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D&D: FF - An Immodest Proposal.

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:30 pm
by Liquidprism
Imoak upon coming together with his comrades, remembers his encounter with the silver lady several nights past. He also remembered he had told her that he would mention to his companions her proposal. He decided now was as good of a time as any.

"So, another woman approached me about bedding her. She was really insistent, and she seems to have some connection to that woman, dragon, creature Ekkis. I pretty much told her I wasn't gonna do it. I'm sick of being a pawn in other peoples games. She did ask me to tell you all she was around, so you could talk to her. So... there you go."

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:07 pm
by Avilister
"Did you ask what sort of connection she had to Ekkis? It is now a known fact to us that Ekkis is merely an alias for an ancient and powerful red dragon - one who has now supposedly been granted leave to survive a coming apocolypse, if we believe that sort of thing. If it is an ally of hers, so much the better. If it is an enemy, it may be worth reconsidering - if Ekkis is as powerful as the lore on her would have us believe, we will need all the allies we can get to thwart her after this supposed cataclysm comes."

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:37 am
by Liquidprism
"You know, she did say something about being on a quest for her father or some such. She seems to be an enemy of Ekkis. While I don't mind having allies, and while I certainly don't like having been deceived by that dragon whore, I still don't want to be a part of whatever game they are playing. Or if I do it will be on my terms. Damn her eyes, I offered to help her go find the bitch, and take care of the matter, but that just wasn't good enough. You all should go talk to her if you care that much. Maybe someone with a tongue more silver than my own, can make more headway."

I want to ask though, aren't you all sick of being puppets, moved by the wills of other beings? Don't you want to take hold of your lives, and fates? I mean that's pretty much where I'm at folks. I have been used at least twice already in a similar manner, and frankly I'm fed up. I don't like thinking about the potential consequences of my actions, so I refuse to continue making what I perceive to be a mistake."

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:48 am
by Avilister
"Your stubbornness will someday be a thing of legends. Your blindness to matters at hand and how your actions have already affected your own destiny are doubtless bound to be equally legendary. You've had choices in everything you've done up to this point, save perhaps our collective nascent divinity. At all points along the way you've had options, whether or not you acknowledged them. If she's an enemy of Ekkis, then she might be an ally of ours - I hope you haven't alienated her. Construing their conflict at as a 'game' is dangerously trivializing a conflict that may be broader in scope than you've yet seen - Ekkis is quite powerful. Powerful enough that you, me, and the others cannot simply go and 'take care of her'. She would kill us all."

Aine seems exasperated, and with good reason. "You believe we're puppets because that is what you see. I've been doing exactly what I wished to be doing during this entire ordeal. I am, in fact, quite pleased with the result thus far. I don't believe myself to be a puppet because despite what you may think, we do have options - we can tell people no, help them, or ignore them as we see fit - and we've done just that on a number of occasions."

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 1:48 am
by Liquidprism
Imoak looked down at the girl as she berated him. He tried his best to hear her out, and see her point. His troubled expression changed slowly, as his impatience grew, and her remarks hit home. It was with a smoldering distress, and a bit of anger that he replied.

"You really don't think I understand anything do you? You all view me as being contrary, or obstinate without cause, or at least without merit. You talk down to me, and ignore my opinions. You see these high causes, and lofty patterns, but ignore what is in front of you. For my part I think you have become addled. If you don't feel like a pawn having experienced all we have experienced, then you must be insane. We have been manipulated, I'm almost positive I heard those oracles say something very similar. I know this as been mentioned several times, in reference to the gods at least.

If you don't think you're a puppet, how do you explain the actions of the gods so far, or the changes you are experiencing because of that book you picked up? How do you explain the visions? You are sorely deluded if you think you are in total control. I at least recognize what is happening, and am taking steps to rectify the situation. I at least have the foresight to try and break out of this mold to which I have been cast. If you think choosing that item, was your decision think again. It was planned by someone... I can almost guarantee it.

Everything you say, about the way I choose to perceive things applies to you as well. You see things through your own narrow vision of understanding. You act haughty, and arrogant like you know better than me. Maybe you do see things I can't, but that doesn't mean you're right, or that your decision are better.

I am not an idiot, I do understand, at least to some degree, what is happening. It is the consequences of my past actions that I am worried about here, and I don't necessarily believe that sleeping with yet another creature, and creating another such offspring is a wise course to take. If you think that is a bad decision on my part... tough. Its my body, and my fate. Feel free to go talk to this woman if you want, and figure out a solution, but I won't be a part of it. I have had enough of dragons, and I don't like being used.

As far as dealing with Ekkis goes, I am not afraid to face her if that's what it takes. I have seen this group take on powerful enemies, and emerge victorious. To think that she is above such action is unthinkable, and given time I am more that certain she can be found and dealt with, by us if need be. I have supreme confidence, faith if you will, in my own abilities, and those of the rest of you. If you don't feel the same way, then what use is continuing? If we can't fight a dragon, we certainly can't take on the gods."

