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time travelling adventure

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 3:31 pm
by Rusty
So, something I've been thinking about lately is what it would be like to travel through time with a group of friends. So, here's a question. You and your friends have a time machine, which can also travel through space. You have protective armor you can wear, and cutting lasers that are effective as handheld weapons. What happens? I'm interested more in discussing sociological progression and destinations of interest than paradox. Where would we go? Would we go crazy? Would we degenerate from law to chaos?

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:02 pm
by Avilister
I would go back in time somewhat significantly, 2-3K years, as civilizations are starting to rise, and then I'd jump start science and education so that when I got home, we could have Star Trek.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:55 pm
by Liquidprism
I would eat dinosaur, cut rome in half with a laser, do a stint as an egyptian god emperor. kick jesus in the nuts. kick moses in the nuts, kick hitler in the face, and then crush his nuts, rule germany, play viking, eat a dodo, roast smores as pompie was covered in ash, meet alexander the great.. and then kick him in in the nuts and break his knees, help socrates write a musical, play gladiator for a day, fight spartans with my laser, fight those guys they were fighting with my laser, breed velociraptors, and unleash them on the catholic church when they try to burn the library of alexandria, save atlantis, eat a cave bear, fish in the prehistoric ocean, have dinner with abraham lincoln, save the alamo, then cut it in half with a laser, uhm.... breed smart monkeys, and teach them to ride mammoths. I think thats most of it... but there is probably more. I get bored easily, so i would need to find new ways of entertaining myself.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:15 pm
by rydi
I'd figure out some of the more interesting mysteries of early history and pre-history. Then I would become a god-emperor and shape my ideal culture/society, while introducing all the advances in knowledge i can think of.