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[IC] Knowledge Database

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:47 pm
by rydi
[You may post access controlled information here, and you may make in character queries for in character knowledge here.]

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:49 pm
by rydi
Secret Files

Notice to all starship captains: All those in a position to deal with the planet Aterna, or any of its people, maintain extreme caution. While they are a full member planet, and have shown nothing but good intentions, the population is possessed of a great deal of power (see ARCHIVE: SKOLIAN CONFLICT). Further, part of our agreement with them is that they are never to be tested or experimented upon, so keep your medical staff away from them unless the Aternan’s life is in danger (in which case you will need to provide the supplementary file on ATERNAN BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY to your chief medical officer).
(Recorded by Admiral Modomo, after the signing of the Skolian Accord)
I write this knowing that few will see it. But I feel that there must be some record of the events of this final battle of what has now become known as the Skolian Conflict, and further, I feel I must attempt to sway those in power to act in the best interest of the Federation, which they cannot fully understand without some insight into what has occurred here in the Acanthus sector. I was one of the fortunate few who was allowed into the trust of the Aternan people. I worked with them to create the Skolian detectors, and to create the battle strategy that has brought us to this day of victory. I am honored to say that I have never worked with such competent, wise, and truly honorable people. And I am ashamed to say that I am also truly terrified of them all.

I will not repeat everything I saw during the battle, as I am not even certain that I understand everything that occurred. But so that those reading this will understand what we are dealing with, I will relate some of the more disturbing.

I witnessed an old man, older than myself, with whom I had played a game of chess and exchanged pleasantries on the nature of society, flying on the outside of my ship, surrounded, according to the ships scanners, in a magnetic field of such intensity that it blinded our forward sensor array. He looked at me, smiled, and then used that same magnetic field to rip apart a Skolian heavy cruiser as though it were made simple foil.

I met the most noble man I have ever known, a man who I am certain would willingly sacrifice himself for anyone, of any race, simply because doing so was “right”. I saw this man grab the Skolian flagship by its main supports, and drag it through space, against full thruster power, and place it gently on a nearby moon, ignoring the weapons they fired at him as he retreated.

I saw a bird of fire, floating in the darkness of space, with a woman at its center, and this bird consumed three ships that would have destroyed us. We blinked, and it was as though they were never there.

As I said, these are but a few of the awesome displays that I witnessed that day. And, as the leader of the Federation armed forces, I feel that my words must be heard. While I am certain that those of you reading this are frightened, and for the sake of the Federation some of you might be wondering whether it might not be best to destroy these Aternans before they can do further harm, I must vehemently warn you against such action.

To do this would be to act against everything that the federation stands for. It would rob us of a valuable ally. It would destroy a good and honorable people. And, the most pressing reason of all: to try might lead to the destruction of all we hold dear.

Please, head my words. Make peace. Make them your allies. And for goodness sake, never let the public know what happened here.

-Admiral Modomo

Terms of the Aternan Truce
1.The Federation public will not know the capabilities of the Aternan people
2.The Federation will respect the boarders of Aternan space, and non-Aternan federation citizens will visit only designated areas within Aternan space.
3.Aternan will be given full member status within the Federation, and will not be subject to rules beyond those governing other races.
4.Aternans will begin a program that will lead to the eventual stabilization of the Aternan genome and a decrease in overall power, for the good of both the Aternan people, and the Federation as a whole.
5.The Aternan people will refrain from utilizing any powers that exceed those of standard level 3 psychics or mages, or strength beyond that of normal biological races of their size, anywhere outside of Aternan space, unless otherwise authorized by a ranking Federation official

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:17 am
by Liquidprism
Classified Document
Federation Military: Officers Only

Life Form: Matriarch (Bio Hazard Warning)
Category: Xeno-Organism
Sub-Category: Psychic Parasite
Potential and Capability: Ultimately unknown. Possessing both biological, and psychic adaptations makes them resilient, long lived, and capable of eliminating other species which they deem a threat. We have reason to believe they have access to a wealth of technology information from past civilizations (both hard tech, and bio technology) and are more than capable of producing such technology should the need arise. Weapons, and space travel on par with the Galactic Federation are not unlikely. However we do not know for sure at this time.
Threat Level: Extreme. Use all appropriate safety, and bio-hazard protocols when dealing with members of this species. Use guarded diplomacy, and keep all nonessential personnel away from living members of a hive. At this time active bio-quarantine of Matriarch controlled planets is in effect.

