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Trinity:JD-Characters: The Updating

Post by rydi »

Characters: The Updating

So, I'm done with concepting and dotting. Those that I have given characters to already may get a slightly updated copy. I still need to do story for several people, and I am including important book exerpts in the backgrounds of characters. I am also including equipment and descriptions of it.

(though Adam, for your character it will be necessary for you to go through the technology manual and main book, along with orgotek, and find what you want. You have high resources and Devices 5, along with requisition, so take what you want for the most part, unless it is just exceptionally expensive. You are primarily a hardtech technokinetic business woman however, so stay looking human and professional.)

Purminder Mehta/Gideon: Logistics and administration agent of Aeon's Triton division, of Indian descent. Career oriented with little time or energy left for socializing and personal interests. Aeon is all. Mr. Mehta will be your liason with the Aeon home office liason, file requests for gear and assistane, and do daily progress reports. His paperwork lets him sleep about 3 hours a night.

Pei Toshiro/Josh: Toshiro's file states that he was born to a Chinese immigrant family in Japan, left Japan to work with the Fourth Legion, then joined Aeon in the Athena subdivision of Proteus. That's it. And he doesn't say much more about his background. Toshiro's reptutation precedes him however: he is an accomplished special opperative, and if rumors are true, a bit of a burnout. Thus his assignment to the mission.

Rita Mae Prescott/Adam: Originally from the northamerican midwest (the part that wasn't irratdiated and quaranteaned), Rita Mae still speaks with a midwestern drawl, and a vocabulary lacking the techno jargon common to most Orgotek techs and business people. But despite her simple facade, Rita Mae has a reputation for being an astute business person and gifted technician. She is being leased from Orgotek on a limited basis contract.

Gregory Casa/Steven: A former Legions pilot, Gregory was wounded in the line of duty, and left the military. After a short stint on Luna to recuperate, he joined Aeon as a transport pilot. He walks with a limp, but despite his injury, and his relatively weak psychokinetic abilities, he has a reputation as one of Aeon's best pilots.

Mieke ?/Angela: Born in the German Confederacy, in the PPk, Mieke comes from a unique background. In her country, a single Test (notice the capital "T") determines what one does in life. Early on, she apparently showed great aptitude in medicine, and has pursued a career in medicine her entire life. Though relatively young, she is an accomplished doctor with several years of service under her. And all of that was before she had one of the strongest vitakinetic triggerings on record.

Billy Dundee/Vincent: Billy's life is an open book, at least to anyone that cares to read it. He's military, plain and simple. He joined up for duty with the Legions before he even knew he was a psychokinetic. After his whole company was annihilated in an aberrant attack, he joined the Fourth Legion, where a combination of survivors guilt and anger propelled him to be one of the most successful orbital paratroopers in the Fourth (for those that don't know what that means, the trooper enters atmo loaded with weapons, and enough oxygen to last the flight down, and then uses PK to guide their descent and shield them from the heat of re-entry; needless to say, no orbital paratrooper is exactly sane). He knows weapons. All of them. And talks about them with love he doesn't seem to show for anyone else, except perhaps the dead.
Last edited by rydi on Tue Mar 24, 2009 6:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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cheyne, my name is Purminder Mehta
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update updated.
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