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Location: Woods around The Abbey

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:34 am
by durden
There is a large wooded area around The Abbey, in the mountains. It is large, wooded, and around The Abbey.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:35 pm
by durden
*Wolf howls*

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 10:03 pm
by durden
*A heavy snow falls, marking the beginning of the season...*

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:27 am
by Guardiankrillin
::Abellio dressed in clothing provided by the Abbey, arrives in the Woods near the abbey. During previous nights Abellio has worked with the slaughterer of the abbey and has aquired the task of disposing of the bones of some of the slaughtered cattle. Thought to be a meanial task by many Abellio has used this job to prepare for Samhain a celebration of the end of the harvest season. Abellio has gathered the bones and placed them on a bonfire he has been preparing in the weeks past.
With the first snow marking the beggining of the season, Abellio has come to realise tonight is the night. Abellio creates the fire in a center of the forest he has specifically prepared for the celebration. The area is devoid of trees in a large enough area that will be large enough that his bonfire will not escape. It is also large enough to be seen by the Abbey and the town down the hill. The torch that he has brought with him, is lit by the bon fire. (If courage rolls need to be made he will do so, However this would be a ritual that he has done many times despite his weakness which he has failed to complete in the past on occasion due to fear, but has become more accustomed to through the ages.) The area looks prepared if checked it looks more like it was purposfully cleared.::

::One Ghouled deer will be on watch for intruders but will keep him self unnoticed if possible. By the time anyone arives no one will be there. Except the Deer munching on grass near the clearing.::

::Abellio will then head to the town.::

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:23 am
by durden
(First, I should say that I'm still giving players the option to roll their own dice. If you do, use Invis Castle and post the link. Cheyne has decided to leave his fate in my hands, so I roll everything and don't tell him. I've actually made a lot of rolls for him, not all have been successful and thus determined reactions and events. Good times...)

(Ok, please roll for rotschrek and throw in a Perception+ALertness for You and the deer. I'll modify the difficulties as approriate)

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:21 am
by Guardiankrillin

Forest Encounter - Abellio

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:24 pm
by durden
:: You, being a creature of the night, naturally feel uncomfortable around the presence of an open flame, especially one so large. Despite this discomfort, you manage to keep it together to perform your ritual. Your stag remains vigilant, watching the woods around your pyre dutifully. Caught up in your actions, you neglect for several moments to watch your watchman. Complacent in your safety, you happen a glance to your ghoul only to see it lying in a heap just out of firelight. You sense a presence, but can see nothing. The crackling of the fire creates phantoms where there are none, confusing you in your auditory survey of your surroundings. There! You see nothing still, but you hear it. It walks on four? No, two legs. Someone is out there. Edging closer to the deer, you see its cold breath still forming in the cold air. It is not dead, only unconscious. No wound is apparent, though you dare not divert attention to examine it more closely.

Always confident, you remind yourself it is only a mortal. Perhaps this overconfidence led to its approach. You’ll have to remember to be more careful. Of course lighting a large fire in the woods would draw attention. No matter. It is your woods to do with as you please. You’ll take care of this intruder and continue with your work…

On that thought, a voice emerges from the darkness, the voice of a strong, confident man. It is deep and powerful, cutting through the darkness and seemingly surrounding you. Your eyes focus on the spot. You know where he is. ::

“I have allowed your presence with the understanding that your kind would not warrant undue attention. I see my faith has been misplaced. Fear not for your companion. Tainted as though it has become, it is still a creature of this earth. I will not harm Mother’s children. You, on the other hand, are not OF the earth.”

:: The figure steps forward. A grey mane shows the age of your visitor, as the lines across his face speak to his many winters of experience in this world. Despite his obvious years, he walks strong and proud. He is simple dressed, but wears a sword at his side. A warrior, you imagine. This part of the country hosts many old and worn crusaders. Mortal men that left behind their hearths and lands to battle for something so foolish as the gods and their territories. Yes. His accent marks him as a Brit. Your affinity is fleeting as you consider action. This bold man confronts you in YOUR woods! He will soon learn, you think as you prepare. You have worked up a quite a thirst… ::

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 5:24 am
by Guardiankrillin
::Abellio, still trying to get a better look at the figure while preparing for defense of his territory. Abellio walks forward (Uses the next perception roll in the list or the new rolls) and stabs his torch into the snow and takes a step back forming a scholarly stance with hand to his chin in a ponderess gaze.::

"I mean no disrespect, but I ponder a question. May I learn more of this figure who has entered this forest?"

