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Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:35 am
by rydi
"So... What would you propose to do for me? And what would you... Like to start with?"

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 5:52 pm
by rydi
"nothing to say? Perhaps you aren't the self-starter I thought you were... But that's all right. I have something that could occupy your time until you decide. I've had several people approach me regarding your marital status, and it appears that you could be quite the bargaining chip..."

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 10:29 pm
by Avilister
OOC: That was hardly fair, I didn't really have a chance to respond. :P

IC: Aizan suddenly looks uncomfortable. He was hoping to avoid that topic for at least a little while. "I've no doubt. In this matter I shall, of course, defer to your judgment and that of my parents. No doubt that the purity of my blood," one of the few things he's not modest about at all, "will be in high demand for extremely valuable alliances." This is, he hopes, a fairly major bargaining chip.

"As for what else I can do, certainly there are some of your enemies that I would agree to remove from the picture for you. When choosing targets, do keep in mind that I know little of subtlety in the realm of combat. The last few years have ensured that I have learned to bring a swift and sure end to any combat if I can, but only rarely is it a clean end." He makes a face indicating that he considers these 'messy ends' distasteful, "Discrete eliminations are not really a part of my skill set."

At this point it has become clear to Aizan that he's going to need to perform some chores for dear grandmother before she's willing to do much to concede to his opinions.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:31 am
by rydi
OOC: you should tell me how long you plan on going between posts. that was 18hrs lag, which is fine, but i wasn't sure if you had noticed since i hadn't heard anything.

And yes, chores. though honestly, she may never take you seriously... considering her reputation as a control freak, and lack of respect for anyone else except as a tool or threat, she may be... difficult to deal with, and favors may just put you more in the tool category than the threat... or do both at the same time. By this point in your life you have seen several people like this: they lose perspective after long years of competition and politics, and see only pieces on a board, and cease to see any cooperation as a viable option.

"Hmm... well, we have several interesting... options dear, as far as the marriage is concerned. One of the most interesting I have had has been from the Tepet leadership. While I would never dream of marrying you off to their fallen house, i have been lead to believe that they are desperate enough to hire you out for stud. This would of course have to be discreet, but they are worried enough about their blood line that they would be willing to marry off some of their found eggs to higher ranking wives to cover up the true father of the children. And actually, two high ranking Nellens women have made a similar offer. Taking this approach gives us a bargaining chip, and many favors, and avoids having to take you off the market before your price rises, while still making use of you.

As far as using your combat abilities, we are a bit limited in our options. Duels, hunting accidents, and battlefield casualties. You are too valuable to put on a battlefield at this point... We will have to think on it.

So how do you feel about doing a few favors for our Tepet and Nellens friends?"

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:00 am
by Amseriah
OOC: Mnemon is your pimp Steven! LOL

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:06 am
by adam
Before I head to Greyfalls, I would like to make an appointment to see Cathak. The reason for my appointment is that since I will be traveling to Greyfalls, I would like to see if Cathak has any interests that they would like for me to check on.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 1:10 pm
by Avilister
OOC: Of course she is. What are Dragonblooded grandmothers for? On a related note, I'd mentioned that I'd probably tried to start some sort of House/family back during the 1st Age, though there's no telling what the results of -that- might have been. Stupid time paradoxes.

On the note about Cathak, we should probably all go to see him, to see what he's got in mind.

IC: While not exactly thrilled about being used to seed power into the weaker Houses, Aizan is not blind to the opportunities this provides. Not only does it allow him to, however briefly, avoid marriage that is likely to tie him closer to the Isle, it also allows for a number of signficiant opportunities to form contacts in other Houses. He has, after all, been out of the loop for a long time. It would seem that such an arrangement serves the purposes of both of them.

"I'd be willing to do some favors, certainly," indeed, what self-respecting Dragon-Blooded would not? He may have changed, but some things are ingrained too deeply to be overcome by a mere elevation of Essence. "Though I would need some personal compensation as well. Just basic funding, really. I'm sure details can be worked out later."