His frustration apparent, but his confident resolve firm, Imoak ceased speaking.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:48 am
by Avilister
"I resent the implication that I am insane; I am very much in my right mind. I do not feel like a pawn; sure, we've played our part in the machinations of others - who hasn't? Even the gods are prodding each other into action. There's no shame in that, as you seem to think, and there's certainly nothing stopping us from taking hold of our own destinies and doing what we will.

"I chose the book because my training veritably demanded that I do so. I've been schooled as a wizard since I was only a little girl. All of that training dictates that artifacts of this magnitude cannot simply be allowed to sit unused in some forgotten tomb - they should be used and understood by those of us that are active in the world and employed for the greater good of everyone. Picking it up was, absolutely, my own decision - no one coerced or forced me into that act.

"I, too, fully recognize what is happening to us, and around us. That, however, seems to be where our perceptions begin to diverge. You seem to resent all that has happened and actively wish to break free of it. In that case, I implore you - leave this city, go back to your homeland, and leave all of this cosmic business behind you. I fully intend to see it to the end - there are important things at stake; lives, land, the very cosmic balance of power. I'm not willing to simply stand idly by and let things progress without my input - not now, not with the influence we now wield.

"Let me turn your accusations back on you - your decisions and your arrogance don't necessarily make you right either. When it comes down to it, none of us know enough about this apocalypse business yet to make any hasty decisions. If this woman is, as you now say, a dragon, and an opponent of Ekkis, she is a very worthy ally, indeed. An ally worth preserving through impending doom. While I certainly cannot, and will not, force you into any sort of congress, I do ask that if this apocalypse does come, and it seems that the only way to preserve her is to bed her, that you reconsider the facts at hand and revisit your decision.

"As for Ekkis, dragons gain great power with age. There's a vast difference between most creatures we've faced up to this point and an ancient dragon - dragons never get weak or decrepit with age, only stronger, more cunning, and more potent. We are not yet ready to face one such as her, but that day will come, I think."

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:49 am
by Amseriah
"I too think that we should form an alliance with this other dragon, if she indeed opposes Ekkis and didn't try to trick you into bedding her; I would assume that she is noble in nature. Do you not care about what is going on in the world? This little feud with the gods is tearing this world apart and destroying all of it's inhabitants, which we are a part of by the way. Every single interaction between sentient beings is one of manipulation, it is how we have learned to live together peacefully. If I ask you very nicely to help me chop down a tree so that we can build shelter, even though having shelter might benefit you, I am asking you and preying on your compassionate nature. In other words I am trying to manipulate you into giving me what I want. The same is true with you, you manipulate people all the time with threats and promises of violence and being contrary. You are attempting to convince us or inform us that the course of action that we are taking rubs you the wrong way...again you are trying to manipulate us to get what you want. I want to stop this war and re-establish balance with the powers that govern this Plane. In order to do this we are going to have to gather whatever power we can so that we have the strength to confront them if they won't listen to reason. If this is not what you want, then maybe you should go back to your tribe and let the pieces fall where they may when this conflict is resolved, but be aware if you do this, that you had the chance to change the outcome. So if your tribe is destroyed in the conflict, then you have no further to look than yourself and your close minded cowardice."

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:03 am
by Rusty
[OOC: In order to contact the person Josh is talking about, he needs to reveal to you her name, which she gave him so that you could send an arcane message to her, and determine who and what she is. Neither Josh nor the rest of you know where she is, or what she is, in character, at this time.]

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:48 pm
by Liquidprism
"I swear, I am surrounded by fools. I feel as though I am the only sane person left alive. Do you even listen when I talk? All I hear is that you think me a coward, and an idiot. I have watched you treat anyone with a view unlike your own in much the same way throughout this journey.

Yes, believe violence is a means to an end. In this world physical force is the surest route to getting something done. This has proven to be the case multiple times, by all of you. So don't stand here, and berate me for my embrace of such a code. I follow my heart, and my sword, and that is who I am. You know this, so the sooner you accept it, and move on, the easier this journey will be. This is not a point of contention up for debate. You want to change my fundamental nature. I would never expect you to do such a thing, so show a little respect.

As far as being manipulated, I understand very well that interactions exist based on mutual manipulation. What I am referring to, when I say we are being used like pawns is, obviously, something greater. There are powers at work here, that want to use us. That have been manipulating us from the beginning of all this. As I see it if we keep playing these games on the terms of others we are doomed to fail. I don't like failure, so I have been trying to find another way.

I have made very important headway recently, and am becoming more confident in this course, and my own fate each day. You want me to turn away from that? You think my course is going to send me running home to my village to hide my head under a rock, while the world falls apart?", Imoak paused trying to sort through his emotions, and meet this group with a level head.

He sighed after a moment, and continued, "What part of what I am saying is close minded? I have been examining a bigger picture for some time. You have to be addled if you still insist on saying I am such. Just because I don't see the world as you see it, or have the same priorities that you do, doesn't mean I'm close minded. Generally, a wise individual takes advice from various sources before making decisions. You seem to have already made up your minds as to a course, and refuse to see differently.

