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Exalted > WoD

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:10 am
by rydi
So, I've been trying to fit things from exalted into owod.

How do people think this should work?

Of note, the biggest problem that I have ran into so far is that every fucking human has an avatar, so that ruins a great many scenarios.

Also, of note, the entire transition is predicated on a) a huge catastrophic conflict, or b) utter and total boredom on the part of the exalted. anything else wouldn't bring about such extreme changes.

the only thing i'm absolutely positive on is this:
creation was folded in on itself to form a sphere. this exposes it to the wyld at all times, but the gauntlet protects it. the normal umbra is kind of like the border and middle marches, while everything past horizon is deep wyld or pure chaos.

other stuff i'm working on:
avatars: either shards of broken exaltations, or something crafted for the human race.

pattern spiders/loom: was merged with creation by autochthon. actually a lot is predicated on autobot fucking with stuff. because something has to explain the altered rules of reality, and he's a pretty good explanation for most of the changes.

fae: actually pretty easy to convert. they hang out in the wyld and come into reality to fuck with shit. but they can't come in anymore because it kills them... pretty much like exalted.

exalts/supernaturals: the answer to what the sups are is predicated upon what the avatar is. but, imo they should probably be some sort of true breeding half caste or something.

underworld: also pretty easy to transfer over. deathlords might change, or maybe a few of them are even still hanging around. doesn't really matter. primordials are malfeans. pretty simple.

demons: simple in theory, though mechanical diffs make things much more irritating.

Dragon kings: actually, werewolf mythos deal with these. civilized dinosaur people lived long ago. the mokole remember it. and have nice past life things too... Likely dragon kings worked with the lunars to create the changing breeds or some aspects of them at least.