Abellio not sure of his best reaction to this threat comes up with an idea to get assistance. He begins slowly pacing around the bonfire placing his arms crossed behind his back as if out for a stroll. While walking around the bonfire this causes occasional lapses of line of sight between Abellio and the creature, during the first lapse of sight Abellio slits his wrist and drops vitae into the earth slowly as he continues around the bonfire. While returning to sight he atempts to hide the fact he is dropping blood onto the ground in a slowly growing out spiraling patern. He spends 3 blood in this manner and tries to keep it secret what he is doing. With each pass Abellio tries again to make out the figure better.::

(Will roll Dexterity + Stealth to keep it secret and will roll Charisma+ Survival for Activation of Consecrate the Grove.) ******Note will not designate a target for the power until a reason is presented. In so doing this the plants in the area will not attack unless I have a target designated, unless I botch.****** (Will roll both Perception + Awarness and Perception + Investigation so you can deside which is appropriate to detect any further features from the figure.)

::After the Spiral is complete Abellio stops and focuses on his conversation. Abellio walks forward and picks his torch back up and takes a step back.::

"Since I am unaware of who I am speaking to, I will tell you my name. I am Abellio and yours? I do regard your kindness to nature a asset and it is refreshing to see in others. "

More Perception + Alertness Rolls
Forest Dexterity + Stealth Rolls
Consecrate the Grove Roll
Forest Perception + Investigation Rolls if needed

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 8:58 pm
by durden
(I am confused about your rolls. why 6 2d10?)

:: While you circle your foe, looking to invoke the power of you blood and clan, you do your best to hide the falling blood. He doesn’t seem to notice, though he is in a defensive posture. The old man has also emerged more from the woods. He is…bigger than you thought. He also has a deep red scar over his left eye, running vertically from brow to cheek. The left eye is white and you are unsure if he can even see from it. He’s big. At least six and a half feet tall. He seems to scoff at your words. His hand rests on his sword hilt. ::

"Kindness to nature? What do you know, child? How many winters have you cursed this earth? You creatures, rejected by Our Mother, are tolerated here by an agreement between Malachi and myself. He is an honorable man, if...misguided. Your kin are no path to salvation. Only ruin. What do you believe in? You believe you have some connection to the earth. The dead, friend, are buried in the soil. Yet you walk above it. You are a reject. Leave this place. Or I will return you to the earth, where you belong."

:: He draws his sword ::

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 2:02 am
by rydi
(It's Cable! RUN!!!)

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 8:32 am
by Guardiankrillin
(It is for the purpose of having all the rolls I need completed so that you have extra rolls for different stats ready to go so we are not playing dice roll tag. ****I Hope this mortal/creature believes in some of my characters beliefs. I will find out. This will show my characters throwback to the bard side of being a druid.***********)

::While in his conversation Abellio is putting two and two together if you will. He is speaking with a Brit, who seems to regard nature highly. If he is not Pagan he sure shows his love for christ through love for his creations.::

(First roll Theology + Intelligence to figure out his religious preference)
(Second roll Occult + Intelligence to glean the type of being he is)
(Third roll Hearth Wisdom + Intelligence to come up with ways to fight his kind or peacefully coexist)

"By kindness I refer to your actions towards, that stag that lay there unconscious. With my actions I celebrate the harvest of this previous year. I know the ways of Our Mother and celebrate her grace as often as possible. Although I have been cursed on this earth for around 1,000 years; I have studied under her open arms. Although still rejected by Our Mother due to my curse, Our Mother favors my family with her graces more so than others of my kind."

::Abellio pauses for a moment and shows a defensive stance rather than a offensive stance. Vigilant to protect His Territory, with the best means he has possible knowledge and words.::

"Your tolerance you provide us is appreciated, and although I failed to use discretion in my actions it was not meant to harm. It is but a celebration of the great things Our Mother has done for us through the seasons. Surely you have your own ways of giving thanks to our mother as I do. I agree with your statements of Malachai, I only hope that you will spare me the same curtisy and allow me to continue with my celebration."

(Fourth roll Charisma or Manipulation + Expression to enhance the words of my speech Dice poll is the same with either Attribute use)

"Salvation is a term not used lightly around here that is for sure. At times I leave the abbey and come here to escape the salvation that they preach about. I do not follow so closely in their ideals. If you would like to join me in celebration you are welcome to do so."

