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D&D: FF - Firmament Falling: Heroes

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:53 pm
by Liquidprism
This thread is devoted to character backgrounds for Gideon's upcoming game. I suppose I will start the posting.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:54 pm
by Liquidprism
Imoak Stormdrinker Desertheart Khanthalkali of the Duneshadow Tribe

Beneath the surface of every world, lies a smoldering heart of liquid power. Like the world we stand upon, the goliath born Imoak Stormdrinker Khanthalkali, was born with such a heart. However, the sages say that Imoak was not like the other goliath children born to the Duneshadow tribe of the region called Sabian’s Gash

Imoak was born on the night of a great desert storm. The storm threatened to tear the village apart, and the tribe’s people were afraid. They prayed for a miracle, and amongst that fear the infant goliath was born. As he took his first breath, gazing around a wind whipped tent, and into the tearstained face of his mother, the storm died.

News of the strange birth quickly spread, and the infant was hailed as a savior. It was foretold by the elders that the child had a great destiny, and as they read the birthmarks upon his body, as is custom with goliath infants, they proclaimed to the village he would be called Stormdrinker.

Imoak grew up to be a strong healthy young goliath. In fact he quickly outgrew most of his peers, even the other goliaths. As was his place he was quickly taken under the arm of the warrior caste, and trained as a hunter, and fighter. His family had a long history of proud fighters, and both his brothers, and his father were warriors as well. Thus, it was only natural for Imoak to fall into that caste as well.

He was proud to follow in his family’s footsteps, but there was another side to Imaok, that he rarely showed. Imoak could from time to time see things others did not. He would see strange animals, or odd shadows that danced about as though of their own will. These creatures, he had no name for, would sometimes present themselves to him, but he never understood what they wanted. At first it frightened Imoak, but as the years passed he grew use to it.

Imoak eventually asked the village elders about the things he saw, and though they seemed uneased by it, they directed him to speak with the eldest shaman in the tribe. The old shaman was also a goliath, and apparently Imoak’s great uncle. The old goliath listened to Imoak, and took the youth under his wing. He taught Imoak all about the other world, the world of the spirits, which few mortals ever had the opportunity to see.

As time progressed Imoak though interested in this other world, found his duties as a hunter, and warrior took almost all his time. He found little extra time in which to spend with his great uncle. Thus, he often wondered what other paths he might have taken had things been just a bit different. The old goliath was happy to talk with Imoak whenever he had time, and it saddened the old goliath that this youth with such a rare gift was being molded toward another end. However, he did his best to instill in Imoak a respect for the other world, and even taught him something of magic.

Another oddity in Imoak’s life was that storm that he had purportedly absorbed as a newborn. Whenever his adrenaline was high, and his nerves were on edge, Imoak found he could feel its fury rolling just beneath his skin. This fury, he found he could tap a little at a time when fighting. Doing this gave him incredible strength, and power. It was quickly decided that he had the makings of a berserker, and he was taught appropriately to use his rage, and the power of the storm to overcome obstacles, and hardship.

Finally, the day came when Imoak took his rite of passage. He was sent into the desert, and given a week to find its blessing. It was customary to hunt the Duneshadow or great desert cat, and defeat it in single combat, thus gaining it’s blessing, but Imoak’s trial was different.

He returned within a single night, and day, with a story barely believable. The only thing that saved the youngster from being exiled for blasphemy was the proof he bore with him. A massive paw print shaped into the birthmark covering his back, and a tiny mouse- like creature said to be extinct. The mouse sat in his hand, as the elders examined it, and declared it an omen. Upon revealing Imoak’s new markings he was declared a full warrior, and given the title Desertheart.

Life continued for Imoak with his new duties. He began to go with the other warriors on missions. Sometimes the Tribe of Duneshadows would trade with other desert peoples, and Imoak learned about commerce, and diplomacy. Other times it would trade with caravans, and he learned how to be sly, and ruthlessly bargain for precious commodities. Other times they would have to fight off invaders into their territories, and on these missions he learned about the hardships of battle.

There was a certain thrill in combat, but he never developed the inherent goliath need to compete. When fighting he was a grim warrior. He fought with the fury of the storm he felt within. For several years Imoak did not know defeat, and couldn’t imagine a fight were his people were not victorious. From time to time Imoak would notice after a battle, strange shadows, or spectral animals watching him from the corner of a battlefield. He never lost the sense that the spirits were watching him, and that another world lay all around. Sometimes he could even swear that he was watching the souls of the dead as they departed from the land of the living.

Finally, the day no warrior wants to face came upon him. From out of the desert a large force of armored horsemen came bearing down on the tribes encampment. A single sentry was able to give alarm before he was cut down. The other sentries, it was later found, had been killed quietly by assassins.

The tribe rallied in short order around the chieftain, but not before the invaders, were in their midst. The slaughter had commenced by the time a wedge of fierce tribal fighters began to carve its way through the horsemen. As the fighting reached its peek Imoak, and the party he had been sent away with, returned.

As they crested the dunes around the encampment they heard the fighting, and saw the smoke of fires beginning to spring to life. The group though weary, quickly mobilized under their leader, and advanced on the combat. They were forced to watch however, as they were still to far away to do anything. Climbing down the rocky landscape also hindered their progress.

As the group tried to reach their village they were witness to an astounding battle. The tribe was managing to route the invaders, but those strange fighters gave nearly as good as they got. Then Imoak saw his father and two brothers charging in from the side, and watched as they hit the armored cavalry full on. His father was using the blade that had been in their family for generations. It was a massive weapon with nine rings running along its back, it was called the Nine Saints of the Desert, and it was a banner to rally behind as much as it was a brutal sword.

His father, and siblings were carving their way through the opposition, and had managed to pull a few more tribesmen to their group. They were in route to meet the chieftain and that wedge of furious action when one of the horsemen sprang out of the thick of battle and smote one of Imoak’s brothers.

Imoak yelled, but was to far away to do much. The shining warrior atop his steed blazed like the light of the sun, and seemed untouchable by the barbarians in front of him who baulked at the brightness that rolled from his armor. His mount also seemed to glow with inner power, as it lashed out with its hooves, and punched a hole through another of the tribe’s massive warriors.

Just then Imoak’s father turned to see the knight best one of his sons, and another tribesman, and he let out a bellow Imoak could hear from his place on the ridge. It seemed like his father had the perfect position, and the knight would not be able to turn to stop the blow. However, just as his father began to swing a missile of magical power lanced out from the throng, and struck the goliath in his massive chest. The missile blew a meaty hole through the goliath, and sent waves of energy coursing over the body as it fell.

Imoak felt something give way, and he felt himself falling. His body hit the ground with a dull ‘thud’, but he couldn’t feel any pain. He was numb with grief, and shock. He heard the sound of feet hitting the ground around him, as well as shouting. Something cold and wet hit his face, and the world came back into focus. His troupe leader was yelling at him, and cursing him to his feet. Imoak obeyed out of instinct, and tried to shake off the horror of what he witnessed. As he came around further he realized they were on the ground, and were in range to join the fighting.

The troop leader slapped Imoak, and cursed some more, Imoak felt the storm inside his body start to boil, and roll. Before the red mist blurred his vision, he focused ahead, and into the crowd. He could just make out the brilliant knight, and the cloaked figure of a mage beside him, the two that had killed his father, and brother. Then the rage took him, and he surged forward along with the rest of his comrades.

The arrival of a dozen fresh warriors turned the tide. Imoak’s troupe hit the invaders like a hammer, and rolled over them. Imoak himself trampled the mage that was giving the invaders much needed support, and punched the horse the knight sat upon, with the same momentum. As the animal fell screaming from pain, its face shattered, Imoak crushed its neck under his heel, and brought his giant axe down as hard as he could on the knight. The axe shattered against the knight’s sword, but the sword shattered as well. Furious, Imoak picked the struggling warrior up, and started to tear into the armored form with his hands. As the knight’s helmet came off, so did his head, and the limp form stopped resisting.

By the time Imoak was through the fight was over. His group had managed to meet with the chieftains, and the two had merged into a wall of barbarian blades, and savagery. The remaining horsemen fled into the desert from where they had come.

The aftermath was sad, and sobering. A lot of good warriors had been lost, amongst them some of Imoak’s own family. His remaining brother refused to take up the family sword, declaring it cursed. Imoak not wanting to believe that, picked up the heavy blade, and proclaimed he would reforge its legacy, and restore it to glory for his father’s sake. Also, on that day Imoak learned he had a serious distaste for magic.

From then on he devoted himself to learning something about magic. He wanted to learn to see it, and understand it, in order to better stop it. He also wanted to learn to better understand the tools of magic, so that he could turn them on his enemies, and those that thought they alone could wield that power.

