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Spiderman vs Ironman

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:34 pm
by Liquidprism
Okay here it is, a thread devoted to a matchup proposed by Cheyne. Lets see what you guys think.

The setting is going to be generic comicbook city. The heroes are going to be meeting in their classic, quintessential incarnations. Both have their full range of powers, and abilities. Spidey with his wit, strength, speed, and danger sense, and Stark with his sleekest most advanced suit of armor.

Frankly, I think Spiderman has this in the bag. Provided he can get a hold of Stark's suit.

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:41 pm
by rydi
i find this one difficult. if iron man were willing to kill, and to blow up a city block to do it, he could just nuke the surrounding area. crispy peter most likely, even with his heightened durability. likewise, tony could outfly him and escape pretty easily. it seems like an easy fight. and iron man seems to be alot stronger, on average, than peter.

the real questions start popping up when you start to look at peter's background though. he is a genius himself, and has frequently foiled super scientists. he even reprogramed the armor that tony gave him that was boobytrapped. his strength is proportional to his need, and while he hovers at the 10-20 ton range, he has on more than one occassion "pushed" to hit the 100 ton benchmark. his agility and precognitive abilities protect him from harm, and straczynski's run (if it still even counts, the fuckers...) showed his power to come in part from a magical spider totem and that he has untapped powers.

then you have to consider if they planned on the fight before hand. did tony just go whacko and start beating up on peter, or is this a planned eventuality? cuz they would both likely be able to disable a few of the other's powers.

i really don't know. i think tony has the edge, but it can still go to spidey.

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:49 pm
by Liquidprism
Spiderman has a totem spirit...that's awesome.

I agree fore the most part, but whenever I see technology against innate powers, I just kind of assume that the powers trump. It always seems like the powers are based on need, and will, and more esoteric ideas than anything. Wereas the technology always has limits and a maximum cap on what its constructed parameters are able to take.

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:08 pm
by rydi
yeah. but tony is supposed to be the exception. and his armor is integrated into his body now. nannite sheath.

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:28 pm
by Liquidprism
Nanites rock, I guess that means his armor can be pushed beyond its normal limits by the force of his will alone? Thats kinda of funny, and weird all at the same time, supposing this is true.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:36 am
by Rusty
it's my impression that iron man is superman with a different power origin. If it were superman vs spiderman, I think arguments FOR spiderman would be pretty thin at best. Now, I don't know the comic book series very well for either, so I AM going off the feature films, but it's my impression that iron man would not hesitate to kill spider man, and could bring weapons to bear that spiderman could not dodge or otherwise evade.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:33 am
by rydi
he would have to use lethal force on a whole lot more people than just spidey, as he would have to use aoe weapons.

as far as ironman/superman... nope. gotta disagree. while i won't drag this down with "which superman" questions, i will say that pretty much any one of them around in the current continuity would hand tony his ass, barring a kryptonite power source in the suit or something else suitabley wierd.

thor = shazam = superman

ironman < thor (handed him his ass actually, and then made him walk to a pay phone to get a ride when his suit was drained of power)

therfore, ironman < superman.

not that this has any bearing whatsoever on spiderman, who would get owned by superman also.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:30 am
by Liquidprism
I love the <and> symbols. You should make a series of spread sheets and graphs that acurately depect power levels and realative 'win potential' amongst all superheroes ever made (including all their incarnations).
It would be a good life long project for you. FORGET grad school, America...neah the world, needs this Cheyne.
And yes, if Ironman decided to nuke the city from orbit, he could definitely own Spidey. It would be funny if he launched a missle that looked like a can of Raid.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:19 pm
by Thael
...It would be funny if he launched a missle that looked like a can of Raid.
god dammit josh...

And I thought starks whole theme was non-lethal but effective tech (like his repulsor blasts) similar to the bean bags for shotguns

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:01 pm
by rydi
yes and no. his repulsors and other energy beams would certainly kill if used properly.