"The battlefield is, of course, one of the easier places to truely practice my art, given the nature of conflict, but I can understand wanting to hold me, and indeed, my brothers and sisters, in reserve. Our time together has made us quite effective in combination, though each is a skilled fighter on their own as well. Duels are easily done, though depending on the circumstances I may reserve the right to simply disable rather than kill - everyone has value, though such value may need to be altered or refocused."

He sighs, "So, yes, I will 'do a few favors' for the Tepet and Nellens houses. I find myself curious, are these applicants Dragonblooded themselves, or are they wanting to 'accidentially discover' the blood of the dragons in some patrician bloodline?" Unspoken is the statement that any of his children are likely to show strong signs of breeding, even if one parent is a normal mortal. Further, his breeding is strong enough that it is likely to overpower the aspect of the mother in many cases. It wouldn't do to have Earth Aspected children exalting left and right from mothers whose lineages do not include such a history for many generations.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:06 pm
by rydi
OOC: Several things here
1)any attempts at breeding families of your own have been largely unsuccessful if they were done on the blessed isle or anywhere outside of the edges of creation. this is due to the turmoil of the contagion, founding of the realm, etc. if attempts were made to travel to some remote location and foster a lineage on a small tribe or something, esp. if multiple of you did so within the same tribe, there is greater success due to both isolation from greater issues, and stronger blood (with less inbreeding). however, even these isolated tribes will be hard to track down at this point, and at most have a few DB's in them.

2)cathak... i will give adam a bit of info that he will recieve privately, and then you guys can all just have a sit down. note: cathak should be dead, but the book doesn't say so. so, without further book guidance, he is an ancient (for modern times) DB with pretty high essence. He is seen as somewhat senile and out of the loop, but is still given a great deal of respect, especially by his grandson Cainan.

3)house cathak distrusts sorcery greatly, though an occasional exception is made for artificers.

4)i will be setting up another thread solely for in circle discussion.

"the offers have been carefully scrutinized. One or both parents will be appropriately aspected, and you will not be suspected... unless we want you to be for greater leverage of course. yes, this will do nicely. i will arrange a few play dates for you in the coming days... we must move quickly with some of these, as the offers are time sensitive. I will also give you a potion that should be given to each of the women to improve their fertility, though they may of course choose not to use it. It will serve as a show of our good will.

Go enjoy your day grandson, i will make the rest of the necessary arrangements."

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:14 pm
by rydi
Cathak wants to invigorate the youth. he sees the ennui of the realm as one of its biggest weaknesses, along with the bureaucratic process that slows action to a crawl. He wants a return to the days where the realm was still establishing itself, and every DB was needed and useful.

In today's era of disorder and decadence, every DB is needed... but not useful. And even though they are needed, the bureaucracy doesn't place young DB's where they are most needed. Cathak wants you to do that. And he wants to be prepared for when the solar anathema invade. While he is old enough that he doesn't necessarily believe all the propaganda of the immaculates, he nonetheless fears and loathes the solars. The lunars... meh. maybe they can be dealt with.

As far as over in Wonderfalls... See if there is any thing of value that can be taken from the fallen satrap, in terms of alliance, trade, artifacts, or still loyal individuals. even if they are ultimately an enemy, there is no reason not to profit from them if possible.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:06 am
by rydi
you guys can talk with cathak now...

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:02 pm
by rydi
ooc: Well, as i await people's participation in the cathak meeting, i will set up a lovely romantic interlude...

There are four women that have been penciled into your day planner, along with enough personal information that the meetings will not be awkward.