Imoak worked hard to distinguish himself, as a suitable member of the tribe. His family had a name to uphold, and he and his brother would have to carry that torch. His father, and fallen brother were given great distinction along with the rest of those that had died in battle that day.

It soon became apparent that the world was changing. Reports of similar raids on other desert tribes began to reach the tribe of Duneshadow. The village elders, and chieftain decided it would be wise to begin interacting with the world outside the desert to find out what was happening. Imoak was amongst the first to volunteer. He was the second youngest child to his family, and he had a legacy to reforge, so it only made sense. With his mother’s tears, and his great uncles blessing Imoak and a few others began a journey outside the desert that would change them forever.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:55 pm
by Liquidprism
The Trial

On the night of his passage into the warrior caste as a full member, he was sent into the desert as was custom. Imaok took with him only the essentials he needed to survive a single night, and day. He would take as long as he needed, but further provisions he had to find for himself. Imaok was confident, but anxious. He had never hunted alone before, and tonight he was seeking the most dangerous quarry in the desert, a Duneshadow cat.

In order to be inducted as a full warrior in the village Imoak, like all the young warriors before him had to find, face, and best a desert cat alone in the desert. He vaguely pondered what would happen if he did not accomplish the task. He knew he would be placed into the worker caste, and doomed to a life of labor, and menial servitude to the chosen ones. He knew he had the skills to do this, he just had to open himself to the desert, and let his training, and instinct take over. He was allowed to take up to a week, in his task, though the best young hopefuls always came back within a day or two. His only other option should he fail, would be to simply not return to the village…. Imoak wasn’t sure if he could do that, so he tried not to dwell on it.

Into the black desert he trudged warily. He race was not blessed with especially acute night-vision like some of the other races in the tribe. Thus Imoak was forced to use what he had to navigate the terrain, fortunately the moon was high, and full, and an endless sea of stars twinkled above him. Imoak loved the desert, it was beautiful.

As he moved across the sand, and sparse rocks he kept his senses open. He was looking for signs of life. Every once in a while he would stoop, and pull from his belt pouch a small stone that glowed with a soft white light. This stone had been enchanted by the shamans, and was given to him to use in his trial. He used the stone to examine those areas he just couldn’t see into. He was looking for tracks, or dung for the most part. Occasionally he would stop, and try to pinpoint a random sound.

This went on well into the night, as the moon crested the sky, and moved into the downward turn into morning. Imoak was starting to give up hope for this night. It was okay he still had time, but he had hoped for something to happen none-the-less. He had just moved up the crest of a big dune when he found himself gazing down into the bowl of a sand crater. He stopped thinking at first he was on the lip of a sand trap. Then he realized as he peered into the bowl that it was full of plants, and rocky outcroppings. The area it covered was large, and it couldn’t be a sand trap with such a solid base at the bottom.

Intrigued by his discovery Imoak abandoned his search for the night to explore. He slid down the dune wall, and moved into the bowl’s interior. He heard the sounds of life everywhere. Tiny bugs chirped, and buzzed, several reptiles shuffled about catching their nightly meals, and a large owl watched Imaok pick his way through the dark. The owl didn’t seem threatened by Imoak at all. Then again, Imoak thought to himself, if he could fly he might not care too much about animals on the ground either.

Suddenly the large owl rustled his wings, and the night became still. Imaok stopped moving and began to listen. He had learned that sudden silences in nature were as good as the largest warning gong. He peered into the darkness, sweat trickling down his sides, and brow despite the cool air. It was a warm night for the desert, but not warm enough to warrant the persperation… Imaok was frightened.

Quietly as he watched in awe, a massive form moved from behind a clutch of large cactus into his vision. It was a Duneshadow, the largest he had ever bore witness too, but it had an ephemeral quality to it. The body was white, and seemed vibrant like the light from the moon. It looked into Imoak’s eyes, and he could only swallow. He had no idea what to do. This was not a normal Dune shadow… it was something else entirely. It was smart, he could see that, maybe smarted than him, and its size was something out of legends.

The two beings stared at each other for some time. Finally as if it could no longer stand the tension… the owl overlooking the seen wooed. Imaok was shaken from his stupor, but the spectral cat just looked toward the owl. Omoak followed the cat in looking at the old bird. Then it seemed to Imoak that the two creatures exchanged something.., he wasn’t sure though. The owl wooed again, and then spread its wings, and took off into the night.

Imoak noticed that aside from the owl, none of the other sounds had returned. He felt now as though he were truly alone with only the giant Duneshadow to keep him company. He felt that it didn’t mean him any harm, but he was still unsure as to its true motives. He was here to test himself against that being, but in what way. Surely he couldn’t wrestle, or hunt it. Even if he had wanted to try and kill it, he was pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to. He wasn’t a bad hunter, or fighter, but this creature was simply beyond him.

So if he wasn’t going to fight it, what was he going to do? The question troubled him, but it was not Imoaks fate to decide. As if in response to his unspoken questions, the cat took a single step forward, cocked its head, and listened. Imoak curios followed suite. He found himself listening to the faintest rustling noise in the weeds to his right. As he peered out straining his eyes in the dark, he could just see a small furry shape scrabbling out onto a rock.

The tiny rodent, under the full light of the moon stopped, and searched its surroundings. Its little whiskers twitched, and its tiny body pulsed rapidly with its heartbeat. Imoak found he could almost feel the small mouse as though he, and it were of the same being. He also found his senses heightened, and he was no longer hindered by the darkness. Slowly Imoak had a thought, and he looked at the Duneshadow, which was staring back, he felt with an amused look in its eye. Tension only held for a moment more. A great shadow swooped across the moon, and the old owl that had been with them previously gave out a resounding WHOO.

Like a signal it hit, the tiny mouse shrank away from the shadow with a chirp, and then turned and bounded off the rock. As one Imaok, and the Duneshadow bolted after it. Imaok only looked toward the cat once more, to gage its distant from their quarry, then he gave his whole focus to the tiny leaping form of the desert mouse ahead of them.

The mouse was a quick, and skillful runner, it was able to find the shortest routes, and navigate through the terrain with an uncanny ability. Being at the bottom of the food chain tends to help develop remarkable skills. However, Imaok found himself gaining on the tiny creature. As it leapt about in a weird zig-zag across the sandy floor it made a few to many mistakes in its panic, and this gave its hunters the edge they needed to gain ground. Imoak refused to look toward the Duneshadow, but he could feel it parallel to him.

It was over almost as suddenly as it began. One second the mouse was bounding across a small clearing, the next it misjudged a crucial jump through a rocky crevace. Imaok took his chance, and leapt headfirst, with arms extended. He hit the ground hard, and it took the wind from his lungs, but his hands he saw close over a small furry body. In a flash of insight he looked toward the direction of the Duneshadow only to see its massive frame bearing down on him paws outstretched. Imoak had only time to close his eyes, and brace himself for the impact…. But it never came.

Slowly Imoak opened his eyes, and looked up. The Duneshadow was standing over him, close enough to touch. He swallowed his heart down. Before anything else happened the massive cat reached a paw the size of his head out, and pushed it into his back. The weight of the paw fell on him, and pushed him down. His whole body came alive, and began to tingle, like electricity. He felt the paw removed, and the energy subside, except on his back where he had been touched.

Imaok watched then as the great cat took a massive bound away, and turned one last time before wandering back into the desert night. Imaok found himself needing to breath, so he did. Then he felt something small and warm wriggle against his palm. He realized his hands were still cupped over the tiny mouse. Slowly, gently he picked the creature up, and held it. He opened his hands just enough to peer in, and view the tiny animal he had captured. For some reason the mouse didn’t seem panicked at all. It was just sitting calmly looking about, whiskers twitching.

Carefully he opened his hands all the way. Instead of leaping away, as he half expected, the mouse continued to sit in his hands. A bit dumbfounded Imoak found himself speaking to the desert rodent, “If you come back with me to the village, just to help he prove all this, I promise I will bring you back here by tomorrow night.” As if in acceptance the small body lay down in his hands and went to sleep. Imoak was both stupefied, and relieved… he also found he was exhausted. Not caring to make camp, and finding that he felt safe in this strange oasis, Imoak simply found a nice rock leaning against it with the mouse on his chest, and slept.

The next morning as the desert sun crested the high wall of the dune bowl Imoak slept within, he was awakened by his new friend shuffling restlessly around against his skin. The tiny animal stared at him through large dark eyes as he came around. It let out an excited chirp and leapt off, as the goliath came fully awake. For a moment Imaok felt a stab of anxiety that the critter was leaving him, but as he watched he noticed it didn’t roam far. It bustled about for a few minutes chasing tiny bugs, which it ate. Breakfast seemed a good idea, so Imaok pulled out some of the rations he carried, and dined as well.

