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Exalted: FoB - The Split

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:15 pm
by Avilister
So, as many of you may have heard, we've been talking about doing a split of the group. This is mostly because it has gotten too fucking big to handle. That is partially my fault, for allowing so many people into the game. It's also partially yours for wanting to play Exalted. I'm willing to forgive some of you if you'll run the other group, though.

One of the proposed ideas for this, and one I think I sort of like, is actually having each group have two co-GM's. This will 1) give everyone a chance to play, 2) split up the work required to run the games, and 3) ensure that there are more ideas and that GM's have a sounding board to bounce those ideas off of.

A Super-Combo-Bonus!-Side-Effectâ„¢ of this is that I'll get to play as well. In order to bring some measure of balance and realism, I'll probably assume Darkstar as a full-time character, since he's around the party level and has been, quietly, present most of this time. This will also give us more of a chance to see how Sidereals balance out against other Celestials (I've already House Ruled some stuff about them that I haven't brought up because it hasn't really been relevant until now, part of which is their exp costs :P).

Ostensibly the split would be along the lines of a "Home Team" and an "Away Team" (to barrow terms from sports, Star Trek, and a number of other places, I'm sure). The Home Team would stay in and around the Greyfalls/Wonderfalls Republic area, managing that, dealing with matters of state, threats to security, foreign dignitaries, hoards of ninja assassins, and giant rampaging monsters (that aren't PCs). The Away Team would run out on a slightly more episodic exploration sort of tangent wherein they find tombs, manses, Big Bads and the like and generally rocket-punch them to death. This group would probably have the dual role of acting as diplomats to foreign nations on behalf of the Wonderfalls Republic.

There are a few limitations in place that will need to be discussed among the GM's. The main one is a time/exp goal. From the in-game 'current time' there is an event that will happen in game in about a year which will require the party as a whole to go to a certain place and have some minimum amount of exp (I'm not sure how much yet, but more than the party currently has :P).

Anyway, post in this thread to let me know which group you're interested in being in, and if you're interested in doing any of the running at all, and if there are any restrictions on who you should be with (for example, I know EPR wants to stay with Godzilla, and Cheyne as a player wants to stay with his wife, so basically Paul, Cheyne and Haley are a unit, whichever group they end up in :P).

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:39 pm
by Amseriah
Sounds like a good idea...only one real question and that is what "team" will us three be on? I like the exploring, diploming, and conquering team, but do we have the skill and more importantly the charm set to do this or are we better suited to staying at home?

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 3:40 pm
by Amseriah
Oh and before you say anything Jason, we are at the airport waiting about 2 hours so that we can board our flights so :-P

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:55 pm
by adam
I shall join the Wonderfalls Exploration and Diplomatic Unit. There is not a lot for me to do exept to diplom when I am in Greyfalls.

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 7:47 pm
by rydi
steven said it. wherever they go, i go. oh, and i'm getting cats.

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:30 pm
by arete
I really want to help get cats, but I also have stuff to do in wonderfalls.

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 5:00 pm
by Thael
I cheated and made a second character to go galavanting about creation... so I can play in both... Jade will stay in and study like the houseplant he is and my other character will be eager to explore the great outdoors...