Known Castes (with Sub-Species):
Bonded Drone
Pinnacle Warrior
New Queen
Brood Queen
Great Queen

Begin Transmission: Excerpted From the Galactic Federation Hall of Records Censored Files.
Lecture Archives: Observations and Studies of Xeno-Organisms for Inclusion into the Federation.
Lecture by Chief Scientific Advisor Arl Tenate of the Federation Science Corps.

The species known as the Matriarch are a strange and dangerous race, which bear careful consideration and watching. When first encountered, war with this species seemed inevitable. Their existence, once uncovered, threatened every living thing in the Galactic Federation. They have the resilience, desire, and power to enslave other races given only reason, and time. They are cunning, and intelligent in the way only a highly evolved predator can be. Had they not the ability to communicate with us across language barriers, and a willingness to explore shared peace their standing with the Federation today would be of a very different nature.

The Matriarch are of course a social race, and claim to find certain merit in social constructs such as art, and law. However, their ideas on how these constructs manifest are rather, unique, amongst other sentient races. They seem to delight when interacting with those beings they consider their peers. The real problem lies in what they perceive as those worthy of such a title, and how that attitude compares with their treatment of those creatures they deem inferior.

Perspective. So much relies on perspective, and the Matriarch are no different. Should they perceive a race to be their peer they are capable of great diplomacy, and may provide valuable additions to that society. Should they, however, perceive a race as inferior, and useful only as a tool to be used, that race should prepare for a nightmare beyond darkest imagining. The Matriarch can, and will subjugate and enslave such a perceived resource. The true horror comes in that they do this without malicious intent, but instead from their own sense of natural order. Perspective is truly a thing to keep in mind when dealing with a member or members of this species.

Before I get into their history I will expand a bit more on what we know about the Matriarch of today. The society is a caste based one very similar to what one might find amongst the termites or ants of Earth. A hive group is ruled by a Queen, who enforces order through a variety of biological and mental forces. The Matriarch ‘Great Queens’ have not revealed to me what those methods are as of yet, but I have theories. Pheromones, and body language are of course beyond doubt. However, there is reason to believe that they also leverage a certain degree of psychic control over at least some of their ‘children’. I say some and not all because at least one caste of their species, beyond that of the queen, have exhibited a large degree of autonomy at times. These creatures are the ones we call Warriors.

The queens themselves exist in three phases of a life cycle. They begin simply as Queens, which are relatively helpless comparatively and have little more than the host on which they ride to rely on. Once a Queen finds a nest area, and a plentiful source of organic material it is able to lay eggs, In fact it is unable to stop laying eggs through out most of the rest of its life. From these eggs hatch either drones or soldiers. At this stage the Queen becomes a Brood Queen, and it can begin to evolve itself with a hive to stand watch, and carry out its bidding. We do not know the means by which these creatures determine to hatch Drones or Soldiers.

The Next phase of a Queen's life cycle is known as the Great Queen. All the Queens of which we are currently aware are in this stage of their life cycles. These being are... domineering to say the least. Their presence isn’t so much one of physicality, but of the mind. This makes them dangerous, and beautiful beyond measure. To see one, in person, is like meeting a force of nature. They seem ageless, and wise, yet alien in more ways than they are the same. To be honest they terrify me, and I think they know this.

Their host forms are nearly unrecognizable as the things they once were. The Great Queens claim that they can keep a host alive for centuries, and are constantly adapting these bodies to suit their whims. I can handle this information as a scientist, and even be fascinated by it. The reality of their presence however is almost too much. I think it’s the eyes of the host forms that really get to me.

Drones have very brief life cycles unless they bond to a host organism. They are then able to control, and even enhance that organism for use toward the betterment of the hive. Drones are driven purely by instinct, and the directions of their Queen. Without a Queen a Drone will do little else but consume, and wander until its host dies, and the drone with it. They can be goaded to attack if they feel threatened.

Soldiers have a longer life cycle than Drones, and are larger, They are aggressive and fairly autonomous even without a developed host symbiosis. They primary protect the hive against intrusions, and threats. They also actively seek out threats in the surrounding area. Once a soldier finds a suitable host organism it latches on, and starts to become Warrior.

A Warrior is a soldier that has fully integrated with a host, and augmented that form to become an apex predator. Warriors are terrifying, maybe more so than Queens, They cannot be reasoned with, and will do everything they can to kill and consume any perceived threats to themselves and the hive.