After another half hour the two companions were finished. The mouse having eaten its fil had promptly skipped back to Imoak, and allowed him to pick it up. Imaok began the journey home. He crested the dune lip, and set off across the desert, which was rapidly becoming hotter as the sun rose in the sky. It was okay, as he was well provisioned and knew how to survive. He was only slightly uncomfortable, as the place the great cat had touched him on his shoulder still continued to tingle, but all things considered the wonder of the previous night was worth the slight discomfort. It was hard to believe it had even happened at all, and if it weren’t for the strange uncharacteristic, behavior of his little companion Imoak would have probably thought it was a dream. Yet, he knew it wasn’t, and he knew he had passed a great trail under the moon, that night.

It was midday before Imoak spotted his village. He had pulled a cloak over his body to protect him from the bright sun, as he walked beneath it. He was partially immune to its effects, as his rocky goliath hide protected him against being burned to badly, but it was always a good idea to protect ones self from exposure. As he came closer the lookouts spotted him, and gave the call.

He came into the village proper under the gaze of dozens of curious eyes. To come back after only one night could mean only one of two things, everyone knew this. Had he failed, or succeeded? That was the question everyone wanted to know the answer to. Imoak came to a rest in the tribal ceremony grounds at the center of the camp. There the leaders were waiting for him. Imoak gave the proper signs of greeting, and courtesy and lowered his hood.

He was prompted to tell the elders gathered why he had returned so early, it was unusual to say the least. So Imoak began to relate his story. As he spoke the crowd began to mock him, at first intermittently, and then more boldly. The Chief, and several of the elders quieted then repeatedly, but their faces grew more and more unbelieving, but the young goliath continued. As he spoke of the great cat he had encountered the chieftain himself was barely able to control himself, and Imaok heard the ‘blasphemy’ whispered amongst those sanding there. However, he also noticed that the old shaman who had spoken with him, and showed him other parts of the world growing more, and more curious.

When he finished, he stood tall, and proud before a throng of people barely containing outrage. The chieftain, and the other elders asked simply for proof. Imaok pulled his cloak aside, and brought out the timid mouse he had been holding this whole time. The chieftain’s eyes went wide with outrage, and he looked as though he might simply attack Imaok outright. Imaok took a step back, and prepared himself for the blow, but one of the elders quickly grabbed the chieftain’s arm. As a group the elders, including the old goliath moved forward to examine the tiny mouse. It sat calmly in his palm fearless under so much scrutiny.

After several minutes of deliberation the elders moved back from him, several with odd looks on their faces. They related to the crowd, and the chieftain that the mouse Imaok held was long thought gone from the desert. Its kind had not been seen in many generations. The lore of the desert claimed that the creature was a guide through the spirit paths, as its senses were attuned to both the natural, and spiritual worlds. For Imoak to have found this creature, and for it to have come with him so far was a good omen. However, it did not constitute proof of his completion of the trials. The crowd stired, and the chieftain contemplated. As Imaok began to object, the elder goliath came to him. He asked Imaok if the great cat had in fact touched him. Imaok swore it was true. The elder asked him, where and Imaok gestured to his shoulder. The old goliath then pulled off Imaok’s cloak to examine the spot, and he gasped. The crowd to behind Imaok fell silent. Here the elder said, was ample proof. Though he had not killed a Duneshadow in single combat, it had certainly given him it’s blessing.

Imaok was turned around so all those gathered, including the other elders, and chieftain could see. The group fell totally silent, except those that gave up prayers to the desert. The elder also held up two mirror stones so Imoak could see. On his right shoulder, and across a good portion of his back was a massive paw print, it appeared to have simply taken a part off his natural birthmarks. The sheer size of the paw print was what impressed most of them, they now had a way to gauge the size of the creature that Imaok had met last night.

The chieftain after speaking with the elders, declared Imaok’s trail complete. The unusual nature of Imaok’s tale made his trial sacred, and not to be spoken of with animosity, or irreverence. He was now a full warrior of the tribe of Duneshadow from this day forward. He was blessed by the desert, and its caretaker, and he would forever more be called Desertheart. Imaok accepted his new name proudly, and was clapped on the back by each of the tribes warriors in turn. He was careful not to hurt the mouse he still carried.

After the ceremony was complete, he explained to the elders about his promise to his tiny companion. While they seemed to think it unorthodox to make such a promise, they felt it was important Imoak keep it, and thus he was allowed leave of the village for another night, and day. With a high heart he walked back out into the desert, and using the mouse as a kind of guide found the strange oasis by night fall.

He found the spot on which he had rested before, and promptly set the mouse free, with a brief thank you. The tiny creature paused before him, just a moment, and then bounded off into the desert night from which it had originally come. Imaok took his leave of the place. Nodding to the old owl that was back as he climbed the dune again. He was in high spirits, and chose to walk back to his village that night. As he traveled he felt a presence near him, and looked out toward the open desert to see a silent ghostly shape atop a sand dune. The giant cat spirit had returned, and was paralleling him.

Acting on impulse Imaok let out a “WHOOOP!!!” in thank you to the desert spirit, and then continued on his way. The cat followed him more than half the way home, and then at some point stopped, and with a final glance back bounded into the desert. Imoak arrived home in the morning as the sun was rising, and promptly went to bed.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:14 pm
by Liquidprism
9 Blessings of the Desert (Ancestral Sword)

Found by the great, great-grandfather of Imoak Stormdrinker Khanthalkali in the deep desert, this sword has been used by the Khanthalkali family through the years, to protect the tribe during times of conflict. It is said that in every battle it has been wielded, the tribes warriors could not be defeated, and even its most recent battle was no exception. However, in that battle Imoak’s father died wielding it.

The sword was of course given over to the eldest surviving warrior of the family, but the goliath refused it, proclaiming it cursed. As his older brother would not take the blade Imoak claimed it as his own, with a promise. Sensing an un-awakened power inside of it. Imoak promised to restore the weapons legacy, and use it to help protect the tribes people as his family had done for generations. The old shaman who mentored him sensed a power within the blade as well, and cautioned Imoak not to use it frivolously. Imoak made it a goal to restore the sword to its proper place in his tribe and families eye's.

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 2:36 pm
by rydi
Dala never fit into the tribe, perhaps because she wasn't actually born into it. She was found by a hunting party, in the midst of a caravan of travelers, all of whom were dead. The hunters nearly left her there, but the eldest among them took pity on the child, and took her back with them.

When they arrived, the shaman and the chief chose to take her into the tribe, as the shaman foretold that she would be of great importance, and that she carried a power that would save the People from peril one day.

As she grew, Dala proved to be strange, even for an outsider. Not only did she have blonde hair and pale eyes, so unlike the People, but she also was sickly looking, as though constantly fevered; in the dark, many swore that she glowed, like embers held inside a thin leather skin. She was quiet and contemplative much of the time, but strangely willful at others. When her peers played, or when demands were made of her by her elders, she questioned tradition and often took a different path than that which was expected of her.

When she was young, this difference was troubling, but her adopted parents (the man responsible for her rescue took her in) thought it would pass in time. When she grew to adolescence, and she still was not only unaccepted by the other youths, but also refused to follow customs, her family began to worry. The strange young girl pried into areas meant for others, and it was dangerous. She was not a shaman, and only rarely were women were to interfere in the world of the spirits; the old shaman's tendency to humor her interests only made matters worse. And the girl still refused to take on a womans role, insisting on running with the young warriors, and learning what scraps they would allow her to, not realizing she was a laughingstock.

Her appearance had not improved over time either, and though she possessed a strange beauty, it was marred by the fire inside of her, a fire that the shaman said would consume her one day if she didn't learn to control it. Her parents and the cheif felt that she should follow closely the ways of the people, and learn the role of a wife and mother to help her quench the power inside her, and her continuing defiance upset them greatly. The old goliath shaman saw that she would take a different path, but chose wisely to remain silent, letting her path unfold as it would, and mentoring her in what she would one day need to know.

Dala's rebelious nature was beginning to draw serious attention from the elders, and likely would have lead to much heartache, had the attack not occured. Dala was watching the warriors practice, against the orders of her parents, when the warning went out. Mere moments later, the riders were there, cutting through the ranks of the tribe like a cold wind, killing the only people she had ever known. Dala moved to help her people, picking up the spear of a fallen warrior to fight back against the riders. She did well, for one so new to battle, but even seasoned warriors were falling to the attack; she had little hope of doing anything more than taking a few invaders with her in death. Something changed in Dala then, the flame inside of her roared into life, fed by her pain and the violence around her. Power surged through her, and rage pushed her to new heights of ferocity. She lashed out with her spear in all directions, becoming a deadly wall to those that attempted to move deeper into the village, and as she fought, the campfires around her blazed high into the air. The defenders rallied around the girl, and the blazing fire, pushing back against the invaders. With the return of the hunters to the camp, the defenders were able to finally drive away the riders.