Tepat Ajra
A veteran of countless battles, Ajra is well respected for her military acumen. She recieves nearly as much disdain however for her lack of social graces, and her seeming inability to breed an heir to her estate, though she has certainly tried (she is on her 4th husband, a young earth aspected graduate of the [place where lost eggs go... stair, ladder... whatever]). At nearly 200, she is desperate to carry on her legacy, and to redeem herself in the eyes of society. You will be expected to attend her at her estate. In return for successful breeding, she has promised military support... Though honestly she couldn't care less about keeping the father of her children secret.

Tepet Nijone
A young air aspected woman whose earth aspected husband died only days ago, after his recent visit home. Her mother made the arrangements, and promises political favors. It is unclear how interested the young woman is in the whole affair, but regardless, you are to have dinner with her and her mother, which will be followed by... activities.

Nellans Vireti
A matriarch of one of the biggest trading families in house Nellens, Vireti is out right purchasing your services. She has one fire aspected son from a previous marriage, but she has yet to have another DB child in the hundred years since his birth. Her current husband has both wood and earth in his bloodline, but his is an aging patrician that was married for monetary and political reasons (and rumor has it, because she actually liked him). She will visit you at your place of lodging.

Nellans Talisti
The human daughter of Vireti by her current husband. Her mother wishes her to have a well breed child, and to increase the strength of the blood in her house. Talisti seems interested in the arrangement, as it will give her greater importance in the house, and because she is extremely fond of dragonblooded men (she makes the rounds at all the parties, and her current husband, a low ranking patrician from a good bloodline doesn't have the power to do anything about it.)

Take your pick on which you want to interact with first.

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:22 pm
by Avilister
I'm thinking Nijone, Vireti, Talisti, Ajra. Best to let the Tepet know that we're engaging their offers, but leave Ajra for last if she's going to be particularly vocal, simply to avoid scaring any others away. All seem like they'll be good contacts, and I should get good use out of what Presence charms I have that aren't for killing people (which most of them are...)

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 12:36 am
by rydi
Dinner is a polite affair. A light meal is served (wouldn't want anyone too full...), and an excellent flautist is playing in the background. Trained weasels do tricks. Apparently they are family pets, and have thankfully had their musk glands removed.

Nijone is not terribly talkative, though her mother is quite engaging, talking about politics, finances, and the state of the world. She asks your stance on such things, and Nijone sits back in boredom.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:02 pm
by Avilister
Aizan answers as best he can, often deflecting questions with excuses about having been absent from life in the Realm for the last few years. He compliments the trained weasels and tries to generally deflect mom in favor of daughter.

Aizan (who I don't have my sheet for here at work, but is somewhere in the realm of a 5 Charisma on top of his Presence) tries to do what he can to draw her out and engage her on many of the same issues that her mother brings up. Also probing her to see what her interests are and her stance on her late husband (was it a political thing? did she actually like him? withdraw from the topic if she looks like she doesn't want to talk about it). Generally trying to be polite, engaging, interesting, and see if there's really anything I can do to make the ordeal more enjoyable. Half of the point (to him anyway) is to try to make some good contacts in other Houses.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:48 pm
by rydi
Mom is irritated about being thwarted, but can't get angry at such a nice young man.

Nijone herself comes out of her shell once she realizes that someone is actually talking to her. She is apparently not used to attention, and is more often someone else's tool. Her husband was an arranged marriage to gain clout for her family, and to increase her family's breeding. As her mother's only daughter, she was sent to the spiral acadamy (the bureau school) for secondary school rather than taking her rightful place in the legions, and is incredibly bored by her life. The only positive thing she has to say about her husband is that he had the most wonderful war stories. Her political views slip out, to the embarrasment of her mother, and you find out that she favors Cainen for the throne, and thinks Mnemon is the next best thing to a Yozi. She is frightened by the return of the anathema, and has a crush on you.

The meal winds down, and mom makes a graceful exit. "interaction" is tentative and playful from here, moving to more serious as you spend more time alone together. All in all it is a pretty good evening, ended by her falling asleep (I'd say that you do too, but rock doesn't sleep).

What did you want to do the next day? follow ups? next in line? what?