports conflict, even now, as to exactly what happened that night. He was confronted about it several times and remained intentionally vague about it. He wasn't sure if the locals would react well to finding out that he, the friendly local blacksmith, had become one of the hated Anethema. Rumors did circulate though, the girl had been the only other surviver of the actual moment of his exaltation, but many other townsfolk had seen the fantastic light radiating from his shop until the early morning.

Avilister found, also, that his caste mark seemed to be permanent. It glowed for nearly two weeks after his exaltation, not bright enough to be seen through a tightly fastened headband, but bright enough to be very obvious if he didn't take measures to conceal it. Even after it finally faded, the mark remained. It seemed to have seared the soot and ash that had been on his skin from his work into a sort of tattoo.

Amid the rumors, Avilister began his quest for knowledge. He scoured virtually every book in town for any mention of the First Age, its artifacts, or anything related to the Exalted. He tried to keep his motives and the topics of his interest as secret as possible. Eventually he planned a business trip to Whitewall, both to sell some of the fantastic works he had been able to create after his exaltation, the quality and beauty of which far surpassed anything he had previously created, and to scour the library for more information.

Flickers of knowledge passed in and out of his mind as he looked at the city of Whitewall with new eyes. He couldn't pin down anything specific, but he knew that the city had been built by his fellow Solars even without needing to be told. In the city's library he found very little of any real use. However, what he did find helped him immensely. The weeks of reading yielded him extra knowledge about Solars in general, about the Unconquered Sun, and about magic. It is from those books that he managed to teach himself the rudiments of magic and cast his first spell.

Having exhausted his readily available store of knowledge, Avilister became a restless. He began forging himself a backlog of items and planning a more extensive trip. When he had finished he loaded up what he could and left.

His destination was Nexus. He had decided that the town's historical importance and wealth of people, and the fact that it had been constantly populated since the First Age, made it an excellent place for him to continue his research as well as sell his wares.
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Post by arete »

We discussed how our exalted game lacked in character. We want to have 3D characters instead of just stats. This information should stay out of character in some cases, but it will help people to think about their characters.
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Post by rydi »

Amseriah wrote:I will be posting something later tonight however I feel that I should respond to Jason's post.

I don't think that this game has ever been a penis measuring contest. I do think however that we have reached the point in the game where we need to revamp our idea of what our characters are. It happens in most book series, the character has gone through so much both things happening to them and just the passing of time and natural maturation that goes along with that, and the writer begins to color their personality slightly different. A couple of us have already completed a motivation, we have created an empire, the world has gone to shit around us. All these things change people and as such I think that it is time to revisit characters and state what they are like now, both in regards to inner motivations (and through such, intimacies), and how the character is most likely perceived by other people. There is another reason for this other than just fleshing out the character, we have also reached the point in the game where it is no longer a dungeon crawl and we will most likely not be engaged in an epic battle or two every game session. At this point in games our personalities and motivations come more into play and the sessions are predominately rp. It happens in every game regardless of system, Marvel, DnD, Exalted, WoD, it is just the natural course of events.

Also, I would like to see character personality be displayed more, and interaction to be a bigger focus. I think we spent a great deal of time on crunch at the beginning, and it has influenced the way we have played the game. If we are to continue, and create a compelling story, then we need to approach the characters from a more rp sense.
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Post by Avilister »

I think a big factor of that is game granularity. That may not be exactly the right word, so I'll describe what I mean a bit. I'm talking about what we actually play through. For the most part, this game is now on the scale of world-trotting, big-picture stuff. We don't really play through things in a day-by-day sense, which means we're not playing the characters as much. We play things in a week-by-week or more sense, in which we describe what we're doing during that time and will sometimes play out a scene or two during that time period.

That is probably partially my fault, as that's a lot of how I ran the game. That is mostly because that's the sort of 'granularity' that I prefer. It helps to tell a grander, more all-encompassing story than "Well, I wake up and then go take a piss, and then stare into a mirror for five minutes before trying to find some breakfast. Sometime in there I spend about 90 seconds petting a hearth cat because my feet are cold."
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Post by rydi »

Avilister wrote:I think a big factor of that is game granularity. That may not be exactly the right word, so I'll describe what I mean a bit. I'm talking about what we actually play through. For the most part, this game is now on the scale of world-trotting, big-picture stuff. We don't really play through things in a day-by-day sense, which means we're not playing the characters as much. We play things in a week-by-week or more sense, in which we describe what we're doing during that time and will sometimes play out a scene or two during that time period.

That is probably partially my fault, as that's a lot of how I ran the game. That is mostly because that's the sort of 'granularity' that I prefer. It helps to tell a grander, more all-encompassing story than "Well, I wake up and then go take a piss, and then stare into a mirror for five minutes before trying to find some breakfast. Sometime in there I spend about 90 seconds petting a hearth cat because my feet are cold."
True, and I tend to do the same thing. With often the same result. The characters get lost in all that. It is difficult to maintain the balance. Part of my hope is that this new setting will encourage more day-by-day, as time is now a pressing factor, not something that can just be allowed to pass by.

But I think it is possible to have character dev even w/out the day-by-day. Just more difficult. It relies a great deal on npc's, and upon the players interacting with one another.
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Post by Amseriah »

There are more things that can be rp'd out than everyday activities, such as when we are planning out battles, senate meetings, or city planning.
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Post by Avilister »

Amseriah wrote:There are more things that can be rp'd out than everyday activities, such as when we are planning out battles, senate meetings, or city planning.
You've just highlighted my point for me. If we only do those things, then we're glossing over all other interactions, even though those are the most plot-relevant events.
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Post by rydi »

Avilister wrote:
You've just highlighted my point for me. If we only do those things, then we're glossing over all other interactions, even though those are the most plot-relevant events.
True, though these events can still display a great deal of character depth and interpersonal interaction. Starforge ran like that, but still managed to display character depth, for example. As we've been doing it however, it would primarily result in a discssion of mechanics (both in game logistics and out game system crunch) followed by implementation and xp. But precious little interaction, NPC defining, relationship exploration, etc.

And that is really my hope. Not sure that will be the result, but that is my hope.
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Post by arete »

I am definitely want to play out things with less system mechanics/crunch and more in character.
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Post by rydi »

I have already told my backstory. but I will try and give my intimacies. I will be updating the list periodically.

1) Love: Sa'rel.
2) Love: Godzilla
3) Pity: Eye and Seven Despairs
4) Pleasure: Hearthcats
5) ?: Doll
6) Loyalty: Circle/group/whatever
7) Hate: Slavery
8) Protective: Wonderfalls
9) Hope: Ideal of a happy world
10) Doubt: The idea that any single entity or group should have ultimate power, or can have ultimate understanding
11) Faith: The idea of balance
12) Faith: The idea of a better creation (neverborn)
13) Friendship: Mentor
14) Determination: Become something strong enough to make creation better and protect those things I care about
15) Disgust: State of the afterlife
Last edited by rydi on Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Amseriah »

Personality: Strong, harsh, unyielding, aggressive, uncaring, stone cold, fair, principled, strong convictions

Noticeable traits: perpetually harsh, gravelly voice (possibly from his exp in the wyld), GIANT, Tell: Slitted reptilian eyes, Covered in scars, not that kind on the eyes, very charismatic however, naturally militarily gifted.


Love: EPR
Friendship: S'rel
Loyalty: The Circle
Hate: FAFL
Hate: Mask of Winters
Hate: The Wyld
Respect: Tawa
Friendship: Avilister
Respect: (Adam's character)
Protective: Wonderfalls
Protective: Creation
Hate: The Realm
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