Warriors are fierce, loyal, and nearly mindless for the most part. However, when one is left for to long outside the influence of a Queen that individual starts to act in ways that are more congruent with its own self interests than that of the hive it came from. It still works toward the species’ goals of strength, and perpetuation, but won’t march blindly into death, or stand idol waiting for orders. I’m not sure what the exact nature of this creatures relationship is with a Queen, or how it fits into the hive fully as of yet. I can say that the Great Queens will not discuss the Warriors to any extent, or the actual natural of their hierarchy all that much outside the basic structure. Since their reluctance to discuss this matter is as close as they come to lying, I am positive that there is information here, which they do not wish us to know. Perhaps something that they feel might be exploited. I am unsure at this time, but further study is warranted in my opinion.

On the whole, the Matriarch exhibit a plethora of qualities that most life forms would be envious of. Their minds are computers capable of containing and processing data quickly and efficiently. We have tested them for psychic ability, and needless to say they are developed in this area of the mind as well. There bodies are resilient, and made to adapt quickly. They have poison, can secrete several non-organic substances, and can eat nearly anything. Many of these innate biological abilities are developed to varying degrees by the individual Matriarch Queens. Each Queen also tends to possess several unique biological traits as well. I theorize they are able to inherit some measure of ability from those species they have consumed. Not just overt traits either, but potentially mental ones as well, such as knowledge and certain skill sets.

Currently, the Matriarch control a single system with 5 planets and several planetoids. They seem to be able to travel freely between these worlds, which have been terraformed to suit their purposes. We know not how they achieved the terraforming, nor how they manage to travel between their worlds. Initial scans of the only world we have been allowed to visit indicate no advanced technology, or space fairing vessels. This is obviously not a good indicator of the Matriarch’s true level of technological achievement.

I have met, or at least observed, twelve Great Queens in my time amongst the Matriarch, each a unique, and alien creature. I have reason to believe there are more, but not too many more. As I learned of their history I realized that these Great Queens are the last of their kind. They are ancient, but few. This is perhaps something else to be grateful for.

It should be noted that this minimal population is by choice however, and what they see as a ‘moral necessity’ as they call it. Their ‘moral’ sensibilities however are more about a natural order than what most sentient races would think of as right or wrong action. I mention this because I believe their limiting of population size is done out of a ‘biological’ necessity rather than a ‘moral’ one.

In conclusion I can only say that this race, perhaps more than any other in the Federation is a double edge sword. To include them in our society would be a boon, but at what cost I wonder. For now I recommend keeping them under strict quarantine, and observing mostly from a distance, at least until we can further, and more accurately assess their nature, and abilities.

While the Great Queens can be fascinating conversationalists, and observe strict rules of etiquette, and hospitality when engaging other species, the aura of menace they exude cannot be shaken. They are first and for most predators, a life-form highly adapted to control, and conquest at the expense of rival organisms. Please keep this in mind when making decisions concerning the Matriarch and their inclusion into our affairs.

End of Transmission: Excerpted From the Galactic Federation Hall of Records Censored Files.
Lecture Archives: Observations and Studies of Xeno-Organisms for Inclusion into the Federation.
Lecture by Chief Scientific Advisor Arl Tenate of the Federation Science Corps.

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 1:20 pm
by Liquidprism
Accord of Truce
Concerning: The Continued Peace Between the Free Worlds of the Galactic Federation and the Matriarch Empire
Star Date: 533.3.7

Let it be known to all members of the Federation, and Matriarch peoples, that on this day an agreement of peace has been reached between us. In the interest of mutual order, and goodwill these two great societies have put aside differences to come together in a union of culture, and understanding.

As is customary both peoples have made offers to the common wealth, and dictated customs to be observed in the dealings between them. The terms are as follows:

(1) The Matriarch demand sovereignty in matters concerning the ruling of their species, and worlds. They have reigned uninterrupted over their hive worlds for untold years, and reserve the right to maintain their empire without question or interference by outside agencies.

(a) Individuals of the Drone, and Soldier caste of the Matriarch species are not citizens, and are not afforded the rights of freethinking, sentient citizens of the Federation. They are to be considered as tools in use by the Matriarch Queens and extensions of those beings’ wills.

(b) Non-Queen members of this species outside the influence of a Queen, without proper clearance are to be terminated on site, and disposed of, or sent back to the Matriarch worlds. They may not be kept, and/or studied without permission of the Queen they belong to, under threat of war. Their treatment under their Queens may at no time be interfered with or dictated by Federation citizens.