In the aftermath of the tragic battle, much had changed. The chieftan and so many others were dead, and the tribe was in turmoil. Dala was as saddened by the losses as any, her father was one of those killed, but she was also invigorated. The battle had won her great respect, and though the tribe was still not entirely comfortable with her, it was a discomfort born of awe and respect, not merely superstition and disgust . She was recognized as an apprentice to the shaman finally. She was also sent on her own spirit quest to become a warrior, at the shamans suggestion, and no one argued, remembering the ferocity with which she fought. The battle, though tragic, was a great boon for Dala; in the fire of battle she had her old life burnt away, and was reborn.

When the time came for the People to send out envoys to find allies, Dala was an obvious choice for the trip. The old Shaman was old, but his apprentice could go in his stead. Further, Dala's presence was seen as lucky, and despite her odd appearance, most of the elders felt that the fortune afforded to the mission by the presence of the "girl that lived" would counter any risk from her sickly appearance.

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 3:59 pm
by rydi
anyone else have background?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:59 pm
by Liquidprism
I think they're just playing numbers on paper.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 6:40 pm
by Ivanovich
Vae’lin Urr Rurik was the second born son to an important family in Runia. His family was large and very powerful as well as ruthless and evil. As a child he was originally groomed to go into politics as was family tradition, but it was soon apparent that he lacked much intelligence and was considered a joke by most of the other children. Because of this he became a bully and began beating other kids into submission and intimidating through strength. He quickly gained a small following that both feared and remained loyal to him for most of his life in Runia.

Seeing this his family decided that maybe politics was not for him, but instead placed him in the military where he might be able to bring them new influence and not bring harm to their reputation. His family’s money bought him a commission as an officer. He learned a little about leading troops, but continued to mostly lead through fear. He punished failure severely and gained a reputation as cruel, but he also rewarded success generously.

Through his methods of rewards and punishments he developed a loyal following of ruthless and efficient underlings and grew in rank to a lower commander. (Equivalent to a Lt. Colonel) He was successful in a number of campaigns for Runia and earned a ton of honor for his family who were very pleased with him. He was soon promised in marriage to the daughter of a prominent noble family in order to increase the prestige of the two families. He was married and had a small number of children in a relatively short amount of time. Due to his high rank and status as a hero of Runia for his many battles he was gone defending and attacking most of his time.

On a particularly long march through the mountains Vae’lin and his men came across a lone monk sitting in the path at a particularly small trail. Vae’lin ordered the monk to move, but he simply ignored him. Frustrated by this Vae’lin ordered his troops to attack the monk, but the monk dispatched the troops without killing a single one nor taking any damage. This enraged Vae’lin due to the besting of his troops and the besmirching of his and the troops honor. Vae’lin challenged the monk to single combat and the monk turned his back to Vae’lin. This was the last thing Vae’lin could handle and lost control and charged the monk. The monk knocked Vae’lin out in one hit and seeing this, the troops broke.

Vae’lin was out for nearly a full day. During this he had very vivid dreams of Optimus and battles from both the past and future. He awoke to the monk tending the wounds he had inflicted upon Vae’lin. The monk took Vae’lin under his wing and taught him what he knew of Optimus and the world at large. This greatly changed Vae’lin’s point of view and after training for some time decided to take a vow of poverty to show his obedience to the gods.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:41 pm
by angelicyokai
As the great elves prepared to slay their gods, Expedian, feared what the future would hold for her species. The world would be in upheaval and their would be death and famine before the world regressed to its needed balance. Before the battle, she hid away her child, hoping that the girl would be spared any pain from the future.


In an ancient southern forest, an elf lived idyllically among the trees. The famine, war, and hatred of the world was unknown to her, for she had been given a sheltered life free from pain and doubt. Kirian had existed alone and at peace since the days of the gods fall. Trained by spirits of nature and shadow, she needed no other interaction. Hadn't realized there were other beings like herself for many long centuries. Her familiar gave her history and knowledge of the origins of the world. The library that existed in her home told her much of magic, lore and the gods. Kirian lived as a creature of nature, and spirit, rarely interacting with the normal land.

Time passes and things change, and where once there was only wilderness, soon explorers and pilgrims travel. Led by the pristine woodlands and sheltering swamps (and perhaps the will of the gods) Li Shan, a middle aged monk, sought a place of solitude to teach his growing flock. He and his acolytes explored the region, moving away from civilization and into a place they thought no one inhabited. Finding their peace they began to train.

For weeks Kirian watched them, running about with such purpose. Always relaxed and yet in motion. Harash, her hawk familiar, told her that nothing good would come from contact. She didn't listen.

Shadow was her second form and wrapped in a cloud of night she explored the temple while the monks slept, certain she passed without a trace.

Her shock was complete when she found Li Shan waiting for her at the gates of the compound, a weapon in hand.

The monk had known there was an entity about, but assumed it to be a docile spirit of nature until it had begun
skulking around his acolytes. In their first meeting, both found the other to be more than they had expected. She found the monk to be cunning and wise, and worth learning more from. Li Shan understood quickly that the creature he thought to perhaps be a sprite was, in fact, a descendant or cast off of the original gods.

Their first meeting and parting left little more that curiosity.

Over time, Kirian learned more of the monks and joined them, much to the irritation of her familiar. It wasn't difficult to grasp the peaceful introversion that the monks espoused, but there was some calamity in the marital training they offered. She was exceptionally gifted with magic, and when first overwhelmed in training, the gout of flame she lashed out with caused terrible pain to some of the acolytes. The shock of the monks was complete when, after burning them with arcane fire, Kirian readily healed the wounds. Once she learned to control her volatile spell-crafting, her studies began in earnest.

Of all the weapons available to her, the bow called to her most. Perhaps Kirian's long forgotten heritage was the cause, but whatever the reason, the path of Zen Archery absorbed her for many years.

As the temple grew and new members came, trouble also grew. There were occasional thefts from those who only pretended to be devout, a few people who came only to battle and in the end were sent flying out of the grounds. Finally an illness that only the highest level monks were immune to.

Kirian's medicines and healing abilities were useless to her as one by one her friends grew ill. When the first passed away, Li Shan tried to comfort the woman even in the midst of his own grief, but to no avail. How did explain death to one who had never experienced it?

Grief wrought, yet determined. Kirian left to find some method of defeating the illness. Supposedly a priest would easily remove the malady. Before allowing her to leave, Li Shan explained as best he could of the worlds ancient history, and how the current gods came to be. This was a topic he had feared to breach. Retribution could be swift if the woman was hunted by the gods, or was a god in hiding.

With her possible origins explained, which her familiar had never saw fit to share with her, Kirian left for the world outside of the Monastery.

Weeks went by as she searched for a cure that she had neglected to provide. She learned quickly to ignore the distrust or disdain on the faces of people she met, and to press home the need of information with arrow point if need be. Nearly two months and several temples later, Kirian returned with a remedy, and the belief that a magical poison was the culprit. She returned to an empty temple.

There weren't nearly as many graves as there had been monks, so Kirian believed that the men had survived, but there whereabouts are unknown.

With many unanswered questions Kirian left the temple for the immediate future. There was nothing for her there, and the forest she had inhabited for so long seemed empty without her comrades. So she set out to find her way in the world.

Present day:

For several years Kirian traveled the globe learning of people and making her way in the world. With bow in hand and magic at her call she has become known as a formidable foe.

Though she rapidly found her mothers temple and has traveled in her name ever since, the identity of her other parent, and the location of the first people she had met, remains a mystery. Possibly a mystery that her Familiar and Patron have the answers to.

For the moment though, Kirian is interested in finding those people who are reputed to have met the gods, and slew a fair few.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:06 pm
by Amseriah
I was talking to Jason today and it got me thinking about things, a lot of stuff has happened to our characters yet a lot of us don’t really act any different, some do, don’t get me wrong, but there is a lot of non roleplay that has been happening as of late. So I thought that having a character questionnaire about our characters like I had to do for stage would be a really good idea to get us to think about our characters, to read how other people view their own characters and to help to encourage further character development and rp, so here we go.

What does your character think about the other PC’s?
1. Does he/she trust them?
2. Does he/she like them?
3. Does he/she fear them?
4. Does he/she seek to interact with them outside of the mission?

What does your character value the most?
1. Quality of character?
2. Belonging?
3. Person?
4. How much does he/she value them? Is he/she willing to sacrifice themselves for anything?

What are your character’s goals?
1. How does he/she view the mission?
2. Does he/she care about the greater struggle anymore or are they content to enjoy immortality and grab at power?
3. How far is your character willing to go to accomplish their goal?
4. What are your character’s personal goals?
5. If you were to make your character into an Exalted character what would your Motivation be?

