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D&D: FF - Divying up Creation

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:23 pm
by Amseriah
So which artifacts of the gods are people going to attempt? It should be noted that there are serious consequences to taking an artifact. We don't know what those are though...not yet at least.

Cheyne already took Light, that leaves us with:

War (Unholy)
Desire (Unholy)
Magic (Unholy)
Seasons (Holy)
Life (Holy)

Players left in the game w/o an artifact:


I am of the mind to take either War or Desire....

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:27 pm
by Amseriah
Note that with there being 7 players and only 5 artifacts left, 2 people will go without which could be a blessing depending on the price involved. Josh seems to want no part in this so that would change it to 6 players and 5 artifacts. Zach's character can own and use one since they also count as relics. I think that it is also understood that Steven is going to take Magic.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:42 pm
by Amseriah
It would also be fun to give a reason or two why these things are fitting for your character and possibly how being a bearer of one of these artifacts might change your character's outlook on things and your personality.

As a complete random thought....can we find little baby sandworms in the Earth's Water that we can merge with so that we can become a desert creature??? The Spi-errrr the Earth's Water must flow.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:43 pm
by Amseriah
I'm bored and nobody is ever online or available to talk on the phone anymore....can you tell????

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 2:21 am
by arete
I am debating on these items. I might not watch one depending on what happens to cheyne's character.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 1:04 pm
by Liquidprism
As you surmised you can take Imoak out of the running. He has no interest in artifacts of the old gods, especially artifacts that might change him on a fundamental level. He doesn't like/trust magic for the most part, and never will. Its kind of part of his character what with the Occult Slayer levels and all.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 3:07 pm
by Avilister
Aine is, of course, extremely interested in the Book of Magic. That said, she's not one to just try to pick it up without knowing anything about it. She wants to get back to the rocket ship and wrack its libraries for information regarding the gods of creation, the origin of magic, and any references to a book that might have been wielded by these old gods.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:23 am
by Rusty
I have discussed with cheyne the beginnings of the first consequences for taking a Fundamental Weapon, and I would highly recommend that everyone else at least watch and see what will happen to his character. There are several key reasons for this:

1. You don't know what's going to happen to you, but seeing what happens to cheyne may give you an idea of the scope of what can happen.

2. Nothing will happen immediately, so you will not pick up a Fundamental Weapon and then wield it in battle the next day.

3. It is in irreversible process.

4. Not doing it will not hurt you, as these are not "statted out artifacts" in the traditional sense, they are bigger than that and will have smaller effects at first.

5. Taking one will change you and will demand roleplay consequences, for example, I have discussed with cheyne the first thing that's happening to him so that he can prepare his reactions to be appropriately dramatic. While the oracle class is uniquely suited to the acquisition of divine artifacts, it is not his oracle class alone that led him to take Light; his entire back story and character fit with it rather well. If you do not have an RP reason to take one, I would recommend against it.

I am aware that all of them will likely be taken by player characters, if for no other reason than that the "No Artifact Left Behind" dogma generally serves the greater good of the party. Therefore I feel that it serves you the players best to know that first of all, your access to the graveyard of the gods will not go away any time soon, non-player characters will not be taking the Fundamental Weapons under any circumstances, and not taking one has its own rewards.

Some players consider the "power curve" when deciding whether or not to collect things they perceive as treasure. I would advise you to, in this one instance, consider rp first. The ways in which you change with a Fundamental Weapon are not really under your control, and unless you are prepared for roleplay demands that put you outside your comfort zone, you shouldn't even bother. The way you roleplay your interaction with what happens to you will in large part dictate how much benefit the weapon gives you, and "roleplaying against" a Fundamental Weapon's effects will worsen the negative results and shut down the positive results in some measure, and may lead to your character becoming something you don't want to play.

I didn't design this mechanic this way to be dickish or anything, actually quite the contrary, my intention is to include roleplay challenges in the game that are unexpected and exciting. This is by no means the last opportunity to make a choice that will change your character in strange and perhaps exciting ways.

All things said and done, I will no longer prevent people from taking them if they desire. You still need to make your will save though, and only one Fundamental Weapon can be taken at a time. You should support your comrades decisions, or oppose them to save them from an unknowable fate, each time you go back to the graveyard seeking one of these items.

That's just about all I have to say on the matter without direct questions, I leave you to your musings.

And no, Paul, no space worms as of yet.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 1:42 pm
by Amseriah
Damn...and I so wanted space worms...

I did have a question though. Do we get a sense of anything off of the items? I looked at light, war, desire, and magic. Was there any specific feeling that they evoked? [/list]

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:16 pm
by rydi
Zach should take desire.

Dani and Steven are both viable for magic, if one of them isn't interested the other could take it.

Paul is a whore, and will take war (though changing classes is likely a power decrease over all imo).

In reference to Gids post, I'm not sure if these count as far as the NALB rule, since they really are something weird... really depends on the player. I would advise people with control issues, and problems with their character take weird turns, to leave them behind. But since there are only 6, and we have a big party, there are likely still enough people to take them all and enforce the NALB rule anyway.