(c) The Matriarch must be allowed to continue with the breeding and use of those races already under their control. While they may not enslave or dominate any other races in this way from this day forth, those already possessed are the property of the Queens, and should be considered as nothing more than tools and implements of their civilization.

(2) The Matriarch sovereignty may not expand their empire from its current system, or size without the express permission of the Federation government. To do so without the permission of the Federation will be seen as an act of aggression and cause for war.

(a) The Matriarchs home system and associated worlds are to be quarantined by the Federation military for the safety of both the Matriarch and Federation. This clause has been deemed prudent by both parties, until such time as it is decided to be otherwise by Federation Military Command and the Great Queens of the Matriarch Empire.

(b) The Matriarch may not enslave, or use as host vessels ANY citizen of the Federation and its peoples without the express permission of Federation command. To do this is a direct violation of the laws, and ethics of Federation society, and will result in immediate punishment up to, and including war.

(c) Should the Matriarch wish to expand upon their domain, they must petition through proper Federation channels to do so.

(3) The Matriarch reserve the right to keep the full extent of their technological achievement, and their species evolutionary blueprints to themselves. They may choose to share knowledge of their technologies as they wish, but may not be forced to do so by any agency or individual of the Federation.

(a) If any attempt is made to glean such knowledge without majority approval by the Matriarch ruling body, those parties involved will be considered hostile threats to the Matriarch Empire and dealt with accordingly up to an including a declaration of war.

(b) Furthermore the Matriarch shall allow, by no means, their physiology or persons to be extensively studied, and categorized by any member of the Federation military or otherwise, under threat of immediate cancellation of this treatise. Should the Matriarch allow themselves or members of their species to be studied in such a way, they shall determine the terms of such action at that time. Casual examination, and data gleaned from social interactions are not subject to inclusion under this article.

(4) The Federation reserves the right to request dignitaries of the Matriarch people to attend formal functions of a political nature. The Matriarch are required to attend such functions and participate in the actions of government as necessary. They are active members of the Federation and have duties as such from henceforth.

(a) The Matriarch are required to send forth emissaries of their people to participate in, and commune with the Federation and its society. This is to ensure they maintain a place, and an active presence in the affairs of the culture of which they are now a part. This will further help them to gain acceptance, and build rapport with the Federation and its peoples.

(5) The Matriarch and the Federation shall each in kind respect the laws, and culture of each other as equals. The Matriarch must obey Federation law, and citizens of the Federation must obey Matriarch rule when in territories under the domain of the Matriarch Empire. Neither party, either by agency or individual, shall willfully engage in actions that directly compromise the bond of trust between them. Such actions may result in termination of this treatise up to and including a declaration of war.

(a) Due to the highly aggressive nature of the ecosystem on Matriarch worlds, the Matriarch must take special measures not to allow harm to come to Federation citizens while visiting. The welfare of Federation personnel upon Matriarch worlds must be guaranteed their safety and wellbeing as long as they stay within designated safety zones. Should any person stray from designated safe zones, their safety cannot be guaranteed.

(b) No citizen of the Federation may land on, or observe Matriarch worlds without the express permission of the Matriarch Queens. If caught, such persons shall be prosecuted under Matriarch law.

(c) While outside the confines of their Empire Matriarch personnel must adhere to the cultural laws, and practices of those places they interact with as far as those practices do not threaten to cause harm to the Matriarch individual or society.

(6) The Federation demands an annual tax to be supplied by the Matriarch as per any member race of the Federation. This tax may be paid out in Federation currency, and/or material resources both of technology exports, raw materials, or even labor force.

And so here today the undersigned do understand and agree to the terms listed above. Should either party wish it, these terms may be reviewed, and renegotiated by observing the proper procedure under Federation law. These terms are a binding agreement of peace between the Galactic Federation, and the Matriarch Empire. Failure by either party to adhere to these terms may be met with a termination of this treatise. Some measure of leeway should be observed for individuals violating such an accord, and prudence should be observed in dealing with extenuating circumstances.

Thus, by the power invested in the Galactic Federation of Worlds High Command, and with the blessings of the Great Queens of the Matriarch Empire let this treaty be formed, and the two societies joined in a union of shared peace, and prosperity.

Galactic Federation of Free Worlds High Command
The Sovereign Great Queens of the Matriarch Empire