How does your character look?
1. What do they dress like?
2. Are they attractive , ugly, average?
3. How do they carry themselves?
4. Do they have any distinctive marks, tattoos, or mannerisms?
How does your character relate to their domain?
1. The domain isn’t just some cool powers, it is indicative of what you have dominion over as a god, if you have animal as a domain, are you a hunter, cruel and cold, or are you a PETA member, viewing animals to me much more important than people?

How does your character view immortality and being divine?

Does your character have any side projects or goals that they work on with their spare time? What about hobbies?

How does your character fight or engage in conflict? Do they run? Do they use their raw power and force of will to crush the enemy? Do they rely on their deadly anger to give them the edge?

In order to make it to this high of a level, a character almost has to be flawed in some way, how is your character flawed? Does the character realize that it is a flaw and not a weird strength?

Does your character have any dark secrets?

What are some things that you would like to be able to portray about your character but you find very difficult because it is an internal process?

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:07 am
by rydi
What does your character think about the other PC’s?

Overall, she cares about all her companions, if for no other reason than they went through so many incredible things together. But she values some more than others, and tempers her concern with the realization that all of their goals may diverge before the end comes. She is also confused by many of her companions.

Saubwa: Deep distrust, but suspension of judgement. Great power, useful ally, could fail the party and sacrifice reality to his alien goals/mindset. Though, honestly, his view is probably no more "wrong" than anyone else's.
Imoak: Ambivalence. He is her oldest friend and ally, a brother of sorts, but he has left common sense and concern for his people or the world behind as burnt offerings to his overweening sense of pride and his quest for power. When she sees bits of the tribesman he was, she likes him. When he is brutal and selfish, she dislikes him.
Ratchnar: Some fucking dwarf. Wasn't that intimately connected to her before they left (though they were of course from the same tribe, making him closer to her than the others), but has become a staple of her life over the years. While certainly powerful, he seems to have little motivation towards any particular goals, and he seems disconnected from the oaths from which his power springs... He is strange, but at least stable. In the future, his lack of direction may prove a hindrance, but may also make him a more dependable companion, and prevent him from haring off on a path antithetical to Dala's... which makes him useful, and worth keeping close.
Valen: Though lacking in intelligence, his purity of character, strength of will, and deep wisdom earn Dala's respect. She loves him, and together they discovered much of who and what they were... But one day, their paths may diverge. His lack of understanding, combined with his rigidity and devotion to his god, may force them apart one day.
Aine: She is, to Dala, the opposite reflection of Imoak. She is everything he is not, but similarly devoted, and often just as narrow minded and obstinately focused. A sister that lead her into the more "civilized" life, and away from her "brother" and old way of life. While often more palatable than Imoak, she holds a strikingly similar role in Dala's mind, and perhaps fills the void left by her clanmate.
Bard: She admires his faith, while she detests it. There are higher ideals, and clinging to the worship of flawed beings reflects the inability to change and grow into something greater. His irrational belief in Radius' "awesome" is still a wedge in their relationship. But in day to day matters, as well as combat, he is an incredible boon. They have much to offer one another, at least in a practical sense.
New Girl: Power without experience, immortality without a frame of reference. Or a betrayer who is exceptionally good at playing the innocent, waiting to destroy them all. Time will tell, and when it does she will be dealt with accordingly.

What does your character value the most?
1. Quality of character?
Balance. This was developed early on, as she attempted to come to terms with the balance of her role as a female in the tribe, against her need to become a warrior. After that it was between material and spirit as she learned the ways of the shaman. Then it was between wild and civilized, light and dark, war and peace. She now firmly believes that there are many truths that must be balanced against one another. The only other belief she holds as strongly is the superiority of Good as a principle, but even in that she understands that Evil will always exist in relation to it, and give it definition.
2. Belonging?
Dala doesn't belong, and never fully has. It is in part what drove her away from her people, and lead her to claim Aturia as her own. She seeks for belonging, while realizing rationally that perhaps one never really belongs, and that it shouldn't matter. An unresolved existential paradox for her.
3. Person?
In order: her children, Valen, her friends, her adopted people, the world.
4. How much does he/she value them? Is he/she willing to sacrifice themselves for anything?
Initially, she was willing to make any sacrifice necessary. But between ambivalent feelings that have had time to fester (along with the justification that "they are powerful enough to take care of themselves"), and a selfishness that stems from having much more to lose, her determination wavers. Only time and fate will show whether her purity and sense of purpose will endure, or she will fall to the trap of divinity.

What are your character’s goals?
1. How does he/she view the mission?
It is important. But her personal soul, as well as those of others, and their reality, is equally important. Were these lost, any victory gained would be Pyrrhic.
2. Does he/she care about the greater struggle anymore or are they content to enjoy immortality and grab at power?
Never content, life is change and growth. Always content, life is what it is, and moves in cycles. These are both true, and yet difficult to reconcile.
3. How far is your character willing to go to accomplish their goal?
Formerly, as far as necessary. After a hundred years of power and productivity... Her determination waivers, but she tells herself it is as strong as ever. But given the right goals, she will still do whatever is necessary, even if she is currently in a state of doubt and fear regarding the future.
4. What are your character’s personal goals?
Take care of children, ensure they have a future. Make Aturia great, and the world as a whole a worthwhile place to live. Come to ultimate understanding of all reality, and perhaps even that beyond reality. Learn to weave pretty cloth.
5. If you were to make your character into an Exalted character what would your Motivation be?
I'll tell you, if we ever turn these characters into Exalts.

How does your character look?
1. What do they dress like?
Practical battle dress, but made of the finest materials. Motifs of Night and Day, as well as her own holy symbol of balanced scales, adorn her gear. Due to Ratchnar being the crafter of the bulk of her gear, all of it has a vaguely tribal look, and naturalistic flow. Maybe I'll have Haley draw her.
2. Are they attractive , ugly, average?
Divinely Hawt. Charisma 35. She was attractive from the beginning, but the fire burning within her gave her a fevered, sickly look. When she made peace with the fire, her being was infused with a pure light, further accentuated by her cosmic transformation, and the peace found in her darker half.
3. How do they carry themselves?
With utter confidence, alloyed by genuine concern for those around her.
4. Do they have any distinctive marks, tattoos, or mannerisms?
Meh. Marks probably got burnt away in the transformation to cosmic being. Mannerisms include the tendency to pull examples and colloquialisms from her early tribal life into her every day speech, and to temper idealism and over intellectualization of herself and those around her with a healthy pragmatism.

How does your character relate to their domain?
The domain isn’t just some cool powers, it is indicative of what you have dominion over as a god, if you have animal as a domain, are you a hunter, cruel and cold, or are you a PETA member, viewing animals to me much more important than people?
As one that values balance, change, and growth, Dala views her role in the divine schema as forwarding those ideals. As her dominion grows, other dualities will fall under her sway, such as Life/Death, Masculine/Feminine, and Light/Darkness. She is more a gentle shepherd or gardener pushing people toward becoming more of what they are, rather than a harsh mistress categorizing reality one soul at a time.

How does your character view immortality and being divine?
Her cosmic nature and connection to Light are viewed as proper, a mantle taken up and carried on. But her godhood, as it currently exists, is wrong. As is that of everyone else. Godhood should be changed, and she would give up her power if she could obtain it another way. Her status as priestess of Lelune is more the role of friend and proponent of those ideals than that of a worshiper.

Does your character have any side projects or goals that they work on with their spare time? What about hobbies?
Ruling a city, and improving it. Creating an empire. Weaving. Tries to pick up new dances with her mystically heightened memory, when time allows.

How does your character fight or engage in conflict? Do they run? Do they use their raw power and force of will to crush the enemy? Do they rely on their deadly anger to give them the edge?
First proper preparation, then diplomacy, and if that fails... Crush them with wild abandon and raw power. She still hasn't left the savagery of the wild completely behind, nor are her fellow tribesmen alone in their arrogance and pride.

In order to make it to this high of a level, a character almost has to be flawed in some way, how is your character flawed? Does the character realize that it is a flaw and not a weird strength?
She lacks the single minded focus of her companions, dividing her abilities, as well as reducing her faith in her path. She walks a knife edge, attempting to balance her many aspects.

Does your character have any dark secrets?
She is willing to abandon anyone in order to forward her goals. Bonds to people mean less than bonds to ideas, something that pains her, and she is not fully able to admit to.

What are some things that you would like to be able to portray about your character but you find very difficult because it is an internal process?
Hmm... Mainly the conflicted nature of the character, and the moments of transition between aspects of her personality.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:37 pm
by Liquidprism
You know what... I love you Paul. This is actually a very insightful post. I will be answering it as well, but first I just wanted you to know how I feel about you.

I feel like this is the kid of thing that should be done for every character in a game. If a player can't answer these questions about their character, then that should say something to them about their rp skill. It's pretty much the bare minimum required to play a meaningful character.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 11:34 pm
by Liquidprism
What does your character think about the other PC’s?
1. Does he/she trust them?
2. Does he/she like them?
3. Does he/she fear them?
4. Does he/she seek to interact with them outside of the mission?

