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Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 4:09 am
by Rusty
I would like to add and remove some items from the docket:

Color worlds (pathfinder) will not see any further development until mythic adventures and bestiary 4 are out for pathfinder, so may be put in the "back burner" list.

I would like to place a bid for the slot scheduled on rotating weekends with Rise of the Rune Lords for an Eclipse Phase game.

I would like to add to the waiting list (including the above mentioned slot bid) the following games:

Eclipse Phase (6-8 session seasons, 3 or more seasons planned, not necessarily contiguous)

Exalted 3e (4-8 session starter season, option for further gameplay, has to wait on the sourcebook and reading time.)

Traveller (medium duration game, online option, set in the Third Imperium, the default setting for traveller, mostly hard sci fi game)

Pathfinder Adventure Path (by the time Rune Lords finishes, I'll have Shattered Star, Reign of Winter, and Wrath of the Righteous. I'd be most interested in WotR, or RoW, but SS is the "sequel" to RotRL.)

Innsmouth (NWOD mortals game of self discovery and personal horror set in the dreary town of Innsmouth in the modern day.)

Other NWOD options (I have notes for a Mage chronicle, and several other NWOD games including vampire and mortals.)

These should probably go on their own list named something like "Gideon's list of projects." They get worked on based on my priorities, which are currently:

1. SASforge
2. Summer Game
3. Eclipse Phase

Given the rate of play in sasforge, my current notes will survive the summer and beyond, and my summer game notes are sparse as I haven't had a chance to set up projects with the other gms.

If people want to play a specific game on my list and want it for a certain slot, and that's what people want to play, then I'll reprioritize and work on it for them. GMing is really a spectator sport.

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 8:19 pm
by Rusty
I would also like to update with the status of a short running game that I have basically available for one and two shots whenever there is interest and time.

Venture Villains

This feng shui based game features the players as original Venture Brothers setting villains who have been assigned by the guild of calamitous intent, due to a shortage of heroes, to be arch-nemeses for the same hero, Doctor Omni and friends. You'll have to share him for now.

You can write your character using any of the published feng shui material. The setting will include actual feng shui sites, but will stay largely close to the Venture Brothers setting. Write a villain, or a side-villain, main henchman, or companion for another player character's villain.

So yeah, that game can be run with short notice whenever.

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 9:19 pm
by rydi
Updated to include more recent discussions.