As far as this business with the silver lady goes, why do you not even consider MY feelings on the matter? You think people operate like emotionless constructs? Not a single one of you has experienced what I have experienced. I feel duped, and used. I refuse to keep making the same mistake. That shows I have grown, not the opposite. You don't care though, all you see is potential allies, and outcomes based on pure reason. You don't consider the emotions at work.

For my part I have considered the actions of my past carefully, and having done so I find I don't much care for some of them. Tell me why that is a bad thing? I don't want to hear that I don't see the bigger picture, or that I am blinded by my obstinate nature. You are each in your own way just as obstinate as I. You need to learn to accept the fact that not everyone sees the world the way you do, and sometimes those different viewpoints can let you see what you don't already see.

You should accept my decision, and show some support. You don't know her, you assume things about her based on a vague description, I just gave you. You know she opposes Ekkis. Why does it matter? Of all of us, I was the one most put out by her behavior. I don't personally want to get involved in a feud between Ekkis, and her enemies. It's obviously been going on a while, and I have bigger things to worry about right now. Honestly, so do all of you. Let them sort it all out amongst themselves. If you want to bear all the world's problems on your shoulders, then go ahead, but don't tell me it's my duty as well.

I have a responsibility, one I take seriously. I will help save the world, but I'm doing it the way I see best. That doesn't include getting involved in everyone else's worldly disputes. Besides you're talking about a dragon, and we have a saying back in my village about getting involved in the affairs of dragons... you don't do it! I would never have bedded her if I had known, you know why? So that stuff like this wouldn't happen." Imoak sat down with a puff.

He was fast growing impatient. He could feel it. All anyone ever wanted to do was talk. He was surprised he hadn't started reading books, hanging out with these people. All he had was the wisdom taught to him by the tribal elders, and those few texts he had read in his time. It seemed like good advice to him, but none of these people ever listened. He also knew that he was actively changing himself, and his destiny.

He had taken the magic of his sword, and changed it. He was gaining new abilities as he trained, and honed his craft. They didn't seem to recognize this. He was proof that one could be greater without stealing power from old gods. He was growing, and transforming but it was on his terms. Why could they not see it, or if they did, why did they not respect it?

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:20 pm
by arete
If she is going to fight against our enemies with us I do not see any point in denying her the ability to fulfill her quest. Where she, and what is her name?

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 5:11 pm
by Liquidprism
Imoak just sighed. Maybe they really didn't care what he said. Perhaps they truly were beyond reason. He had hoped that at least his tribesmen would take his words with a little more gravity. "Who said she was gonna help us fight our enemies?", he asked Ratchnar, "Again, you assume things. When did I ever say this woman wanted to ally herself with us? I'm not even sure when that bitch Ekkis became an actual enemy. I certainly have no love for her, but why do we need to be involved in some ancient feud?"

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 5:30 pm
by Amseriah
"I am more than willing to listen to a course of action or a path leading you to the power to slay the gods, but all we ever hear from you is what we shouldn't do and what you don't want. So tell me what do YOU propose? Tell us what you think should be done rather than what should not be done."

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 5:33 pm
by arete
I just want to here her side of this. I do not want to be used in the games of the gods, but at this point we have to take action. Part of your actions have granted Ekkis the ability to survive the destruction of the world, and if someone opposes her then she is likely to befriend us. If you want the freedom to make your choices then fine, but give me that same repect.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:00 pm
by Liquidprism
Bewildered at the hobgoblin Saubwa, Imoak turned on him shaking his head. "Are you serious? If you honestly believe what you just said then how can we associate? Just cause you haven't listened to my advice in the past doesn't mean I haven't given it. Yes, I do nay say, but I also try to give alternate paths. If you choose to ignore the advice I cannot help you. Don't tell me I don't contribute however, because you only succeed at making yourself look stupid.

You want my advice leave the silver lady alone, and lets concentrate on the big picture. You want to know what I've been doing with my time. I have reforged the magic of my sword. I have come to understand that through my actions alone I can thwart the will of the divine powers. I don't need their stolen artifacts, or their allegiance. All I need is the determination to keep stepping forward.

Do what I did find a part of yourself, and focus on it. Look inside, and KNOW that you have what it takes. Never stop fighting, always focus on being better, and stronger than you were the day before. Embrace what you are. Don't use an external force to change you, change yourself. Thats what I believe in. Do what you want with it."

He then looked to his fellow barbarian, and shook his head, "When have I ever not shown you respect? When have I ever impeded your ability to make your own decisions? What in all the hells are you talking about? All I did was ask you a few sensible questions. We don't even know what this prophecy of destruction entails, or even if it has truth. We're talking about portents, and visions of the future for crying out loud. We are also talking about a very powerful dragon.

While its true that this woman, whoever she is, MIGHT choose to ally herself with us, she is also out for herself. Again I would council against getting too involved in the affairs of an ancient red dragon, at least for the time being. If you want to hunt the silver lady down fine, go ahead. Her name is Oristyx, and she said that our mages could find her. My advice is to stay away, and concentrate on our current tasks."

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:28 pm
by arete
I do not think you are being disrespectful to me personally, but you are not giving us the ability to investigate further. I just want to talk to her. if she is in a feud with a world destroying red dragon, then she at the very worst is worth investigating.