Dalla- One of his oldest friends, he feels betrayed by Dalla, and her new self. He has doubts as to whether Dalla is even alive anymore, and feels there is a chance that one of the old gods has simply possessed what was once her mortal body. He cares about his tribal comrades, as they are really his last connection to his old life. He will fight , and die for them if necessary Dalla included. He wants to trust her, and understand her course, but she has made this hard. She constantly interferes in his life while keeping her own aloof. He sees her actions as arrogant, and deeming to himself and his own choices. He finds it harder, and harder to care about her as she widens the gap between them, and continues to act in a superior manner.

Aine- Imoak sees Aine as a powerful creature who has to be watched constantly. She has leveled perceived threats against him in the past, and he has never forgotten this. Her power makes her a potential foe who cannot be underestimated. He knows that in many ways she is his very opposite. She is a thinker in a way he never will be, and cannot even conceptualize. He feels that she sees herself as better than him because of her mind. He is bound and determined to prove her wrong. All in all he has a hard time trusting her at his back, and he feels like her arrogance, and belief that she can control the forces at her disposal, will ultimately lead to her downfall. Thus, he has little interest in becoming truly attached to her in any way, other than as a comrade in arms. He is not so stupid as to ignore, or ostracize an entity as powerful as the ice mage considering the opponents they face, and the breadth of their mission.

Rachnar- Ratchnar is a brother to Imoak, and one of the few people left in the world that he can trust. He worries that the shifter will follow a path to quick power, which will ultimately lead to his fall. He enjoys Ratchnar’s company, and though the Dwarf is thick headed, and bit inconsistent in his desires at times he has proven himself to be a relaiable companion. In some ways Imoak admires Ratchnar’s abilities, and the strength those abilities give him in combat. So Imoak finds himself in envy sometimes of the druidic magic’s Ratchnar commands. They are the only magic he has ever sought to have for himself. That said, he has made piece with the fact that they are not his to control, and if he cannot have them then he can think of no one else he would rather have to do so.

Sabwa- The other shifter has posed an interesting conundrum for Imoak. Overall Imoak likes the shifter. They have never really come to opposition over large issues, and he is a formidable warrior. In light of recent understandings about the creatures current… disposition however, Imoak worries about his ultimate goals. The Goliath also understands that he still knows very little about the shapechanger or what truly motivates him. This makes him a wild card of sorts, but to Imoak’s mind that could turn out to be a great boon.

Valleen- Valeen is a misguided fool. While he has demonstrated he has the strength of will to fight this fight, his need to save is ultimately his greatest weakness. Sacrifices have to be made, and will have to be made, and Imoak doubts that the monk has the fortitude to ultimately make the choices necessary to win the conflict which fast approaches. He also holds at least one of the very entities they are in conflict with to some high regard. This is a conflict of interests, and may result in his betrayal of the party as a whole at some point, unless of course his outlook changes to some degree. Also, Valleen hold one of the fundamental weapons, an artifact stolen from sleeping gods of old. He has suffered changes on a basic level of his being, and that makes Imoak not only doubt his sanity for making such a choice, but whether is actions are truly his own. Like his other comrades however, Imoak is willing to fight with Valleen, as his prowess on the battlefield is more than impressive, but worthy of legends. He is not a being to be trifled with.

Yavell- The performer is a fantastic ally, and has proven his worth many times over. Imoak has never had any real conflict with the bard, and for the most part doesn’t mind him hanging around. He finds certain aspects of the Yavell’s personality off putting at times, but can over look this, at least for now. He like Valleen has a loyalty to one of the gods which might pose a conflict of interests at some point. He is also aware that Dalla has a problem with Yavell’s loyalties to that god, and she is usually insightful in such matters, so Imoak will continue to be wary for now.

Kirian- The newest member of the party seems like a congenial personality. She is the daughter of a god, but he won’t necessarily hold that against her. She has yet to prove herself in a fight, so he hasn’t really formed much more of an opinion of her.

Overall, Imoak feels hurt by his comrade’s lack of understanding. He feels they have overlooked his path having no worth. They see him little more than an arrogant, and violent thug. Meanwhile, he has accepted their choices, and decisions (even when he didn’t agree with them), and has allowed them to do as they wished. However, it seem as though they constantly interfere in his affairs, and chide him as though is was senseless. He sees that they do not respect or understand his actions, and it hurts him to his core. He also sees them act in many ways as he does, and feels this makes them hypocrites at the very least.

For his part he sees what he is doing as necessary in order to do what needs to be doen. He has resigned himself to being a ‘bad guy’, or simply a violent oaf, if that is what they want to see. He has found wisdom, and a truth however, and he intends to use it to save reality from a pantheon of incompetent gods.

What does your character value the most?
1. Quality of character?

Imoak of course values strength, and the will to do what is necessary in the face of all odds. He values consistency, and martial power as well. Those that stand up to authority, or established order when it is wrong are also held in high regard. He is a creature of the wild. He views the world, and himself in it as an extension of the animal realm. Predators, and prey exist for a reason. There is a balance there. However, the sick, and weak are generally killed off. Thus when this happens in the ‘civilized’ world to people there is very little difference. He also understands spirituality, and those who show respect to the spirit world.

2. Belonging?

Big shock here. Imoak values his blade. It is more than an heirloom, and a valuable weapon. At this point it is an extension of himself, and a symbol of his ability to change himself, and the world around him. He is very protective of it as an object, and is very aware that it once belong to another being. If push came to shove over it, he would kill without hesitation to keep it.

3. Person?

Hmm… I think he probably values Little Sister, His Son through Little Sister (Whooshaaahh, or whatever dumb name he has), Ratchnar, and even Dala still probably in that order of caring). He is protective of his family at this point, and understands them to be more vulnerable than his tribe mates. So his emotional attachment is more noticeable to him. He also cares about his tribe loosely, but since their rejection of him, and the passage of time, he’s capacity to care to any real degree has certainly waned.

4. How much does he/she value them? Is he/she willing to sacrifice themselves for anything?

As stated above he values Little Sister, his son, Ratchnar, and Dala as his family, and will die to protect them. His other comrades are treated as brothers in arms. He hads fought, and died beside them before, and he will do so again. However, their actions are largely their own, and he doesn’t feel the need to be to much a part of their lives.

What are your character’s goals?

1. How does he/she view the mission?

The mission is all important. If it fails then everything else dies. He is willing to do nearly anything to accomplish the end goal, except sacrifice his individual sense of self. He feels like if he loses himself then it was largely pointless to begin. He wants to grow as a being, but on his terms not someone else’s, and certainly not from an artificial unearned influx of power.

A part of him wishes he could take the time to play a more active role in his family life, but he doesn’t see it as viable, and he also feels it is dangerous. Something else Imoak is seeking is a possible mentor, something he has never really had. A martial warrior to maybe show him things about the nature of battle he has not been able to find on his own.

2. Does he/she care about the greater struggle anymore or are they content to enjoy immortality and grab at power?

Imoak carries very much about the initial struggle, and plans to see it through or die trying. He is torn on his divinity. It isn’t something he wanted, and he hates having had it thrust upon him. He feels it complicates his life in ways he never wanted, however, it is a tool he can use to win his struggle, and he will not ignore the power is brings him.

3. How far is your character willing to go to accomplish their goal?

Imoak is willing to do nearly anything to end the reign of the current gods. He is even willing to entertain the notion of destroying existence, and starting over, if that is ultimately what it takes.

4. What are your character’s personal goals?

His personal goals, are to grow in power, and skill until he can face the gods he hates so much in single combat. His path is on of constant struggle, and growth toward that end. He would like to find someone to maybe help guide him, and see things he cannot, but he is also willing to go it alone.

There is a small part of him, left over from his early years, that is interested in the Fey. However, their manner so far has been off-putting, and overbearing in a way that turns him off from exploring that world further.

5. If you were to make your character into an Exalted character what would your Motivation be?

I don’t even know what this means, or how it is relevant to the non-Exalted players.

How does your character look?
1. What do they dress like?

Imoak wears traditional tribal garb, probably a lot of leather that has been stitched, and sewn on through the years. He doesn’t feel any need to look any more refined. He doesn’t even own other clothes for the most part anymore. He probably washes them as he gets a chance, but isn’t overly concerned about it.

2. Are they attractive , ugly, average?

I never imagined him as ugly, just rough around the edges personality wise. He is probably about average for a goliath, but they aren’t the most attractive species in DnD by any means (only slightly prettier than orcs imo).

3. How do they carry themselves?

He carries himself with the bearing of a confident warrior, who has seen countless conflicts and walked away from every one. He isn’t afraid to use his bulk, and strength as leverage, and in fact often does so to accentuate his position during conversation. He is a very physical character, and probably tends to make people feel uncomfortable by violating personal space, or being overly physical when interacting.