"If I may ask would it be possible that I seek your council on the matter of knowledge of Our Mother. You seem like a fellow who has weathered many of her winters and you know her ways, I although cursed to my current existence still after so long appreciate knowing that others still know Our Mother. I wish also to be left in peace and allowed to travel to this specific location as a escape from the abbey. I ask that you be so kind to me as you are to Malachai. With this kindness if allowed to continue my celebrations will always warn you of my celebrations in advanced. I have bored you with my speech. If you are willing please sheath thy sword and join me."

(Fifth roll Charisma or Manipulation + Empathy to persuade kindness from the creature the roll is also the same with either attribute use. )

::Abellio shows his hands as if to show he means not to attack but then slowly walks past the creature and over to his ghouled stag, he assesses the Stags condition.::

(Sixth roll Intelligence + Medicine to learn of the stags condition.)

First roll
Second roll
Third roll
Fourth roll
Fifth roll
Sixth roll

(I hated some of these rolls, also I designate my target as who is actively attacking me for Consecrate the grove. in case he decides me walking by him is oppurtunity to kill me.)

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:34 pm
by durden
:: The man scratches at his beard, considering your speech. He sheaths his sword and laughs, more contemptuously than in good spirit ::

“My name is Pollox. Form Knight Templar and now…just an old man. I protect these woods in memory of those lost. To friends and family that have rejoined Our Mother. While I appreciate your sincerity, I can see that you mean no harm. I see no reason to dissolve my pact with Malachi, though such conspicuous displays must cease. They attract unwanted attention.

As for our discussion on the nature and holiness of Our Mother…I will pass. I am not one for celebration, so I will leave you. Extinguish your pyre and retreat into your hole. Perhaps our next meeting will be on better terms. But enough blood has been spilled here this evening.”

:: Allowing you to pass to inspect the stag, Pollox makes no further aggressive moves. He returns to the forest, allowing you to do, whatever. ::

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 7:47 pm
by Guardiankrillin
:: After the final moments of his conversation with Pollox, Abellio relaxes his senses. This in turn ends the affects of Consecrate the Grove. Abellio upsettingly extinguishes the pyre flame knowing that this will make the celebration less meaningful. Abellio cares for his stag who he has keep watch once again of his territory, as he leaves his territory he feels defeated but he realises it could have ended much worse.::

The Town

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 12:57 am
by rydi
::after making sure that there isn't any town kid out in the woods courting the devil by the pale moonlight, (for which mario would have given the child a stern talking to and a whippin' like any good older brother figure, which mario never got to be because his siblings all regarded him as a useless fool) mario returns to the abbey.::

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:25 pm
by Guardiankrillin
::After conversations with Brother Berro and Brother Renardo, Abellio travels to the woods to tend to his forest, search for the ingredients in his list, and also watches for Pollox.::

::Abellio completes his rounds and gathers ingredients while he is out his last goal is the Hyoscyamus niger. He will take as long as he needs to search for these ingredients during the first evening.::

(Roll Intellegence + Hearth Wisdom for knowing where to search for ingredients on the list.)
(Roll Perception + Awarness to watch out for flung dung.)
(Roll Dexterity + Dodge to dodge any flung dung.)
(Extra roll for Perception + Investigation for seeing the ingredients)

Intellegence + Hearth Wisdom
Perception + Alertness
Dexterity + Dodge
****Extra Roll*****
Extra roll for Perception + Investigation
durden wrote:::You keep a sharp eye out for poo and luckily, no chamber pots are dumped over the side while you are searching. (Your success in hearth wisdom allowed for a lowered diff in the investigation roll for finding the ingredient.) You locate it after some searching. You know enough to avoid large pools of monk feces, instead looking for lightly shaded areas that will receive some downflow of doodie. You carefuly pick a few plants, leaving the others to spread. There are few of the plant around. Either they are not reproducing, which might call for some helping hand, or they are in heavy use. Either way, it might be good to collect some root and clippings to grow in a small garden.

Do you wear gloves?::
::Abellio will collect some roots and clippings just for the simple fact it would be nice to retrieve this plant in a safer enviroment. Knowing that some plants excrete extracts that can be harmful Abellio would have atleast a pouch and a set of cloth to seperate ingredients. However, the gloves are less likely Abellio would use the cloth to put something between his hand and any extracts or thorns.

Abellio returns early enough to return the ingredients for Renardo.::
Traveling back to Infirmary after first night.

[The Evenings after Abellio's First evening visit with Renardo]
::Abellio's nights are spent with Brother Renardo, Berro, and occasionally the busy Marco. Abellio will continue to make his regular stroll every evening.::

::This is done for the next 3 weeks unless he meets Pollox, sees the boy at some point or another event hinders his actions.::

****Bolded text is newly added text.****