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Star Wars: LKotOR - World Creation

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:59 pm
by angelicyokai
Here are my complied results for our two sessions of world building. I posted most things by the location rather than which main theme they fell under because there was a great deal of overlap. I make no promises about spelling. I'm posting each location separately for ease of reading and I will try to PM everyone involved with the word doc. Failing that I can Skype it to everyone. You are welcome to send me changes if we'd like me to keep a master copy of this.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:00 am
by angelicyokai
Major themes/settings:

Sith Rising: (Threat) –The Sith are making their presence known. There was major conflict between the jedi and sith a few generations back (about 80 yrs) and after a period of silence then sith have been resurging in the last few decades.
Involves the Sith Council along with Lords and the Master and Apprentice. Voice for Separation from the Jedi. Hutts may be funded by the sith

The Price We Pay (Theme): The struggle between internal and external forces, as well as the multitude of conflicting powers that drive the group and the world.
Pyrian, Apprentice of the Sith Lord forcing hard choices among the Jedi. Pressure on the Jedi favoring senators to compromise morals

The Ties That Bind (Theme): Theme of the Bonds between people love/hate, war/peace. Also included is the development of interpersonal relationships as a result of the Miranda 4 incident.
Jedi Masters and council, Separatists vs. Unificationists, Mandalorians, Important family connections. Miranda 4

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:01 am
by angelicyokai
Pryian Conflict: A planet in contention between the Sith and Jedi. Its unique (stupid) orbit places the planet behind enemy lines half of its solar cycle.

Pyrian Belt: The asteroid belt in the pryian system is full of pirates, the pirates are likely working for the sith and are pillaging the fish metal from the main planet.
Idea: Threat to the planet and hyper lanes
Aspect: From bad to worse

Pyros: The main planet of the Pyrian system. The main landmass is a tropical region, and the rest is predominantly ocean. The planet is prone to heavy seismic and volcanic activity. This planet has a fauna that produces a rare ‘fish metal’, and the mining and profit from this resource is the main cause of contention between the Jedi and the Sith. We will have to interact with the Sith diplomacy in the region, and attempt to get force sensitive people off the planet while trying to not upset the rest of the populace.
Idea: Help the sensitives and other civilians
Aspect: Details in Flux
Face: Republic Governor Laryn Kre'lab - Bothan Male (consummate politician)

Sea Post 3: A deep seas fishing facility at the base of an underwater volcano. Tensions are running very high. It may be up to party to share the details of the switch to Sith control with the community.
Idea: Share the bad news
Aspect: On the edge of disaster
Face: Administrator Erno Lang of Sea Post 3 (human male; early 40s) - haggard, snippy, wants what is best for his family, would not have an easy time being separated from his children, but might be convinced that it was for the best
Maren Lang, Director of the Fishery at Sea Post 3 (human female; roughly 40) - ichthyologist - practical but worried about what Sith control might mean for her children - doesn't care much about the politics of the situation

Their children have not been tested for Force sensitivity (dramatically, probably at least one of them is sensitive)
Aneska Lang - 14 - might get puppy-eyed for Terek Vale (Josh's character) because he's a heroic young man of similar age, a bit of a gadget-girl, shows talent for mechanical things
Dane Lang - 11 - in awe of the Jedi when they arrive; thinks they are cool - wants to see them fight bad guys "like in the holovids"
Kaia Lang - 9 - average nine year old girl (in the future/past in space in the ocean)

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:04 am
by angelicyokai
Coruscant: The Capital of the Republic and Seat of Jedi Power.
Jedi Temple/High Council:
Jalen Orr: a ‘go to’ person in the Jedi Temple, he knows the in’s and out’s and is respected in the temple though not a Jedi

High Council Members:
‘Wise Old Master’ Master Torian Bothe: an Ithorian who is Master of Younglings. She is known and loved by most, and her main goal is to protect the order. She is the leader of the separatist movement, driven by idea that the Jedi Order needs to separate from the Senate leadership so more don’t die in pointless struggles.
Most of the group was connected with Torian during their younger years.
‘Archivist’ Master Rotara Phelus: a Cerean who is the Jedi head archivist. She has strong political pull. She leads the traditionalist movement in the Jedi, believing that the Jedi need to hold with their traditions and work with the republic.
She is the Master of Kiara’tai (Ang’s character)
Master Facet: A Shard (sentient rock formation) who knows the history of the Jedi. It provides an objective voice in the council. While not particularly social, it is willing to talk with anyone.
Master Ves: a Caamasi who is the Head and Face of the Jedi Council. He wishes to maintain the peace. He loves everyone but is close to no one.
Master Tandem Pross: a Human who is the face of the old guard. He wishes to protect the Jedi Order and train his padawan. He is close to Terek Prail (Josh's character)
Aspect: A house divided

Seat of the Republic: Head of the republic government and location of the Senate. The main governing body for the galaxy

Major Players (Sith, Jedi Council ect): While not everything here is strictly Coruscant related, I thought this would be where we’d see the most of them.
Supreme Chancellor
Anti-Jedi senator: Malorus Din (Seems like a good name for a villain) Power with the people rather than the Jedi. Has a Sith Attaché
Unificationists: Want to maintain current connection with the Jedi and preserve ideals of the republic with the old guard
Jeth Arkoh (Zach’s dad) – Leader?
Jedi Council
Sith Master
Sith Apprentice
Sith representative in the senate
Sith Attaché

Osk Space Port: Self enclosed port-of-call. Has everything a bored and slumming Jedi could ask for.
Jor’tan: the Defel face of Osk; space port master (like a harbor master); knows most things that go on in the Osk
Idea: Under cover and lots of fun
Aspect: What happens in Osk stays in Osk

The Razor’s Edge: The mandalorian’s ship. The ‘home’ of the group, really the only home they’ve got.
Aspect: Nothing to see here.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:04 am
by angelicyokai
Other people, places and major conflicts: Brought up during world creation and can be fleshed out later

Hutt Crime Syndicate, Sith Republic, Trade Federation

Shadows of the Past – A series of ancient ruins created by force users have been discovered. They may need exploring, and may cause further tensions/hostilities between Jedi and Sith. May also have undiscovered relics.

Tyrian Shipyards – Under pressure by sith to create war ships (I think)

Organized crime syndicate peddling wares and manipulating behind the scenes.
Kelash V: Trade world with Jedi, Sith, and Criminal interests.
Hutts: May be involved with organized crime in general and on Kelash. May be backed by Sith.