4. Do they have any distinctive marks, tattoos, or mannerisms?

Yes, he has distinctive markings. Like most goliaths his skin is rough, and pebbly. It is covered in a mottled grayish patterning that pretty covers the whole thing. On one of his shoulders, and covering a large of his upper back this normally random mottling has been formed into a large paw print… a gift from an early encounter with a desert spirit. Also, his eyes are golden, and he has no body hair.

How does your character relate to their domain?

1. The domain isn’t just some cool powers, it is indicative of what you have dominion over as a god, if you have animal as a domain, are you a hunter, cruel and cold, or are you a PETA member, viewing animals to me much more important than people?

His domain is Strength because strength is at the core of everything he espouses. Strength endures, strength overcomes, and ultimately it is strength that decides a victor. This does not only refer to physical strength either. This is probably a common misconception made by those that know, or meet him.

How does your character view immortality and being divine?

He is unhappy that such a burden was thrust upon him. It has opened a whoel new level of problems he feels like he would have been better off without. However, he isn’t afraid to use or explore it, and since it is a part of him now, he will use it for all its worth. Time has become a bit formless, and less pressing for him, and his status as a god entitles him to some respect he did not previously have.

Does your character have any side projects or goals that they work on with their spare time? What about hobbies?

He tries to see his family, and hang out at the Arcaneoptryx. He is busy finding new way s to test himself, and his abilities to that they might grow. His hobbies include, starting brawls in pubs, and toppling overly lawful rulers. He also hates cities, and makes a hobby out of staying away from them as long as possible. If he can find people to go with I feel he also probably also likes exploring new worlds.

How does your character fight or engage in conflict? Do they run? Do they use their raw power and force of will to crush the enemy? Do they rely on their deadly anger to give them the edge?

He has never run from a fight, and probably never will. He believes in confronting opposition no matter what comes. If he is strong enough he can overcome the odds, and if he is too weak, then he deserves to fall. He is pretty open about this. When fighting he uses his strength as necessary. He understands it isn’t always necessary to bring all your might to bear at once, and he is a capable tactical fighter if need be. However, if push comes to shove, and the chips are down, he will utilize his inner fury… the last trick in his arsenal, and crush any opponent that stands in his way. He is fearless, and nearly unmatched in his resolve to see a conflict through to its end.

In order to make it to this high of a level, a character almost has to be flawed in some way, how is your character flawed? Does the character realize that it is a flaw and not a weird strength?

I believe that Imoak’s flaw is his inability to step down from a fight. Once he gets started he will not stop. His dedication to physical resolutions to conflicts is also a hindrance of sorts. He doesn’t believe in diplomacy for the most part, as it invariably (in his experience) results in the exercising of military might anyway. Thus, he believes in cutting straight to the chase as it were.

Does your character have any dark secrets?

I don’t know about dark secrets, but he has a few things he doesn’t share with others. He is jealous of those with magical ability. He sees it as being his largest weakness, and thus has gone to great lengths to find ways to combat it. He scoffs at those that have it, and thinks of them as weak, but this is his way of compensating.

He would kill most of his comrades if it became necessary to stop do what he felt was right.

He wishes he could rewind time, and go back to his life as a member of the Duneshadow tribe.

There may be others but I am at a loss right now.

What are some things that you would like to be able to portray about your character but you find very difficult because it is an internal process?

The way he perceives the path of conflict. I think a lot of people misperceive in the meta-game. I personally think it is a valid philosophy, and not nearly as ‘stupid’ as some people seem to think of it. It requires not only a resolve to follow, but is a deep code, and rich with possibility story wise. Also, the way he views spirituality. Finally, the nature of his rage, and frenzy abilities both how they manifest, and what they represent.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:23 am
by Amseriah
Awesome! I am happy that I could help out, and I am enjoying reading these so far. I will answer them for Saubwa hopefully either tomorrow night or Friday....grrrrr...stupid work.

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 11:22 am
by Amseriah
What does your character think about the other PC’s?

Dala: Saubwa likes Dala a lot, she used to be an anomaly to him, with her internal struggle between the civilized and the savage, but as he has seen her balance this and many other facets of her personality he has found a very stable person, capable of taking a fallen kingdom and bringing it back from the brink more glorious than before. That isn't to say that he is blind to the fact that she seems to have issues with him, not that he truly understands where they arose from. He thinks that it might be because of the path that he has chosen form himself to give him the ability to challenge the current gods, but he isn't sure if it is her who is untrusting or whether it is some sort of sympathetic emotion brought about by picking up the Sword of Light.

Valen: Saubwa doesn't know how he really feels about Valen, he is an enigma, a very simple holy man who lives an extremely pure life and seems to be very devoted to the course of fixing the world by killing the gods, but he is also very devoted to Optimus who is one of the gods that caused major problems with the conflict involving Xeromonius. He just hope that in the end Valen's loyalties will lie with his comrades and his quest, rather than with his deity.

Ratchnar: Saubwa used to view the dwarven druid as a distant cousin, with Ratchnar being the country mouse and himself being the city mouse, but as of late he has been feeling the rift between them to be growing wider. Ratchnar still seems to hold very true to his spiritual path, but his path was never one of strict devotion. Saubwa on the other hand sacrificed his connection to the spiritual energies of the world so that he could seek out the power to give him an edge over the gods who he has vowed to destroy. He is a skilled enough actor and con artist to never let his true feelings show to his companion, but he does feel a sense of guilt, shame, and jealousy over what he sacrificed. He isn't sure what the dwarf feels about him however and that makes him a little nervous.

Imoak: Imoak is a great and powerful warrior, that much is no secret, Saubwa sees something else in his companion though, great weakness. It seems to him that Imoak feels insecure in his strength and power, and that is why he is constantly challenging himself, pushing himself further, and always seeking powerful opponents to combat. This behavior reminds Saubwa greatly of the kids that grew up on the streets and were bullied and tormented, only to grow up to become the bullies and tormentors. He is interested to know who or what hurt Imoak so badly that he seems as though he is only happy and content when he is relishing in carnage. He also view his complete lack of self control as a sign of weakness. The incident in the square helped to cement that view. Sure the riot was brought about by Hubris, but Imoak is such a great warrior that he could have simply escaped from the mob and survived. Something in him however snapped when he was attacked, and all he could do was kill everyone who attacked him, be they of fit body and armed or the young, elderly, and inappropriately equiped. Imoak also seems to have a great distrust of magic and outside forces, and views relying on them to be a sign of great weakness, yet he adorns himself with a lot of magical equipment designed to increase his prowess and derives a good majority of his power from the sword that he carries. To Saubwa it reeks of hypocracy and just a general feeling that Imoak has a great fear of being controlled or used. All that said, though, Saubwa views Imoak to be a very powerful ally and would never betray his opinions about the barbarian for fear that it might disrupt their working relationship.

Aine: Saubwa doesn't interact with Aine very often, when she does it is normally in regards to the Apostle of Apo-theid. He doesn't dislike or distrust her, they just don't have that much in common. Her complete and utter devotion to the arcane is something that he views as odd, she is now far older than most people of her race ever reach, yet she has never that he is aware of taken a lover, married, had a child, or any of the other great and joyous activities in life. She just seems to be content to learn all that she can of magic to the exclussion to nearly every other aspect of life. He does see her value and worth as a comrade in arms, and would never do or say anything to her to jeapordize that, but he does view her like Imoak in her single-mindedness and feels like it is something to pay very close attention to, lest the interest becomes a full blown obsession.

Bard: Saubwa is pretty ambivalent toward the party bard. He doesn't ever directly participate in combat, though he does help out a great bit with his mystic songs. He worshipped/worships one of the biggest dicks of all the gods. Saubwa isn't sure whether he has the heart to see the quest to it's fruition or not.

What does your character value the most?
1. Quality of character?

Nobility of spirit, the ability to do whatever is necessary to accomplish a goal for the greater good even if the act itself is vile, yet to not fall to the depravity of the acts that have been committed.

2. Belonging?

His most prized possession is probably his armor, it may not be the most powerful suit of armor, but it has multiple abilities built into it that make is a treasured item, and it at times feels like a focus for his own innate abilities rather than an item of arcane construction

3. Person?

Sera and strangely Dala...perhaps because Sera sees him as he truly is, and understands it, and Dala knows some of what he has done to himself yet still allies herself with him to a certain degree at least.

4. How much does he/she value them? Is he/she willing to sacrifice themselves for anything?

Perhaps because he understands that without the nobility of spirit he would lose himself to the changes that he forced upon himself and the acts that he has committed, he views it as the most important thing that a person can embody. The armor, he knows could be recreated if it had to be, although he would feel sad. He values Sera and Dala very much and would lay down his life to protect them, knowing that the sentiment is surely not reciprocated.

What are your character’s goals?

To see the gods that would sacrifice the world over a petty philosophical debate killed and replaced by better entities.

1. How does he/she view the mission?

He is still very passionate about the mission, even in light of the conflict getting resolved, who knows when another weird exception may occur...

2. Does he/she care about the greater struggle anymore or are they content to enjoy immortality and grab at power?

He cares a great deal about the greater struggle, he also enjoys immortality, and will grab whatever power he can that might give him an edge that he needs over the current gods. If push came to shove however, and a choice had to be made, he would sacrifice himself for the destruction of the guilty parties.

3. How far is your character willing to go to accomplish their goal?

He already sacrificed his body, mind, and soul...I think that means that his willingness knows no bounds.

4. What are your character’s personal goals?

To protect the world from those who would use power to oppress those weaker than them, whether the oppressors be deities or mortal. He also wants to expand the Daggerspell Society and the Fochlucan college to other branches, so that they can continue on with his mission if he were to meet an untimely (ooc: meaning any) demise.

5. If you were to make your character into an Exalted character what would your Motivation be?

Ok, I guess this was a dumb question, but it would be to protect world from false gods.

How does your character look?

Saubwa's appearance is constantly changing anymore. He does have a couple of set faces that he wears though, such as his combat form a huge gold dragon, an older minor human noble who takes in unwanted orphans to raise as his own, and tall powerfully built blonde haired green eyed human male around 28 yrs old, the last form is the form that he wears most of the time and is the form that the Daggerspell Society and the Fochlucan College know him. He very rarely ever reveals his hobgoblin form, a race that he was always ashamed of.

1. What do they dress like?

He tends to dress unassumingly with close fitting black silks and sturdy but soft soled leather boots. The exceptions to this are all of his magic items that all appear to be tribal in origin due to being crafted by Rachnar. While he never truly dresses extravagantly, his armor is able to cast an illusion over himself and his gear to appear to be whatever he wishes, a quality that he uses to his benefit, whether to appear extremely wealthy adorned in jewels and wealth, or dirty and dressed in rags.

2. Are they attractive , ugly, average?

Because of the ability to change his form to appear to be whatever he chooses, Saubwa tends to change how he looks on a whim, so there are times that he appears to be hideous and average, but generally appears to be a very attractive male human.

3. How do they carry themselves?

He carries himself with the pride and assuredness of a god, however he does appear to look paranoid at times with constantly shifting eyes and the way that he scans every room that he enters as if looking for a hidden assassin or thief.

4. Do they have any distinctive marks, tattoos, or mannerisms?

His skill at disguising himself has led to him being a tabula rasa in regards to marks, tattoos, and mannerisms, if he does show any of them it is because they are part of a persona that he has created.

How does your character relate to their domain?

Saubwa feels most comfortable at night and in the darker places of the world. He doesn't think that he chose the domain of night so much as it chose him to be it's representative or bearer upon his ascension into godhood. This is only reinforced in his mind with the fact that as he has increased in power it is as if he has become infused with living shadows that have given him power over darkness far surpassing anything that he had ever heard about.

1. The domain isn’t just some cool powers, it is indicative of what you have dominion over as a god, if you have animal as a domain, are you a hunter, cruel and cold, or are you a PETA member, viewing animals to me much more important than people?

He acts as a guardian of those who traverse at night, protecting those who would normally fall prey to the depravations of criminals and other unsavory characters, he also takes it upon himself to be the Night Spirit Within the City, hunting down the most depraved hearts and cruelly slaughtering them, leaving their remains openly as a warning to those who would seek to destroy the spirit and heart of Creation to assuage their depravity and cruelty.

How does your character view immortality and being divine?

Time confuses Saubwa much of the time now, he understands that he will never die of old age, but he doesn't understand that forever is truly a long time. He occassionally has flashes of memories from the Outer Darkness of a time long before the creation of the Formed World, memories from the early infancy of the Formed World, and very rarely memories of things that have yet to come. All of these memories in his head have worked to shatter his concept of time to the point that he believes that the concept as a whole is moot. That being said, he does act with great haste to accomplish certain things, but they tend to be tasks that others wouldn't consider to be very important. His lover and cohort Sera has taken it upon herself to act as a secratary of sorts to him, to make sure that the daily responsibilities that come with running 2 organizations get accomplished and to attempt to impress upon him the importance of things that truly matter and to steer him away from compulsive actions that are meaningless in a more fixed reality. As to how he views being divine, he is torn...he enjoys the power that it has given him, but feels as though it is stolen power since it was given to him by thieves who stole it from those who created the Formed World. He also feels as though it has tethered him almost unnaturally to the Formed World, but whether it will be a blessing like having a dual citizenship or a huge barrier preventing him from reaching the heights of enlightenment he is unsure. He has witnessed very powerful being in the Outer Darkness that had the power of gods but who didn't rely on worshippers for their power, but had the power because of their greatness. He is currently very interested in achieving the powers of godhood in that way, so that if the time comes that they must destroy the Formed World, he will remain unscathed by the resulting loss of power.

Does your character have any side projects or goals that they work on with their spare time? What about hobbies?

He works very hard to ensure that both the Daggerspell Society and the Fochlucan College continue to grow and thrive, and has the majority of full members of both groups dispatched across the world working as agents to collect information about what is going on in the world and to warn him of any problems such as wars, natural disasters, the apparent meddling of the gods, etc, and to help out the people that are suffering due to such problems. He still, regardless of his current state of being, considers himself to be a protector of the world and of the peoples that inhabit it. He also continues to engage in a romantic relationship with Sera and hopes to one day have children with her. A hobby that he truly enjoys doing is opening up and running what are essentially soup kitchens in areas that are suffering from abject poverty and strife. He feels like he is balancing out all the death and suffering that he has caused and will have to cause by helping those who cannot help themselves with the finances of those whom he has killed. He also hopes that by doing so, and continuing to hunt down criminals who have completely debased themselves, he will keep more people from pursuing a life of crime. Doing so also allows him to study people and creatures from around the world, and provides him a diversion by trying to emulate their language, culture, and customs.

How does your character fight or engage in conflict? Do they run? Do they use their raw power and force of will to crush the enemy? Do they rely on their deadly anger to give them the edge?

Saubwa only runs if there is no way that he and his party members could defeat the threat and then it is only a way to regroup and try a different approach. He is probably the most mutable of all the party members and as such is one of the more fluid combatants. If the situation calls for air support he will take the form of a huge air elemental or dragon, if it takes place on or in water then he will be in the form of a water elemental, the same goes true for underground and an earth elemental, if the situation requires the use of constructed weapons then he will take the form of a humanoid, insectoid, or giant. He uses his shapeshifting as an edge to the utmost of his ability. In all his forms there is one commonality however, his attacks are never the wild and savage blows of a barbarian in a rage, nor are they the powerful strikes of a monk who has forged his body and soul to be a great weapon, no his attacks are the extremely precise strikes of a person who understands the anatomy of all creatures. When he attacks he tries to catch his opponents before they have a chance to raise a proper defense or with their attention diverted with another foe so that he can attack the critical areas that a person normally guards. He does have multiple tricks that he employs to create these openings such as his ability to charge at a foe in such a way as to confuse the opponent about his pace and location, allowing him to attack before the enemy can respond to the attack. Another trick that he and some of his companions have employed is to flank an opponent and hary him like a pack of wolves with each attack hitting a vital part and distracting the foe from the other attackers surrounding it.

In order to make it to this high of a level, a character almost has to be flawed in some way, how is your character flawed? Does the character realize that it is a flaw and not a weird strength?

His major flaw is his inability let go of a grudge, most of this conflict is to him a huge grudge. He feels that it was a truly abhorrent thing that the gods did, both to attain their power and in the conflict between them with them disregarding the world that they were deities of because of a philosophical disagreement. No matter how much better things get now that the matter with Xeromonius has been resolved and Radius Reborn is present to act as an arbiter of future conflicts, Saubwa can't let go that certain gods risked the world for the argument. He kind of views the guilty parties to be dead already...they just don't know it yet.

Does your character have any dark secrets?

Yes, he has several but the 2 major ones are that Sera was one of the orphans that he raised from childhood to adulthood (ooc: he pulled a Woody Allen...yuck), he didn't take her as a lover until she was an adult, and he pursued her in a form other than the one that raised her, but she knew the entire time who and what he was. The second one is that Saubwa has contingency plans in his head to kill every single party member, just on the off chance that someone decides to go rogue.

What are some things that you would like to be able to portray about your character but you find very difficult because it is an internal process?

I think that it would be that he finds the thoughts and actions of his comrades to be quite confusing sometimes, and that while he has made some very rash decisions, such as becoming Formless, he in general tries very hard not to rush into action without thinking of the consequences of the actions.